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d4 (+1 PP)
Increasingly Formidable Wizard
Reliable (Usually)
Secrets Man Was Not Meant To Know



Plot Points










Credentials: d8

FBI Consultant credentials

Wealthy: d8

Old family money

Sanctum: d10

Heavily warded mansion

Teleport Circles: d6

Various prepared locations

Ability Sets


Warding: d6
Fortitude: d6
Stamina: d6
Willpower: d6

SFX: Surge: In a dice pool including one of this Ability Set's traits you may remove two dice of equal steps from the dice pool; if you do you may step up one of the removed dice and put it back into your dice pool.

Limit: Marked By The Elder Gods: You have been marked by a cthonic cosmic entity which is detectable by those with special senses and draws unwanted attention from cthonic minions and cultists. Gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you.

Limit: Supernatural Aura: You have a supernatural aura that is detectable by those with special senses. Gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you.

Master Wizard

Spells: d8
Teleport: d8

SFX: Hermetic Ritual: If you have the time and materials to prepare and execute an elaborate hermetic ritual you may step up an Ability trait you are using Spells to emulate two steps for one action.

SFX: Unleashed: You may step up or double one of this Ability Set's traits for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal die rating of that Ability trait.

Limit: Gate: This Ability Set's Teleport trait can only be used to make Teleportation Gates. To do so, announce the size of the gate (from 1' x 1' to 10' x 10'), the destination, and whether the gate is unidirection or bidrectional. Then, roll against the doom pool. If successful, a Teleportation Gate asset with a die rating equal to your effect die is placed onto your current location. People and objects can move through the gate in the directions you decided when you made the gate, emerging at the destination on the other side. The gate remains open while the asset remains in play, or until you take an action to close the gate (whichever comes first).

Limit: Loci: Normally, you may only open Teleportation Gates to destinations that you know. However, you may spend a Plot Point to attempt to open a Teleportation Gate to the current location of a specific person if you have an item with a strong connection to that person.

Amulet of Clear Seeing

Senses: d10

SFX: Sensory Circle: You may take an action and either spend one (1) Plot Point or suffer d4 Ego Stress to allow allies sharing your zone to use this Ability Set's Senses trait as if they had the trait themselves. This effect lasts until the end of the Scene.

Limit: Conscious Activation: Shut down this Ability Set if stressed out, asleep, or unconscious. Recover this Ability Set when stress is recovered or you awake. If Ego Trauma is taken, shut down this Ability Set until trauma is recovered.

Limit: Gear: This Ability Set's traits are shut down if one or more items of gear are unavailable or rendered inoperable; gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you. You may recover traits shut down in this way when it is appropriate to the narrative; this may require you to activate an opportunity or take an action against the doom pool at the GM's discretion.

Limit: Supernatural Aura: This object has a supernatural aura that is detectable by those with special senses. Gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you.

Bracers of Warding

Durability: d6

SFX: Warded: When you are able to include the Warding trait from your Mystic Ability Set in a dice pool you may also include this Ability Set's Durability trait in that dice pool, and vice versa. If you do and succeed, you may step down the highest die in the doom pool.

SFX: Protective Circle: You may take an action and either spend one (1) Plot Point or suffer d4 Ego Stress to allow allies sharing your zone to use your Warding, Fortitude, or Durability traits as if they had the trait themselves. This effect lasts until you next use your Spells trait or move out of your current zone.

Limit: Gear: This Ability Set's traits are shut down if one or more items of gear are unavailable or rendered inoperable; gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you. You may recover traits shut down in this way when it is appropriate to the narrative; this may require you to activate an opportunity or take an action against the doom pool at the GM's discretion.

Limit: Supernatural Aura: This object has a supernatural aura that is detectable by those with special senses. Gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you.

Ring of the Stone

Ranged: d8
Counterspell: d6
Shield: d6

SFX: Boost: You may step up or double one of this Ability Set's traits for an action or reaction. If you do, shut down this SFX after the action or reaction is resolved. You may activate an opportunity or spend a Transition Scene to recover this SFX if it was shut down in this way.

SFX: Punishing: When using this Ability Set's Ranged trait to make an attack against a target that is sensitive or vulnerable to something specific, you may choose to tune the Ring to take advantage of it. If you do step up or double Ranged before adding it to your dice pool; a narrative explanation of how the tuned attack looks is appropriate. If your attack is successful any relevant limits or restrictions of the target apply. For instance, versus a target that cannot regenerate damage caused by fire, tuning the Ring to project a flaming bolt would prevent the target from regenerating any damage caused by the attack.

