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Skip Navigation LinksInhabitants>Mankind>Volkeralten>Machtig>Nine Great Clans>Huarthmunn
Nine Clans Herodi
Clan of the Sword
Clan of the Rock
Clan of the Sea
Clan of the Hearth
Clan of the Net
Clan of the Horse
Clan of the Hunt
Clan of the Tree
Clan of the Wolf
Huarthmunn, Clan of the Hearth
Stalwart and practical, the Huartmunn are a very large clan but composed mostly of Thralls rather than Thegns.
Huarthmunn Warrior (Thegn)
A large and spread out Clan, the Huarthmunn have a wider range of physical characteristics than most of the Clans. Huarthmunn range between 58 and 68, and weigh in between 160 to 360 lbs. Even when on the smaller side they are usually very sturdy, solid folk with barrel chests, thick arms, and powerful shoulders.
Known for their solidness and somber practicality, the Huarthmunn are mostly blondes, running the gamut from platinum to a "dirty" blonde that is almost brown, but have a few red heads among them -- particularly in steadings near Raevoring holds where marriage across the border is common. 
They typically have blue eyes, but also have some green-eyed folk (particularly among the redheads). They favor solid and durable work clothes, usually home made, for everyday life; donning the tartan and kilt for special occasions or war only. Their tartans tend towards light browns and yellows.
They are short on ornamentation, and tend to wear their hair at whatever length suits an individual. Women typically are attired as the men, save they wear a simple dress.
The Huarthmunn are a generally practical, hard working, stoic people with simple lives and earthy senses of humor. They live for simple pleasures, and can find great comfort in being surrounded by friends and kin around a warm fire with a good brew of ale or mead and a belly full of simple food. They are generally congenial and pleasant folk, though they have a deep hardness to their spirits and can be quite implacable when there is need.
They outnumber all the other Clans, though the Herodi come close in numbers, but have never sought to use their numbers to gain advantage. They are much more regional in their thinking, due mostly to their widespread Hold, and the concept of the Reeve-halten is much more crystallized in their mindset.
The traditional Reeve-haltens of the Huarthmunn are rarely disturbed; though a Laird might merge or much more rarely segment Reeve-haltens it is always highly frowned upon, and no Hearth Laird would consider redrawing the borders of his Reeve-haltens at a whim as the Raevoring do for any Thegn that cared to challenge and supplant them would likely be supported by an angry populace.
Many Huarthmunn never travel more than a day or two from where they were born, and their world views tend to be narrow and prosaic, and most of them like it that way. Some of these rural Huarthmunn can read enough to keep provisions straight and to make supply lists, but there are entire areas where one couldn't find two people that are truly literate, and since many folk live out on their own farms rather than in steadings they can be a little insular. 
The Huarthmunn have some interaction with traders from Shidaal but otherwise have no notable contact with outsiders.
The Huarthmunn make or grow almost all of the things they need for day to day living, but they trade with the Wundvolding for metal goods, the Hengsting for draft horses, and the Pargori for fish. And of course they export food to all the Clans except the Faendradi and Ulthferen. 
A relatively minor but notable export from the Huarthmunn of the Dunn Hugelkoff region are wagons of various shapes and sizes.
The Huarthmunn are the most numerous single Clan, but also one of the least martial. Nestled between the Herodi, the Wundvolding, and the Raevoring they are protected from outside threat, and their food stocks are needed by all the other Clans to some extant or another so they are largely left alone.
There are many Landsgrafing and the Clan's Laird is very rich. The Clan trades most of their surplus through the Pargori, giving the two Clans a strong alliance, and similarly are very friendly with the Hengsting. Together the Huarthmunn, Pargori, and Hengsting are considered to be somewhat related and are occasionally referred to as the "Herzland" (HURZ-lond) or heartland Clans.
The Huarthmunn are composed of Thralls (55%), Thegns (20%), Skalds (15%), Druids (5%), Non-Thegn Fertigkeiten (5%), and Zauberers (<1%).
