Heiligkamper (HAIL-eg-KOMP-fer) are members of a militant organization dedicated
to the service of an intolerant deity that champions singularity of vision, purity,
adherence to a strict monotheistic or nearly monotheistic creed, and unwavering
dedication from its Paladin-esque members.
Heiligkamper can be powerful allies, but are also very dangerous to deal with as
they tend to see signs of unworthiness in any who are exposed to the truth of Verinc
for a while and still don't convert.
Heilgkamper use the Gestalt Casting method described in the
Dominine Magic System Document. Verinc gives access to the
Destruction, Strength, and
War Domains. Verinc is generous with Gifts, and many of the more
devout followers have one or more.
The followers of Verinc (god of "Truth", Hegemony, Solidarity, Unity,
Absolutism) believe that all other gods are false and only Verinc is a true deity.
There is but one way to worship Verinc, and thus followers of this religion are
one group rather than several small independent clutches and is referred to collectively
as the Versamkirche (VAIR-sohm-KIRK). They have a written doctrine called
the Weiseer Einheil (WHICE-ear INE-HAIL) which translates roughly as the
"Way of Unity".
Worship of Verinc has taken root most strongly among the northeastern Nordmanner,
with some presense across all of the northern Nordmanner lands. A generation ago
a few successful missionaries spread the religion westward across the Blasted Lands
and into rural areas of Lanolyan and Quiria, and though it is not as dominant in
those areas the religion has a respectable presense and is slowly groing.
The Heiligkamper are the clergymen and spiritual sheppards of their religion but
also the martial arm as well. Heiligkamper are "holy" warrior-priests
that actively seek out and fight against the worshippers of all other gods, monsters,
infidels and what have you in the name of their god. They are also aggressive missionaries
in addition to serving to protect the zuverlsung (ZOO-ver-LAHS-ung), which
translates as "the Faithful".
Heiligkamper do not take vows of chastity, but their religion does frown upon non-marital
relations. Young Heiligkamper full of zeal and active travelers in the service to
the church eshew marriage until they settle down in their middle age (assuming they
survive so long), but those that are more stationary take wives and procreate prolifically
in accordance to the directive of the religion to "bear many children and multiply
the Faithful".
In the world of San'Dora Heiligkamper are recognizable by the distinctive red and
white tabards they wear, usually over chain or scale armor.
Individual Heiligkamper run the gamut of appearances, but are mostly of either Nordmanner
or Vorgaanese descent. As a rule they practice good hygeine and pay attention to
maintaining their appearance as both physical and spiritual cleanliness is an important
sub-current of their dogma. Beards are uncommon among the men, those that do have
them usually keep them well kempt, and hair is usually worn short on the sides and
in a warrior crest down the middle, providing extra padding underneath the crested
helmets they wear.
White and red are the principal colors of the religion, representing the spiritual
(white) and the corporeal (red), and are used somewhat ubiquitously in Heiligkamper
raiment and symbology.
The Heiligkamper train to fight with all mainstream weapons, but the favored weapon
of Verinc is a solid metal mace (not to be confused with a chain mace, more often
called a morningstar or morgenstern) typically around three feet in total length,
though with smaller and larger specimens common.
All Heiligkamper at least carry a one-handed metal mace and most use them as their
primary weapon, but some use other weapons such as swords and axes as they prefer
without penalty. Lower ranking Heilgkamper bear simple "ball" or "knobbed"
maces, but higher ranking Heiligkamper bear flanged maces which sport metal edges.
Such a mace can serve as a Holy Symbol to Verinc in a pinch, if the need is great.
Almost all Heiligkamper fight with a sheild. The Nordmanner use the square shields
typical of their lands, while the Vorgaanese use the kite shield typical of theirs.
Medium Foot Package
Resolute: +3 EGO
Lettered: Literacy w/ Native Language
Second Skin: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Wearing
Medium Armor (-1/2)
Power Skill: Faith (EGO)
Total Cost of Abilities
Distinctive Feature: Recognizable Garb (Easily Concealed)
Psychological Limitation: Religious Devotion (Uncommon, Strong)
Rivalry with followers of other deities (As Powerful, Group, Professional, Aware,
Convert or Kill)
Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Occasionally, Major, Not Limiting In Some
Total Cost of Package
Command Skills Package
Devout Mind: +5 EGO; Requires Faith Roll (-1/2)
Healing Hands: +1d6 Healing, Simplified Option
Blessing of Verinc: +15 REC (30 Active Points); Only When Taking A Non-Post
Segment 12 Recovery In Combat (-2)
Frightening Intensity: +10 PRE; Offensive Use Only (-1)
Favored Resilience: Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent
(+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self
Only (-1/2)
Divine Investiture
Some Heiligkamper are invested with divine power by their god and can evoke magical
effects. Invested Heilgkamper use the Gestalt Casting method described in the
Dominine Magic System Document.