Limit: Destabilizing: To use one of this Ability Set's traits or SFX on an action or reaction you must either spend one (1) Plot Point, or take a die from the doom pool and include it in your dice pool. If you take a die from the doom pool, after the action or reaction is resolved step up that die and return it to the doom pool.

Limit: Exclusive Traits: The traits of this Ability Set are exclusive to one another, only one can be active at a time. You must decide which is currently active each time you have a panel; the other traits are shut down.

Limit: Gear: This Ability Set's traits are shut down if one or more items of gear are unavailable or rendered inoperable; gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you. You may recover traits shut down in this way when it is appropriate to the narrative; this may require you to activate an opportunity or take an action against the doom pool at the GM's discretion.

Limit: Supernatural Aura: This object has a supernatural aura that is detectable by those with special senses. Gain one (1) Plot Point when this becomes a Complication for you.


Scholar [  ]

The Scholar Vocation allows the following special Exploits:

  • Exploit: Recall useful information regarding an academic subject you might reasonably have learned a little something about in the past (GM's discretion applies).
  • Exploit: You may reroll a dice pool that includes your Smarts; the second result must be kept.
  • Exploit: During a Transition Scene you can create a knowledge related d8 Asset if you are able to cram information on that subject.

Wizard [  ][  ]

The Wizard Vocation allows the following special Exploits:

  • Exploit: Immediately recognize and recall highly detailed esoteric lore regarding a subject with magical or legendary significance (GM's discretion applies).
  • Exploit: You may add your Smarts die to a dice pool that also includes your Wizard Vocation die even if you have also added a different Aptitude die to that dice pool.
  • Exploit: If you are using your Hermetic Ritual SFX you may keep an extra die for your total.
  • Signature Exploit: For one (1) Scene you may ignore the effects of an ability that would diminish your longevity or lifespan.
  • Signature Exploit: You may use a SFX you do not have for one (1) action or reaction that includes an Ability trait from your Master Wizard Ability Set in its dice pool.
  • Signature Exploit: You may double your Psyche trait when including it in the dice pool for any action or reaction with a Cthonic theme; if you do you may keep an extra die for your total.

Businessman [  ]

The Businessman Vocation allows the following special Exploits:

  • Exploit: You can assess the market value of a commodity relevant to your type of business at a glance or by description.
  • Exploit: You may add Finesse, Smarts, and Psyche to your dice pool on an action or reaction related to making a deal or bargain; if you do remove the highest rolling die from the result or step down the effect die.
  • Exploit: During a Transition Scene you may conduct business related to commerce 'off screen' with a favorable outcome (GM's discretion applies).

Standard Exploits

All Vocations have the following standard exploits available to them.

  • Exploit: Augment Dice Pool Result: for a dice pool result that inludes your Vocation trait die, you may either keep an extra die for your total or step up the effect die.
  • Exploit: Create a Asset: a Asset is a temporary d6 trait that represents a professional contact, a piece of equipment, or some kind of useful knowledge related to your Vocation. The Asset lasts until it is removed by someone or because it becomes no longer relevant to the narrative. Write down [Name of the Asset]: d6; you may add it as an additional die whenever the Asset is relevant to an action or reaction. How long it may take to create a particular Asset, and whether it can be done as part of an Action Scene or must be done in a Transition Scene is left to common sense and GM's discretion.
  • Exploit: Affect Complications: if there is a Complication that your Vocation pertains to, you can step it down or remove it from play by describing how your expertise allows you to overcome the Complication. If the Complication is a d6 eliminate it, if it is d8 or higher step it down. Alternately, if you can justify how your Vocation applies, you may create a d6 Complication and put it into play or step up an existing Complication.


The Ring

It took you decades to figure out the puzzle box your father left you, which also propelled you through most of the necessary effort to progress from journeyman to master (as your father no doubt intended). Once you opened the box, you found inside a mysterious magical ring. It has some obvious (and potent) powers, but you sense that it contains further mysteries for you to discover.


The first time in a session when you use the Ring instead of your other abilities.

+1 Plot Point

When you learn the true nature of the Ring.

gain two (2) Advances, then retire this Milestone Set and choose another one

When you learn the true nature of the Ring.

gain two (2) Advances, then retire this Milestone Set and choose another one

Entrepreneurial Executive

As founder and CEO of newly minted Unconventional Solutions LLC you endeavor to make sound business decisions, fulfill your obligations to your partners, and lead the firm to success. This often requires you to overcome your lack of social skills.


The first time in a session when your limited social skills become a Complication for you.

+1 Plot Point

The first time in a session when you enrich the narrative by pursuing a business objective.

+1 Plot Point

When you do something unselfish at risk or cost to yourself on behalf of your business interests.

gain one (1) Advance