Eld-Folk (Kaer-Na)
Ul-Nar was slain in battle with a Vorshek in the Jarval-Beahan War.
"Tiergeisten By Fate Was Called
And Stricken Down Unfairly
Untimely Doom Was Forestalled
He it is Who Finds The Enemy
And Tho Abeyed Doom Befall'd
First The Arrows Pointed Truly
A Totemic Warrior of the Kaer-Naese people far to the north east on the edges of
the continent, traveling abroad on a a Spirit Quest per the customs of his people.
He was stricken down by an ambush launched on him by twelve bandits while one his
way to Lanolyan on the northern trade route. Though grossly outnumbered and taken
by surprise, the formidable Ul-Nar managed to slay all twelve of his attackers,
but accrued so many wounds in the process that he began to bleed out and eventually
succumbed to unconsciousness.
Fortunately for him, the Arrows stumbled upon the scene and Saemund's chiurgy saved
him from death's door.
After recovering, Ul-Nar swore to accompany his new companion until his life debt
was repaid.
Sometime thereafter the group became involved in the most recent Jarval-Beahan war
with the Kor in the south of the Vorgaanese basin, fighting as a group under the
name of The Arrows.. Ul-Nar proved to be a potent addition to the Arrows in their
efforts in the war, and Ul-Nar was personally instrumental in the location of the
Kor leader, the Warlord Gardek. Thereafter the Arrows were part of a crack strike
force that snuck behind enemy lines and struck Gardek's command post directly.
The strike force wreaked massive havoc, slew many of Gardek's retinue, and forced
Gardek himself into a full rout. Thereafter the war turned on the Kor and it was
soon resolved to Jarval-Beah's advantage. However Ul-Nar was not alive to witness
it as he had been struck dead in the attack when he took a blow from a Vorshek fighting
in the Warlord's retinue, which was aimed at Brother Ernault in a moment of imbalance.
Hopelessly crushed and broken by the massive attack, Ul-Nar died before anyone could
get him to safety or attempt to stabilize his condition.
Ul-Nar and Ayden had become close friends during Ul-Nar's time with the group, and
the Faendradi who would one day be Laird of his Clan never forgot his fallen comrade,
carrying one of Ul-Nar's arrows in his own quiver all his long life.