Ability Sets may include one or more "Special Effects", abbreviated as SFX.
Unlike Ability traits, SFX allow a character to expand their capabilities beyond
what is normally allowed, offer options to manipualte dice pools to a character's advantage,
or might even modify or bend the normal rules of the game in some way.
SFX can also be used to grant a character a narrow intrinsic ability such as the ability to breathe in an unusual environment, or a quirk that is situationally useful but not weighty enough for a full Ability trait.
They offer a powerful tool to express interesting and distinct character concepts.
A non-comprehensive list of example SFX is provided below, organized loosely into categories
based upon function or purpose. However, players and GM's are strongly encouraged to come up with interesting
custom SFX of their own. The general power level and mechanics of the given examples should be used as a guide
as to the intended impact and utility SFX are meant to provide, and GM's can veto player defined SFX if they feel
they are too unbalancing or (worse) unfun. Otherwise, have at it.
Note that many of the iconic, campaign, and scenario specific characters described elsewhere in these materials
have custom SFX that are not included in the example SFX list, . Of course, a player or GM can use those
bespoke SFX for their own characters as well, but the intent is to illustrate that a distinctive SFX can be tailored
specifically to suit a given character.
Standard SFX
Players are encouraged to work with the GM to define signature SFX tailored to their characters,
but a collection of standard SFX are provided below to choose from.
SFX: Area Attack: When taking an attack action using one of this Ability Set's traits you may target multiple opponents; for each additional target add a d6 to your dice pool and keep an additional effect die.
SFX: Battle Grace: When using one of this Ability Set's traits as part of a reaction to avoid taking damage from an attack during an Action Scene, you may remove any 1's that you roll; they do not count as opportunities if removed.
SFX: Boost: You may step up or double one of this Ability Set's traits for an action or reaction. If you do, shut down this SFX after the action or reaction is resolved. You may activate an opportunity or spend a Transition Scene to recover this SFX if it was shut down in this way.
SFX: Defensive Mobility: On a successful reaction using Reflexes, you may move into an adjacent zone for free.
SFX: Defensive Stance: On a successful reaction against an attempt to shut down or complicate one of this Ability Set's traits, you may inflict Physical or Ego Stress with your effect die (your choice).
SFX: Elusive: You may double Reflexes on reaction rolls; if you do remove the highest rolling die and include an additional die in your result.
SFX: Encouraging: You may use Persuasion to boost an ally's confidence by taking an action against the doom pool; if you succeed you may use your effect die to grant the ally a Asset called 'Encouraged' that they can use for the remainder of the Scene.
SFX: Graceful: When using one of this Ability Set's traits or SFX on an action or reaction, you may remove a single 1 that you rolled from the result; it does not count as an opportunity if removed.
SFX: Grappler: When inflicting a Grapple Complication on a target you may add a d6 to your dice pool and step up your effect die.
SFX: Jumpy: When you make a reaction roll against a physical attack you may add this Ability Set's Leaping trait to your dice pool. If successful, you may reposition yourself anywhere within range of your Leaping.
SFX: Mounted Combat: You may step up or double Violence on action and reaction rolls when in combat while riding on a steed, as long as you have at least a little room to maneuver.
SFX: Perceptive: You may double this Ability Set's Senses trait on action and reaction rolls and add an additional die to your total.
SFX: Presence: When taking an action using one of this Ability Set's traits with the intent to inflict Ego Stress on a target,
you may add d6 to your dice pool and step up the effect die.
SFX: Push [trait-name]: Step up and double [trait-name] for one action, then step back [trait-name] trait until you are able to recover it by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.
SFX: Rebounding Attack: You may double Violence and add an additional die to your total when making an attack action against an opponent who has attempted to attack you and failed since your previous panel or the start of this scene.
SFX: Reinforced Armor: You may double Armor on reaction rolls; if you do step down the highest die in your dice pool and include an additional die in your total.
SFX: Resourceful: You may add a d6 and step up your effect die when using one of this Ability Set's traits to create a Asset.
SFX: Scrappy: When making a reaction roll that includes this Ability Set's Durability trait, if you are not encumbered and can move around you may also add this Ability Set's Reflexes trait to your dice pool.
SFX: Shield: When you include your Armor trait in the dice pool of a reaction roll against an attack,
if you are currently using a shield you may add a d6 to your dice pool and include an additional die in your total.
SFX: Surge: In a dice pool including one of this Ability Set's traits you may remove two dice of equal steps from the dice pool;
if you do you may step up one of the removed dice and put it back into your dice pool.
SFX: Tough: When using a trait from this Ability Set as part of a reaction to avoid taking Stress, if Stress is inflicted on you step it down before it is applied.
SFX: Tracking Scent: You may step up and double this Ability Set's Senses trait when using it to track by scent. If you do, discard the highest die rolled but include an additional die in your total.