Divine Investiture:
Sancti Package (Reduce Spell VPP to 15 Pool; Faith gained
from main package)
Domain: Choose One:
Higher Spell Level Pool: +15 Pool
Another Domain: Choose One:
A Heiligkamper that is Divinely Invested must take the following Disadvantage, which
they get the points for beyond their Disadvantage Max.
Distinctive Feature: Divine Magic User (Detectable By Magic, Concealable with Effort)
Gifts of Verinc
NOTE: Gifts of Verinc are only awarded to the worthy as determined by the
GM; unworthiness (ie behavior or actions inappropriate to the religion) can result
in the Gifts not working for a time or simply being removed from the character if
the GM deems it warranted.
Following are some sample Gifts of Verinc.
Unwavering Resolve: Mental Defense +15 points; Only When Serving The
God's Purposes (-1/2)
Inviolate Essense: Power Defense +15 points; Only When Serving The
God's Purposes (-1/2)
There is but one god (and his name is Verinc): Damage Reduction vs
Opposing Divine Magic, Resistant, 25%; Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2)
Immovable and Irresistable: Density Increase (800 kg mass,
+15 STR, +3 PD/ED, -3" KB); Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2); costs
1 END per Phase
Sheild of Faith: Force Field (4 PD/4 ED/4 Mental Defense/4 Power Defense/4
Flash Defense: Sight Group) (20 Active Points); Requires A Faith Roll (-1/2), Only
When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2); costs 2 END per Phase
Might of Verinc: +20 STR (20 Active Points); Only When Serving The
God's Purposes (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)
Blinding Light of Truth: Sight Group Flash 6d6 (30 Active Points);
Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2),
Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2); 9 END
Ray Of Faith:Energy Blast 5d6 (vs. ED) (25 Active Points); Only When
Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Increased Endurance
Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Law / Static SFX, 4 END
Warded Spirit: Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and
biowarfare agents; Longevity: 200 Years; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Static
/ Dynamic / Positive / Negative Energy Fields) (15 Active Points); Only When Serving
The God's Purposes (-1/2)
Warded Body: Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once
per week; Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn; Immunity: All terrestrial poisons
and chemical warfare agents; Safe in Intense Heat; Sleeping: Character only has
to sleep 8 hours per week) (15 Active Points); Only When Serving The God's Purposes
A Heiligkamper that has a Gift of Verinc but is not Divinely Invested must take
the following Disadvantage, which they get the points for beyond their Disadvantage
Max. If the Heiligkamper is also Divinely Invested the Disadvantage associated with
that state supercedes this Disadvantage.
A person with appropriate Magical Detects will sense a Heilgkamper has magical abilities
and depending on the nature of their detection can get quite a bit of information
about the nature and capabilities of the Gifts as well. Gifts can be dispelled and
adjusted as Divine Magical Effects.
Distinctive Feature: Verinc Touched (Detectable By Magic, Concealable with Effort)
Most of the Heilgkamper are not Divinely Invested and are subordinate to those that
are. The non-Invested Heiligkamper are collectively called the Laiegamunn
(LAYG-uh-MUHN) and form the dependable core of the Heilgkamper organization..
Laiegamunn can have Gifts of Verinc.
Most Heiligkamper are refered to as Glimmerung (GLIHM-ur-ROONG). The bulk
of the organization's numbers, Glimmerung are most typically members of a community
that otherwise live normal lives and usually practice some craft. In communities
composed entirely of the Faithful of Verinc, or otherwise dominated by them, they
are also usually one and the same as the local watch.
They are trained in the fighting arts and in return their typical duties include
protection of the local Faithful and acting as the foot sloggers for the more blessed
of the Heiligkamper. Occassionally they are pressed into some service by a superior
in the organization, but this is very rare and typically for a short duration as
it leaves the homefront vulnerable.
