Ezra is a decent man of simple faith, raised in a sheltered bubble within a very conservative circle of Roman Catholic families. Church, community, and family are indistinguishable to him, and his responsibilities to each are closely intertwined. Ezra follows in the footsteps of his father, uncles, grandfather, great grandfather and so on a few generations further on by serving the RCC in a secular capacity as part of the ancient Ordo Campeadoro, which in the modern day is an inner sect hidden within the Knights of Columbus.
Trained from young adulthood on as a potential bearer of his order's greatest treasure and responsibility, the mighty sword Colada, Ezra was found to be worthy to wield it after the previous wielder fell in battle against a demon-possessed fiend. The sword was recovered, but the fallen knight's body was not.
Colada is a mighty weapon purpose-built to smite supernatural threats to the followers of Christ; it can only be properly wielded by a devout Catholic of pure faith. In the hands of such a bearer Colada has a number of potent abilities, first and foremost of which is the capacity to literally cleave even extremely hardy supernatural creatures, inflicting grievous injuries. Secondarily Colada can be made to glow, shedding a bright and penetrating light around the bearer; this light can also be focused into a blinding beam at will. Finally, Colada renders its bearer highly resistent to conventional physical harm.
Sword in hand,
it lights up all the field,
so clean and bright,
even a glancing blow,
breaks away the top of helms,
rips away coifs and hoods,
to cut the hairs of heads,
to reach well into flesh,
to let the blood of infidels
-- translation from Cantar de mio Cid
With the support of his order, Ezra hunts supernatural threats that somehow come to the attention of the Roman Catholic Church in North America. When word of such a threat reaches the ears of the order via a network of friendly priests, fellow Knights, and allies, Ordo Campeadoro agents attempt to verify a supernatural aspect. If they do deem it worth his attention, Ezra packs his sword bag and makes a road trip.
Ezra has done well in his role over the last few years, successfully slaying over twenty supernatural evils. Ezra is not in it for the money, or for revenge, or for thrills; his is a holy calling.
Proceeds from any bounties collected go to his order and various charities and "good works". In return, Ezra is provided with a well-funded expense account whenever he is pursuing business of the Ordo Campeadoro.
NOTE: In addition to Colada, Ezra also carries a set of fencing equipment, a fencing rapier, and a razor sharp mundane sword that he uses most of the time; Colada is reserved for situations in which it is appropriate.