SFX: Versatile [trait-name]: You may step down and double [trait-name], or step down twice and triple [trait-name]
Plot Point SFX
Some SFX provide greater than normal benefit to a character, but at the steep cost of requiring one (1) Plot Point to be spent.
A few examples of this type of SFX are provided below.
SFX: Deadly: When you inflict Body Stress or Trauma with an attack that includes one of this Ability Set's traits you may spend one (1) Plot Point to step it up.
SFX: Do Over: On a failed action or reaction using one of this Ability Set's traits you may spend one (1) Plot Point to reroll your result; the second result must be taken if you do this.
SFX: Glory Seeker: You may spend one (1) Plot Point to double one (1) Aptitude for the duration of the current Scene.
SFX: Plot Protection: You may spend one (1) Plot Point to avoid taking Trauma from a single attack.
SFX: Vigilant: If you are adding the Senses trait from this Ability Set to the dice pool of a reaction roll you may step up or double Senses. If you fail your roll you may spend one (1) Plot Point to reroll all the dice from the failed result; the second result must be taken if you do this.
Doomed SFX
Players do not usually interact directly with the doom pool and the movement
of dice to and from the doom pool is a matter described by the rules and handled by the GM.
However, some SFX can change the ways in which a player character interacts with the doom pool and might
even put some measure of control of the standard doom pool mechanics in the hands of a player.
Other SFX offer a greater than normal benefit to a character but at the cost of worsening the doom pool.
A few examples of this type of SFX are provided below.
SFX: All Out Attack: When taking an attack action using one of this Ability Set's traits, you may borrow a die from the doom pool and add it to your dice pool.
After your action is completed step up the borrowed die and return it to the doom pool.
SFX: Burst of Strength: You may step up a die in the doom pool to step up the Strength trait from this Ability Set when adding it to the dice pool of an action or reaction. If you do, you may keep an extra die for your total.
SFX: Coolheaded: You may take a die from the doom pool, step it down, and apply it to yourself as Ego Stress.
SFX: Escalation: You may add a d8 to the doom pool to step up and double one of this Ability Set's traits for your next action or reaction.
SFX: Exterminator: After stressing out or killing someone during an Action Scene, you may step down the highest die in the doom pool.
SFX: Feedback Loop: After inflicting Ego Trauma on a target, you may remove the highest die in the doom pool.
SFX: Reckless: You may borrow a d8 or d10 from the doom pool and add it to your dice pool for your next action or reaction using one of this Ability Set's traits. After your action is completed step up the borrowed die and return it to the doom pool.
SFX: Regulator: You may spend one (1) Plot Point to borrow the highest die in the doom pool to use for your next action or reaction that
includes one of this Ability Set's traits;
if you do this step back and return the borrowed die to the doom pool after your action or reaction is completed.
SFX: Second Wind: You may add your Body Stress die to the dice pool for your next action, then step the die up and add it to the doom pool after the action is resolved.
SFX: Unleashed: You may step up or double one of this Ability Set's traits for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal die rating of that Ability trait.
SFX: Unstoppable: If you are taking an action or reaction that includes the Stamina trait from this Ability Set in its dice pool and are successful, you may spend one (1) Plot Point to move your Body Stress die to the doom pool.
Ranged, Melee, and Unarmed SFX
Many characters rely on the Ranged, Melee, or Unarmed traits as their means of attacking opponents.
SFX offer ways for individual characters to differentiate themselves in this area.
A few examples of this type of SFX are provided below. Note that such SFX
make the assumption that they are in an Ability Set which includes the trait referred to in the rules text.
SFX: Burly Brawler: You may use this Ability Set's Strength trait as if it were the Unarmed trait without stepping it down.
SFX: Deadly Blow: On a successful Melee attack that inflicts Body damage you may step up the effect die.
SFX: Deadly Shot: On a successful Ranged attack that inflicts Body damage you may step up the effect die.
SFX: Double Shot: When making an attack action you may step down and double your Ranged trait and keep an additional effect die for one additional target.
SFX: Double Strike: When making an attack action you may step down and double your Melee or Unarmed trait and keep an additional effect die for one additional target.
SFX: Heavy Weight Brawler: When taking an action or reaction that includes Unarmed you may include Strength in your dice pool as well.
SFX: Martial Artist: All opponents who react to your Melee or Unarmed actions must replace the highest die in their dice pool with a d4.
SFX: Return Fire: You may include your Ranged trait in a reaction roll against a Ranged attack; if you succeed you may use your effect die to inflict Body Stress upon your attacker.
SFX: Riposte: When you include your Melee or Unarmed trait in a reaction roll against a Melee or Unarmed attack and succeed, you may use your effect die to inflict Body Stress upon your attacker.