However some Glimmerung are not part of a community and instead are part of a retinue
that travels with a Gesegamunn searching out enemies of the faith, righting wrongs,
and spreading the religion.
Glimmerung wear a simple homsepun tabard with a red disk centered on the chest symbolizing
that they have pledged their heart to the service of the church.
Default Package without Divine Investiture; may have a Gift of Verinc with GM approval.
Veteran, experienced, or well connected Glemmerung are promoted to Glaenzen
(GLAYN-zun). They are essentially the same as Glimmerung in all particulars save
that they are senior to the Glimmerung and in the absence of any other Heilgikamper
of higer rank command their brethren.
Most communities of the Faithful will have around one Glaenzen per three to five
Glimmerung. A Heilgikamper must already be a Glimmerung, not be Divinely Invested,
and be well respected to gain this rank.
Glaenzen wear a fine red tabard with a white disk centered on the chest symbolizing
their purity of heart and willingness to sacrifice their bodily form in service
to the church if need be.
Rank Perk: Glaenzen; may have two Gifts of Verinc with GM approval.
NOTE: This is an ideal Rank for a Player Character as Brennenmarke have the
most freedom to travel and adventure.
Some Laiegamunn are not Invested but are particularly blessed by Gifts of Verinc
and thus are especially honored and respected among the faithful. Unlike other Laiegamunn
Brennenmarke (BRIN-in-MAHRK) are semi-independent and travel freely, often
beyond the lands of the Faithful. Accordingly they often have to be slightly more
tolerant of non-Faithful that at least don't obviously exhibit blasphemous behavior.
Brennenmarke have temporal authority almost equivalent to a Strahlen, but less spirtual
authority than a Shinung.
Brennenmarke wear very fine red tabards with a white eight pointed star upon the
chest that represents the favor they have found to be blessed so strongly by Verinc.
Brennenmarke may bear a mace with a head bearing eight flanges.
Some Brennenmarke are particularly favored with six or more Gifts and are called
Herennenmarke (HAIR-REN-nin-MAHRK). Their tabards are the same as those of
the Brennenmarke save that they have white trim and bear a six pointed white star
upon the chest instead. Herennenmarke may bear a mace with a head bearing six flanges.
Rank Perk: Brennenmarke; must have three or more Gifts of Verinc.
Rank Perk: Herennenmarke; must have six or more Gifts of Verinc.
+1 with Power Skill: Faith
Heilgkamper that are Divinely Invested are the highest echelon of the Faithful and
the Heiligkamper of Verinc for both temporal and spirtual matters. They are collectively
called the Gesegamunn (GEH-SEG-uh-MUHN)
Gesagamunn may have any number of Gifts of Verinc.
Gesagamunn must have at least one Domain chosen from Strength, Destruction, or War
and may have up to all three.
Some Heiligkamper start their careers Invested while others serve as Laiegamunn
for some time before being chosen by the god, and still others are merely Faithful
that hear the call.
A Heiligkamper that is Invested starts as a Shinung (SHEH-noong) regardless
of youth or age unless they were previously a Brennenmarke, in which case they become
a Leuctung instead.
Shinung usually travel, typically with a small retinue of Laiegamunn, searching
out enemies of the Faith to combat, lending aid to communities of the Faithful that
are beset by some challenge, and spreading the religion via missionary work.
Shinung wear white trimmed red tabards with a white gold medallion with a yellow
gold rim worn centered over their chest on a lanyard. The medallion bears the impression
of a ten pointed star and counts as a holy symbol of Verinc.
If a Glaenzen becomes Invested by Verinc, they need only pay 1 point to upgrade
their Rank Perk to Shinung.
Rank Perk: Shinung
Gesegamunn that are well blessed by Verinc, defined as having a VPP with 45 or more
Pool and the approval of the church, become Leuctung (LUKE-toong) and have
broad authority over both the temporal and spiritual lives of the Faithful.
Leuctung are much as Shinung but on a larger scale, with greater authority and typically
several Shinung led groups under their supervision.
Leuctung wear red trimmed white tabards with red satin linings and a white gold
medallion with a double rim of yellow gold worn centered over their chest on a lanyard.
The medallion bears the impression of an eight pointed star and counts as a holy
symbol of Verinc. Leuctung may bear a mace with a head bearing eight flanges.