Most Huarthmunn Thegns use the following Packages or some variation of them:
  • Barbarian Warrior: approximately 30% of all Huarthmunn Thegns
  • Bladesman: approximately 20% of all Huarthmunn Thegns
  • Armiger: approximately 15% of all Huarthmunn Thegns
  • Scrapper approximately 15% of all Huarthmunn Thegns
  • Berserker: approximately 10% of all Huarthmunn Thegns
  • Approximately 10% of Huarthmunn Thegns have a fighting style or discipline unique to their families or circumstances.
Huarthmunn Zauberer tend to be Obermancers with a strong basis in Geomancy and Aeromancy. The Huarthmunn don't go in for tattoos and number few smiths, and thus Runecrafters are rare among them. There are some Aeldenaren bloodlines among the Huarthmunn around the Faendradi border.
 The Clan Laird is traditionally called the Hearth Laird. His Huscarl traditionally numbers around 250 to 300 and is known as the Hearth Guard. Though the Huscarl might seem large for a Clan nestled safely between three more warlike Clans, the Huarthmunn are numerous and their lands are widespread, and the Hearthguard are spread thin of late essentially policing the Shidaalweg.
The current Laird is a very popular and well liked man named Brengreifer Weizengarbe.
Over three hundred years ago the Huarthmunn Thegn Follenvar Garvenssen, a lad of mixed Huarthmunn and Raevoring descent from Sudernhof, set out on a bold faring. He ended up in the nation of Jarval-Beah and joined an elite border unit called the Falchi Notevoli (literally Striking Hawks). Upon being accepted into the unit he was put through intense training, and though already skilled in the Macthig way of fighting the young Follenvar became even more deadly for having learned a disciplined combat style in addition to many skills useful to elite soldiers that specialize in raids and actions behind enemy lines.
Returning to the Vold thirteen years later Follenvar joined the Huscarl and quickly rose to esteem. Making a case with the then current Laird Kallendor Harvenas, he was given leave to institute changes in the Huscarl. Wasting no time, Follenvar instituted a system of formalized ranks and regimentation unique among all the Clans of the Machtig that is still in effect in the modern day.
With the exception of ten to twenty or so Huscarls at any given time serving special duties, in the command cadre, established as permanent trainers, or in other special billets, the Huscarl are organized very precisely into 50 man units called "Fenzigs" (FIN-zeegs), each broken down into five ten man units called "Spaltigs" (SHPAL-teegs), and further the rosters of the Fenzigs are assigned by the Laird or whomever he delegates the task to. Each Spaltig is commanded by a member of the Huscarl called an "Oberst" (OH-burst) and each Fenzig is commanded by a member of the Huscarl called an "Allgemein" (OLL-geh-MAIN) among the Huarthmunn.
Each Fenzig is numbered and each Spaltig within the Fenzig is sub-numbered; thus a Huscarl might say they are part of the "drei ffe" (DREE VOVE), the fifth Spaltig of the third Fenzig. There is a hierarchy attached to the numbering, so that the first Spaltig of the first Fenzig are the warriors thought to be the best in the Huscarl, and the last Spaltig of the last Fenzig are the warriors thought to be the least skilled or experienced.
New members always start at the bottom, and veterans returning from convalescence or absence are fitted into their assigned slot when possible. However new members might be quite skilled and experienced, and further some warriors grow more skilled while others grow old or suffer injury or otherwise dwindle.
Thus each year as part of the summer festivals all of the Huscarl, save for a reserve of warriors called the Haltenheit (HALL-TEN-height) who are not contesting their status and whose current fitness for their position is not in question and are kept on duty to maintain order during this period, meet at Dunn Betreibenn and participate in the Kreigwerb (KREEG-wurb), a series of non-lethal duels and displays of martial and athletic prowess. This is a great spectacle for those who attend the festivals in the capital and is very popular. Every event is scored and each Huscarl's overall performance determines their ranking in the Huscarl for the year to come.
Additionally Follenvar instituted a variation of the intense training he underwent in the Striking Hawks, and  he called it the Prfungdebod (pro-VUNG-deh-BODE), which roughly translated means "proving ground". To be a member of the first Fenzig a Huscarl must graduate from this training regimen. Those who have done so are awarded the title Soldat (SOLE-daht). Usually there are a few more Soldats than there are slots for them so they are distributed into other Spaltigs in numerical order but occasionally there are not enough Soldats to fully billet the first Fenzig, in which case it is kept undermanned until there are enough to fill in the gap.
