SFX: Supernatural Suppressor: You subconsciously suppress all supernatural abilities in your zone and adjacent zones.
This is a passive, ambient effect that you are unaware of and that you cannot choose to turn off, and it entirely replaces the normal usage of this Ability Set's Suppression trait.
All supernatural traits, assets, and complications within your range (other than this Ability Set's Suppression trait or the Suppression trait of other characters with this SFX) are stepped down.
Additionally, when other characters within your range resolve the outcome of a dice pool that includes one or more supernatural traits or assets with a step that is lower than this Ability Set's Suppression Trait, they select one fewer die to include in their total than usual.
Limit: Suppressor Selective Memory: You are psychologically incapable of believing in the supernatural, and will either entirely block or rationally reconstruct any memories of witnessed supernatural events in favor of a revisionist mundane explanation after the fact. Gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you.
Limit: Activated: Shut down this Ability Set if asleep, or unconscious. Recover this Ability Set when you awake.
Limit: Supernatural Aura: You have a supernatural aura that is detectable by those with special senses. Gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you.