If a Brennenmarke becomes Invested by Verinc, they don't need to pay any points
to upgrade their Rank Perk; simply change the label from Brennenmarke to Leuctung.
Rank Perk: Leuctung
Gesegamunn that are well blessed by Verinc, defined as having a VPP with 90 or more
Pool and the approval of the church, become Strahlen (STRAH-lehn) and have
tremendous authority over both the temporal and spiritual lives of the Faithful.
Some Strahlen prefer to remain active and assume overall control of several
Leuctung and Shinung and their retinues, but most Strahlen are getting on in years
and settle down to serve as the spiritual (and frequently de-facto temporal) leader
of a large population of the Faithful.
Strahlen wear double red trimmed white tabards with red satin linings and a white
gold medallion with a rim of rose gold worn centered over their chest on a lanyard.
The medallion bears the impression of a six pointed star and counts as a holy symbol
of Verinc. Strahlen may bear a mace with a head bearing six flanges.
Rank Perk: Strahlen
Gesegamunn that are well blessed by Verinc, defined as having a VPP with 120 or
more Pool and the approval of the church, become Heiligkeiten (HAIL-eg-KY-tehn)
and have tremendous authority over both the temporal and spiritual lives of the
Heiligkeiten are extremely rare, and there is but one per significant region or
population of the Faithful taken on a broad scale. Heiligkeiten are the ultimate
spiritual heads of their religion and can basically do whatever they think is appropriate
in the service of their deity. As long as their actions please their god they continue
to weild invested might which is proof of the god's approval to the faithful.
Heiligkeiten wear white tabards or robes with red satin linings and a solid white
gold medallion worn centered over their chest on a lanyard. The medallion bears
the impression of a four pointed star and counts as a holy symbol of Verinc. Strahlen
may bear a mace with a head bearing four flanges.
Rank Perk: Heiligkeiten
Basic Package Deals
The Dominine Magic System is
here. |
This Package Deal is for Domini using
the Gestalt Model |
Followers of a Patron allowing a little more flexibility
than most, Sancti come from all walks of life. |
Cost |
Ability |
48 |
Domain Cleric Spell Level Gestalt VPP (30 Pool) |
7 |
Power Skill:
Faith (EGO) +2 |
Value |
Disadvantages |
0 |
None |
+55 |
Total Cost of Package |
Cost |
Options |
*24 |
Higher Spell Level Pool:
+15 Pool |
1 |
Literacy w/
Native Language |
4 |
Resolute: +2
4 |
Thoughtful: +4
3 |
KS: Philosophy
(INT) |
3 |
Power Skill:
Meditation (EGO) |
6 |
Unshakeable: +10 Mental
Defense; Requires a Faith Roll (-1/2), Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith
(can't be removed; -1/4) |
5 |
Bright: +5 INT |
10 |
Resolute: +5
20 |
Willfull: +10
5 |
Battle Trained: AF: Medium
Armor, AF: Shield, Penalty Skill Levels: +1 to
Offset DEX and DCV Penalties of Armor |
2 |
WF: Priest Group (Mace,
Hammer, Morning Star) |
-5 |
Social Limitation: Religion
at Odds with Governement (Hassled by local
officials, gaurdsmen, patriots, etc) (Frequently; Minor;
Not Limiting In Some Cultures) |
-15 |
Psychological Limitation:
Easily distracted by new facts/information
(Common, Strong) |
Basic Package Deals
Medium Foot typically fight, as the name would indicate, on foot. They generally
wear chain or other medium armors and wield heavier one-handed weapons in conjunction
with a shield. Medium Foot concentrate on a powerful mix of manueverability, quickness,
skill, technique and brute force.
Medium Foot provide a potent middle ground between the various extremes of fighting,
and might possibly be the best all-around type of generalist fighter.