The Prfungdebod is an intensive six month training program, usually started with a group of between twenty and thirty and with the goal of ending with as few as possible; there have been a few instances where none have passed. The participants are sequestered in a training camp and have no contact with outsiders for the duration of their stay. The trainees can quit at any time and return to the Huscarl without sanction or shame and many do for the regimen is deliberately as difficult, unforgiving, and occasionally demeaning as it possibly can be. Its reputation for being a true test of a warrior's mettle is such that in the past a few Thegns of other Clans have traveled to Dunn Betreibenn and begged leave to enter the program just to see if they could do it.
In times of war the Prfungdebod is conducted every year or even twice in one year if there is need, but in times of peace it is conducted as often as it seems needful based upon the current applicant pool and turn over among the existing Soldat. This has worked out to once every three years in modern times, and is set to finish a few weeks before the summer festival to give new Soldats a chance to recuperate before the Kreigwerb.
The curriculum of the training is varied, and covers basic military discipline, small unit tactics, general athleticism, survival techniques, infiltration, how to conduct and react to ambushes, and intensive armed and unarmed close order combat training with a variety of weapons. A particular focus is given to supply raids, both how to conduct them and how to defend against them, and nuances of such raids with different objectives.
In the approximately two centuries after Follenvar and prior to the current century of Pargori ruled peace the Huarthmunn Huscarls in general and units of Soldats in particular were so effective that for the first time ever in the history of the Vold many among the Herodi and Raevoring began to take the Huarthmunn seriously as warriors. None of the Thegns of any of the Clans could surpass them when it came to taking and holding small fortifications or supply trains, and they were frequently entreated to handle such things.
West and south of the Pargori lands lies the greatest expanse of arable land in the Vold, though the countryside is rolling and somewhat rocky and certainly not remarkable in its fertility. Nevertheless, most of the Volds food stock comes from this area. These lands belong to the Huarthmunn Clan.
There are two dominant styles of residence in Huarthmunn Lands; composite farmer cots with sod roofs, and wooden longhouses in the classic Machtig style; which is to say shared residence among an extended family in a single longhouse.
The ancestral home of the Clan is Dunn Betriebenn, located a day away from Fallenheim with a road between them, which runs from far off Shidaal through the southernmost reaches of the Wundvolding lands to Dunn Steinegbahn, and from there to Dunn Betreibenn and finally Fallenheim. This trade route is called the Shidaalweg (sheh-DOLL-weg) and it is the primary land-based trade route in the Vold (most Machtig trade occurs along water ways).
Dunn Betriebenn is a very large steading starting to verge into the realms of a very small city, though it is still just about half the size of Fallenheim (including both Upper and Lower Fallenheim together). It is a walled steading with an eight foot tall stone wall extended more recently by wooden breastworks taking the total height up to fourteen feet.
The ancient original fortress, made of stones pulled laborious from the Wundvolding range almost two thousand years ago when these lands were anything but settled still stands, but has been heavily reinforced and shored up to the point that its practically unrecognizable compared to what it once looked like. It is used for purely ceremonial occasions in the modern time, but is still lovingly maintained as a link to the past.
A newer fortress was built approximately 200 feet from the old fortress roughly a thousand years ago by the legendary Obermancer Hauptan Haurdenssen by commission. Hauptan litterally pulled the rocks directly up from deep in the earth and shaped it with powerful Geomancy spells. Thus the new fortress, called the Magusfelsen (MEH-goose-FELL-sen; literally "Magic Rock"), is seamless and sits atop a perfectly round five foot table of black rock, similarly without seam.
The Magusfelsen is medium sized and comfortably houses the Laird and various administrative offices. Six longhalls are arrayed, three to a side, on the path leading up to the fortress and house the Hearthguard, fifty per hall with room for a few more in each.
The steading itself is bustling and home to many crafts folk who are not themselves farmers but produce items originating from farms, such as many wool-workers, millers (the steading boasts no fewer than three millhouses nearby along the banks of the Unien River), cartwrights, and so on.
