This section contains information relating to the Nations of San'Dora.
- AELFINAN: The nations of the Haelfinan.
- VARHOLDS: The holdfasts of the Var.
- KOR: The tribelands of the Kor.
- ULLU: The nations of the Ullu.
- HUMAN: The nations of Mankind
- ELITHIAN: The nations descended from the Elith-men.
- VORGAANESE: The nations that once were the Vorgaanese Empire.
- HORTASHIC: The nations that once were Hortash.
- ARANASHI: The nations of the Aranashi people.
- UNDARI: The nations that once were the Undari Empire.
- ZHAIIR: The nations that once where the Zhaiirian Union.
- ZADESHI: The current Zadeshi Empire.
- VOLKERALTEN: The nations of the Volkeralten.
- NORDMANNER: The fiefs of the Nordmanner people.
- MACHTIG: The Clanholds
of the Macthig.
- ELD-FOLK: The nations of the Eld-Folk.
- OTHER: Other nations across the globe.