Strong: +3 STR
Quick: +1 DEX
Nimble: +1 SPD
Sturdy: +1 CON
Durable: +1 BODY
AF: Medium Armor Proficiency
AF: Shield Proficiency
WF: Common Melee, Common Missile
Penalty Skill Levels: +1 to Offset DCV and DEX Penalty of Medium Armor
Choose One:
- Combat Skill Levels: +2 All Combat
- Combat Skill Levels: +2 DCV and
+2 OCV w/ Tight Group
- Skill Levels: +1 Overall Level and
+2 OCV w/ Tight Group
PS: Warrior
Fast Draw
Warrior Elite: Right to Bear Arms or Equivalent For Culture
Total Cost of Package
Follow-through Attack: Trigger on up to 60 Active Points of Killing Attack
(Trigger: when current opponent is killed in battle and there is another opponent
in HtH Range attack that opponent, +1/4); OIF (weapons of opportunity; -1/2); Costs
1 END to use; Note: takes a Half Phase Action to "Reset Trigger"
Superior Follow Through Attack: Trigger on up to 60 Active Points of Killing
Attack (Trigger: when current opponent is killed in battle and there is another
opponent in HtH Range attack that opponent; Activating the Trigger requires
a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates,
Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/2) for up to 60 Active
Points (30 Active Points); OIF (Weapon of Opportunity; -1/2); Costs 3 END to use;
Note: Trigger resets automatically after an opponent is slain; the character
has no choice about using the ability -- if there is an opponent in HtH range they
must attack them and further if there are multiple opponents the GM can decide which
is attacked based upon events in play.
Weapon Strength: +8 STR, No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima
Archer's Strength: +10 STR No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima
of Bows (-1)
Lethal: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any weapon
Median Lethality: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any
medium weapon
Coup de Morte: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, when opponent at 5 or less
BODY, any weapon
Precision: Find Weakness 11-: One Attack (choose)
- More Precise: Increase Find Weakness to Tight Group
- Incredibly Precise: Increase Find Weakness to All Attacks
- Reliably Precise: Find Weakness to 13-
- Always Precise: Find Weakness to 17-
Shifty: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
Dodgy: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Not Wearing
Armor (-1/2)
Second Skin: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Wearing
Medium Armor (-1/2)
Active Sheild Defense: Armor (4 PD/0 ED) (6 Active Points); OAF (Shield;
-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Only When Using Shield For DCV (-1/4); Costs 1 END
per Phase
Passive Blocking: +3 DCV; OAF: Weapon of Choice (-1), vs HtH Only (-1)
Bad Knees: -1" Run
Physical Limitation: Old Injury (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
Psychological Limitation: Warriors Code (Uncommon, Moderate)
Psychological Limitation: Swashbuckler Mentality (Common, Moderate)
Social Limitation: Grunt (Services command less money; thrown into the thick of
battle, get fewer considerations of comfort, afforded less respect, etc) (Frequently;
Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
Rivalry with other Warriors (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)
Extention Package Deals
characters recieve training to improve their ability to lead and command others
during their careers, while others are just natural leaders. |
Cost |
Ability |
3 |
Congnizant: +3 INT |
5 |
Commanding: +5 PRE |
10 |
Give Orders: +30 PRE; Only
to Issue Commands To Troops Under Command (-2) |
5 |
Oratory +1 |
7 |
Tactics +2 |
Value |
Disadvantages |
0 |
None |
+30 |
Total Cost of Package |
Verinc grants Ease Your Burden (1), Bulls Strength (2), Lions Pride (3), Lingering
Bulls Strength (4), Righteous Might (5), Mass Bulls Strength (6), Greater Lions
Pride (7), Righteous Mantle (8), Divine Strength (9)
Package |
Domain Granted Power
Access to Domain Spells
Package Total Cost
Real Cost:
Active Points:
Keywords |
Description |
Effect |
Real Cost:
Active Points:
Keywords |
Description |
Effect |
Verinc grants Force Dart (1), Tear (2), Force Bolt (3), Rend (4), Force Blast (5),
Explosion (6), Force Assault (7), Massive Explosion (8), Force Comet (9)
Package |
Domain Granted Power
Access to Domain Spells
Package Total Cost
Real Cost:
Active Points:
Keywords |
Description |
Effect |
Real Cost:
Active Points:
Keywords |
Description |
Effect |
Verinc grants Cry Havoc (1), Disarming Force (2), Magical Vestments (3), Protection
From Arrows (4), Flame Strike (5), Warriors Prayer (6), Fighting Spirit (7), Crush
Morale (8), Seige Prayer (9)
Package |
Domain Granted Power
Access to Domain Spells
Package Total Cost
Real Cost:
Active Points:
Keywords |
Description |
Effect |
Real Cost:
Active Points:
Keywords |
Description |
Effect |