There is a respectable market inside the walls of the steading, but over the last decade or so more and more trade has moved outside the walls into the large semi-permanent caravansary located on the west side of town where the Shidaalweg passes to and around the wall to head to Fallenheim
This area is called then Aubenbereich (AH-ben-BARE-eck; literally "Place for Outsiders"), and by general accord whatever the outsiders that live here do to themselves is their business, but the Hearthguard maintain a standing watch of no fewer than twenty thegns at all times during the day to protect the interests of Machtig doing business with the outsiders.
Dunn Steinegbahn (DUNE STY-neg-BON), the first Huarthmunn settlement that an outsider traveling the Shidaalweg encounters, its name means literally "Fortress of the Stone Road". It sits at the eastern terminus of the hilland route skirting the southwestern end of the Wundvolding mountains. The entire steading is walled and sits atop a rocky shelf and the fortress is large thanks to the plentiful stone near at hand.
In older days this steading was powerful despite its remoteness as the westernmost settlement of the Huarthmunn it sat in a good location to trade with the southern Wundvold steadings, the Faendradi, and to a lesser extent the western Raevoring. In the last decade however it has become increasingly wealthy thanks to it's key location on the Shidaalweg; you have to go through Dunn Steinegbahn to go in either direction, or risk a much more difficult mountain passage to the north or a foray into the lands of the unfriendly-to-outsiders Raevoring.
Also, much trade from parts of the Vold to the west of Dunn Betriebenn heading to Shidaal passes directly through Dunn Steinegbahn, and the combination of trade both from the Shidaalweg and the more traditional markets from older times has pushed this steading into the top ten list of wealthy steadings in all the Vold. By a fortunate happenstance, when the wall around the steading was built it was raised to ring the entire rock shelf upon which the steading sits, but almost half of the walled-in area was not inhabited and left more or less in its natural state.
Over the last decade an internal wall has been raised between the steading-proper and this open area, which has been cleared and turned over to merchants and travelers. Several longhalls owned and operated by Huarthmunn and the occasional displaced Pargori have been built here to offer lodging and food to travelers for a fee, and some merchants have set up semi-permanent residences here as well. Seat of an increasingly powerful Reeve-halten.
Dunn Waldwekt (DUNE WOLD-WEKT), this out of the way settlement is the seat of an extremely bucolic Reeve-halten, populated by rustic and widely ignorant but generally good-hearted farmer folk. Nothing interesting or untowards ever occurs in this corner of the Vold save for occasional encroachments of Ungheuer from the Wundvolding and Voldwald (which are why anybody even bothered to build a fortress in this area in the first place).
The steading itself is small and pretty much entirely consists of a walled fortress facing the mountains and enough infrastructure to support it. All the trade from the Reeve-halten with the exception of a relative trickle that goes to the Faendradi at Woodpoint (Bwydpwynt) flows eastward without coming near Dunn Waldwekt. Seat of a large but non-influential Reeve-halten.
Dunn Hugelkoff (DUNE HOO-gell-COUGH), another highland fortress built to prevent incursions from Ungheur living in the Wundvolding Mountains and Voldwald, this locality bears much in common with Dunn Waldwekt save that it is not the seat of its Reeve-halten, and it lays in a much better position to trade with the Jagrling, particularly with Waldenhalle. This was once the seat of a Reeve-halten, but was merged into a larger Reeve-halten with the seat placed at Betrachtenhof going on fifty years ago.
Fruchtweide (FRUKT-WEED), previously a minor steading, this small settlement has thrived in the last decade and has recently begun construction of a wall, for no apparent reason. It's prosperity is solely because it conveniently lays along the Shidaalweg roughly 1/3 of the journey between Dunn Steinegbahn and Dunn Betriebenn, just far enough for most caravans to need to resupply.
This fortuitous location has seen Fruchtweide not only become modestly affluent, but also become the seat of their Reeve-halten after the abandonment of the traditional seat at Weidehaupt by the Reeve seven years ago. Seat of a minor Reeve-halten.
Sudernhof (SOO-durn-HOFF), a strangely large steading considering its remote location. For whatever reason, many Huartmunn chose to make their homes in (built out on stilts) and around a small lake, and over the years smaller steadings grew together, becoming Sudernhof.