SFX: Stunning Blow: When you make an attack action that includes your Unarmed trait or Strength trait, if the target offers you an opportunity on their reaction roll you may include an extra effect dice to inflict a Complication on them called 'Stunned' that prevents the target from taking actions other than attempting to remove the Complication.
SFX: Trips Throws and Takedowns: When inflicting Body Stress on an opponent using Unarmed, you may also inflict the Complication 'Knocked Down: d6' on them.
SFX: Tooth and Claw: If attacking with Unarmed, step back the highest die in your dice pool and add a d6 to your dice pool; step up Body Stress inflicted if your attack is succesful.
Weapon-specific SFX
By default the use of all melee weapons falls under the catch-all Melee trait, and
the use of all ranged weapons falls under the Ranged trait. A character with Melee: d10 is
very good with all kinds of melee weapons, for instance.
However the use of a specific kind of weapon is integral to some character concepts, and SFX offer
a way to reflect this in such a character's write up by making them specifically good with a particular
A few standard SFX templates are provided below for such characters; simply replace the
[weapon-type] placeholder with the name of a specific kind of weapon such as Sword or Bow or Pistol, as
applicable. Such abilities are usually equally applicable to either Melee or Ranged depending on
the specific type of weapon; i.e. Melee for Swords, Ranged for Bows, and so on.
A few examples of this type of SFX are provided below.
SFX: Armed Deflection: You may include [Melee|Ranged] in reaction rolls against Ranged attacks when wielding a [weapon-type] if you are aware of your attacker and able to move.
SFX: Lethal Weapon: You may add d6 to your dice pool and step up the effect die if you are taking an action to inflict Body Stress while using the [Melee|Ranged] trait and wielding a [weapon-type].
SFX: [weapon-type] Master: You may borrow a d6 from the doom pool and add it to your dice pool on action rolls that include [Melee|Ranged] if your current weapon is a [weapon-type]; if you do so you may keep an extra die for your total. Afterwards discard the die borrowed from the doom pool if you succeeded otherwise return it to the doom pool.
SFX: [weapon-type] Specialist: You are specialized in the use of [weapon-type]s; you may step up and double [Melee|Ranged] when using such a weapon and must step down [Melee|Ranged] when using any other sort of weapon.
Ability Set Activation SFX
Normally all of a character's Ability Sets are always considered to be on or available at all times.
However some Ability Sets take one or more Limits which either require an Ability Set to be specifically
"activated", or define some circumstance which will "shut down" an Ability Set.
Alternately, some SFX will shut down the Ability Set they are in but provide a temporary boost or power up.
While having some or all of their Ability Sets shut down diminishes the capabilities of a character,
they also provide an opportunity for such a character to take one or more SFX that have an automatic effect when the Ability Set they are in
is activated or deactivated.
A few examples of this type of SFX are provided below.
SFX: Berserker: When this Ability Set is activated clear your Body Stress, step up your Violence trait, and step down your Smarts and Finesse traits. When this Ability Set is shut down reset your Violence, Smarts, and Finesse traits to their original values and take d8 Ego Stress.
SFX: Invigorating: When you activate this Ability Set remove your Body Stress die, double it, and move both dice to the doom pool.
You may spend one (1) Plot Point to do the same when you shut down this Ability Set.
Elevated SFX
Sometimes an Ability Set will include one or more SFX that apply to the character overall, or
provide some kind of general capability beyond the norm. These can be difficult to balance, but
are also a powerful character design tool. Some examples follow, but players and GM's can work
together to define other such broad SFX.
SFX: Armory: Once per session if you have access to your Armory you may take an action against the doom pool with a dice pool of your Tier + Finesse + Smarts + a relevant Distinction + a relevant Vocation; if you are successful you may immediately put each effect die available to you into play as an Asset representing something that might reasonably be contained within your Armory (GM's discretion applies).
Any Assets put into play in this way may be used by others.
SFX: Metasis: When you are at d12 Ego Stress and have some Ego Trauma, you may continue to take actions if the Ego Trauma step is not higher than this Ability Set's Willpower trait. At the start of each round of an Action Scene, any Ego Stress and / or Ego Trauma you have is automatically stepped down. During a Transition Scene, you may spend one (1) Plot Point to clear both your Ego Stress and / or Ego Trauma.
SFX: Opportunist: Once per Scene you may activate an opportunity without spending a Plot Point.
SFX: Regeneration: When you are at d12 Body Stress and have some Body Trauma, you may continue to take actions if the Body Trauma step is not higher than this Ability Set's Stamina trait. At the start of each round of an Action Scene, any Body Stress and / or Body Trauma you have is automatically stepped down. During a Transition Scene, you may spend one (1) Plot Point to clear both your Body Stress and / or Body Trauma.
SFX: Survivalist: Naturally occurring environmental effects never inflict Stress or Trauma on you.