Travel Traits
Some Ability traits allow characters to run or jump better such as Running and Leaping,
or to have an exotic form of movement such as Flight or Teleportation.
Though the primary benefit of such abilities is to facilitate getting from point A to point B
more expediently, Travel traits can also be used on actions and reactions where they are beneficial
or relevant. For instance, a character might include Leaping in a dice pool when reacting to an
attack by acrobatically jumping out of the way, or when attacking to represent
incorporating their prodigious jumping into their assault.
It is possible for a character to take a custom Travel trait and name it something like Wallcrawling or Swinging or Levitation
as long as the players and GM involved reach a consensus on what that means in actual play.
However, the following traits are standardized and assumed to be available to characters with sufficient
justification within the setting.