Thanks to its location and bountiful farmlands, this steading has enjoyed very open trade with the western Raevoring, and the border between the two Clan Holds is very open here. This area was once part of the Reeve-halten of Beulhalle until it was splintered fifteen centuries ago and is still similar to the Buelhalle region in many ways.
Many Raevoring maids marry Huarthmunn lads from Sudernhof, and vice versa, making for strong family ties across the Clan lines in this region, and the number of towering redheads here is impressive. Due to this blurring of Clan distinctness, the residents of Sudernhof tend to favor a more Raevoring-flavored mode of dress and speech, and vice versa among the Raevoring on the other side of the border. Seat of a strong but not overly influential Reeve-halten.
Zenthaus (ZENT-HOSS), similar to Fructhweide, this steading lays at a convenient 1/3 increment along the Shidaalweg, but unlike Fruchtweide this settlement has always been large and lucrative, historically enjoying it's easy trading distance and proximity to Dunn Betreibenn, and from there Fallenheim. 
Seat of the only centralized Reeve-halten in the Clan Hold, it shares no borders with any other Hold which would seem to cut it off from much trading opportunity. However the farmland in this region is among the best to be found in the entire Vold and the bountiful harvests they yield have ensured the influence of Zenthaus.
The homes here tend to be small, rustic, and comprised mainly of fieldstone and lumber with sod roofs, but as most of the inhabitants of the Reeve-halten spend their days working in the fields from sun up to sun down, it matters little. Seat of a traditionally powerful Reeve-halten, often a personal friend of the current Laird.
Betrachtehnhof (beh-TROK-ten-HOFF), shares many of the same qualities that have made Zenthaus successful, this is the seat of the single largest traditional Reeve-halten in the Hold, created by the merging of three smaller Reeve-haltens four plus decades ago. In addition to trading down to Dunn Betriebenn, this Reeve-halten sees modest trade with both the Jagrling and the western Pargori. Seat of a moderately powerful and large Reeve-halten.
Beulhalle (BAIL-HALL), the oldest formal steading of the Huarthmunn, this ancient and relatively small steading was settled by Machtig journeying outwards from Hafenstadt long ago looking for arable lands from which crops could be grown with which to feed the people, before the Machtig distilled into the Nine Clans. For the past two thousand years the primary purpose of the Beulhalle has essentially revolved around generating enough food to feed what is now the Clan Seat of the Raevoring, Hafenstadt.
Because of this tight connection with Hafenstadt, the Huarthmunn-Raevoring border is practically non-existent in this region and much intermarriage has occurred over the years, making the concept of Clans generally blurred and more of an allegiance based upon profession than anything else -- Raevoring go off and raid, Huarthmunn farm.
The inhabitants of this region are often called "Buelmen" (BAIL-MEN) and are considered to be very aggressive and standoffish by other Huarthmunn. The steading is built around an ancient longhall, with wood preserved via Druidic magic, and many similarly preserved but less grand wooden halls. Seat of an ancient Reeve-halten, traditionally always a local.
Zingenwasser (ZEN-gen-WASS-ur), a modest river-trading steading, this settlement is pleasant and boasts two large mills allowing it to turn a tidy profit in grain trade and is otherwise unremarkable. Seat of a medium but largely unnecessary (due to the proximity to the Clan Seat) Reeve-halten which was formed approximately 1500 years ago by breaking the once large Reeve-halten of Beulhalle in three pieces resulting in Sudernhof to the west and Buelhalle to the east with Zingenwasser between them, weakening the grip of the pro-Raevoring and cliquish Beulmen.
Usually filled by a close ally of the Laird who can be counted on to maintain Clan distinctness and loyalty to the Huarthmunn and not the Raevoring Laird.
Ocklutz (OCK-lootz), seat of a smaller Reeve-halten, this steading is built entirely of wood but favors the style of Pargori homes rather than the traditional Huartmunn longhall or sod house. This steading trades across the border directly with the Pargori, generally up to Lower Fallenheim. Seat of a small but commercially strong Reeve-halten.
Weizenstapel (WHY-zen-SHTOP-al), a mid sized steading of sod houses and a single small "longhall" that looks more like a log cabin. This steading is home to a lot of cooperative farmers and minor Landsgraffing but is largely unremarkable. Life here is a comfortable but hard existence, and practically no one ever comes here electively save for merchants or Skalds. Despite, or perhaps because of, this focus on simple lives and farming large quantities of surplus ensure profit for this Reeve-halten. Seat of a very minor but lucrative Reeve-halten.
Zentrabaden (ZEN-tra-BOD-en), another pastoral and seldom-visited interior Reeve-halten, the Reeve-haltens of Weizenstapel and Zentrabaden are largely indistinguishable from one another, and several Lairds have toyed with the notion of merging the two together. However, while separate their incomes are each tidy sums, if combined it would be a very rich prize indeed for a single Reeve; thus the two have remained apart lest a powerful competitor be created by their joining. Seat of a rustic but wealthy Reeve-halten.
Bodenhurst (BOD-den-HURST), a small river steading, this settlement benefits from the Gunnarsvik trade and conducts trade between the Hengsting, and the Pargori both. Some of the horses coming into the Huartmunn lands from the Hengsting Hold flow through here, though Bodenweich sees more volume.
Bodenweich (BOD-den-WIKE), this sleepy river steading is fairly unremarkable save for an elaborately complicated ferry system based on a strange Var-designed pulley system built on thirty foot poles and spanning the river which allow river chains to be stretched across at a normal height in about twenty minutes using a horse team and a turnstile.
This allows heavy ferries to go across the river safely to carry wagons of food going into the Hengsting Lands, and draft horses coming out of Lournebrek into Huarthmunn lands without permanently blocking river trade. The ferries are active once every fortnight, and there are smaller river ports up and downstream where river traders are directed to put in at via large signs when the chains are out. Seat of a modest Reeve-halten.
Dunn Sudwand (DUNE SOOD-wand), this old fortress town predates the declaration of an Oberlaird and was built approximately 1750 years ago in response to increasing aggression from the Herodi of the Braithwaite region who would frequently stray into Huartmunn lands and take what they liked. It weathered several encounters with the Herodi, due mainly to its impressive wall and breastworks.
In the centuries since it has stood largely unmolested and today survives via trade with the Raevoring and descendants of the same Herodi it was once built to oppose. However, it is a remote corner of the Huarthmunn lands and the soil there isn't tremendously fertile, so it is a very poor locale. The fortress itself has been allowed to collapse, but the walls have been maintained. Most residences here are stone cots with sod roofs, but most have seen better days. Seat of a poor and remote Reeve-halten.
The Machtig are an individualistic people, but nevertheless there are some generalities about how the Huarthmunn think of  the other Clans.
  • Herodi: They used to bully our eastern lands in the past, and they would still do so today if not for the Druids putting a stop to it. They are thugs too lazy and shiftless to farm their own lands, so they take what they want from more responsible and hard working men. But, fear of them keeps those who would be our enemies away, so in that at least they are useful. They make fun of us in jest and tale, but where do they think they'd be without us?
  • Raevoring: Similar to the Herodi in mindset, but at least they never tried to dominate us by force. They have always been good neighbors to us, even though they hold some of our ways in contempt.
  • Ulthferen: We have heard tales of what poor neighbors they are from both the Hengsting and the Jagrling. When the wolf runs around in the wild you watch it, but if it comes into the hen house you trap it and kill it.
  • Faendradi: Quiet and strange, they've never been troublesome neighbors, though neither have they been overly friendly. Huarthmunn from neighboring lands try to be kind to them for they are like shy children, but they are still aloof after all these centuries.
  • Wundvolding: Good neighbors and kinsmen. The Wundvolding know what they are about and in many ways are most like the Huarthmunn, for though they don't farm the soil, they harvest the rock. Whenever we have called on their aid they have given it, and vice versa.
  • Hengsting: Great neighbors and great people to hoist a mug with. Good senses of humor (so long as you don't insult their horses) and always good for a story.
  • Pargori: Our friendly cousins, and the secret to our wealth. Pargori are favored kin, and we have never come out badly for backing the Pargori in any endeavor.
  • Jagrling: Good neighbors, though distant in their dark forest. Not much fun to share a cup with, and they don't seem to have much in the way of senses of humor. But, you can always trust a Jagrling. They're so honor bound one would sooner cut off one of their own fingers than cut your purse strings.