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Skip Navigation LinksInhabitants>Mankind>Volkeralten>Machtig>Castes>Fertigkeiten
Castes Thegns Druids
Skalds Fertigkeiten Thralls and Slaves
Fertigkeiten (FUR-tig-KY-ten) is a sort of catch-all caste for those who have authority and rights due to some special ability that gives them Thegn-equivalent status (though some of them are also additionally Thegns).
Waffschmied 1
Hengstkampfwer 1
Jagerver 1


This broad caste technically supercedes Thegn status, but individual sub groups differ in the degree by which they do.
The adjoining chart indicates the costs of the Fertigkeiten Perk.
The groups fitting into this category include the Waffschmied (specifically smiths that make weapons), Hengstkampfwer (breeders and trainers of War Horses), Jagerver (Master Hunters), and finally the ill-respected but much feared Zauberers (magic users).
Fertigkeiten have most of the rights of a Thegn save that they cannot be Lairds, Reeves, Huscarl, or Gefolgsmen, and cannot strike down Thralls with impunity, but do not have to answer the call to war unless they so choose. However all Fertigkeiten must pay increased besterung (taxes) to their respective Laird just like a Landsgraf (landowner), assessed by the quarter rather than yearly (though they may still pay only once per year, the amount is greater).
Typically Fertigkeiten pay their taxes by way of services or goods, and often a crafty Laird will name besterung as service  in the warbands for some Waffshmied and Zauberer in time of war. However, some Fertigkeiten pay their besterung plus a premium in coinage to avoid having to do service. Fertigkeiten are also permitted to bear arms, but other than Jagerver most do not bother typically.
It is theoretically possible, but in practice very rare, for a person to be more than one sort of Fertigkeiten. The classic combination would be a Waffschmied that was also a Runecrafter with the ability to make magical weapons and armor. Such a Fertigkeiten would have elevated besterung, but their status and clout would be correspondingly elevated within their Clan.
On the other hand it is relatively common for a person to be both a Thegn and a Fertigkeiten. Many skilled people that also have the abilities of a Thegn are not satisfied with the technical Thegn status granted by their trade and get both qualifications.
Waffschmied (WAHF-SHMEED) are much like other smiths, but as they craft the very thing that delineates the warrior caste from the commoners they are held in very high regard indeed. Waffschmied tend to be wealthy, and are very valued by their Lairds for their lucrative besterung, usually assessed in terms of arms or armor, which helps fill out the Lairds armory.
Status (Waffschmied): Must be able to forge weapons well and be appointed by a Laird; Real Cost: 1 Points
Hengstkampfwer (HAINGST-KOMP-fwair) breed and train high quality warhorses and have historically enjoyed a priveleged status among the Machtig. Hengstkampfwer are mostly found amongst the Hengsting Clan but in the past there have been a few Herodi and Huarthmunn Hengstkampfwer as well..
In past centuries the Machtig made heavier use of horses than they do now, but the last century of relative peace has seen a dwindling in horsemanship outside the Hengsting; its difficult for most Thegns to justify the expenditure and upkeep of a horse when they don't really need one.
This trend will probably reverse itself if the Herodi regain control of the Machtig; the current Herodi Laird Reserei has taken steps to train his best Huscarl in the way of the horse, hiring expert trainers from the Hengsting to teach them.
Status (Hengstkampfwer): Must be able to produce warhorses in sufficient quantities and be appointed by a Laird; Real Cost: 1 Points
Traditionally the Jagerver were usually older and more experienced Machtig who hunted sufficient food to help feed their steadings. In more recent centuries this has expanded to include any that contribute heavily to the wellfare of their steading. Almost all are also Thegns, but to call them away for war or service could create a hardship upon their people. This status effectively makes them exempt from calls to war.
Jagerver are found amongst all the Clans; the title has nothing to do with the Jagrling Clan. Among the Huarthmunn for example a particularly able farmer with consistently high surplus might be named Jagerver, as their absence could contribute heavily to hunger in their area and potentially beyond. Among the Wundvolding a miner that consistently brings large deposits of metal might be declared Jagerver as their abscense might disrupt the flow of weapons and armor to a war effort.
Essentially this bracket has evolved into a general "high-skill" worker category ensuring that those who are crucial to the homefront not be pulled off to war or sent off on a faring. As a side note, many people have been named Jagerver against their will by Lairds that considered them too crucial to allow them to go faring despite their enthusiasm to do so.
Status (Jagerver): Must be very productive, essential to the community, and be appointed by a Laird; Real Cost: 1 Points
Zauberer are magic users of various sorts. Any non-Slave who can practice magic which is not spurned by the Druids may sue the Laird to be named Zauberer. The Zauberer must prove their Magic before the court of the Laird, and the Laird grants the privelege and the besterung to go with it (typically paid in services rendered).
Over the last two millennia the Machtig have become increasingly superstitious of magic users and tend to shun Zauberers in general; though they have their place in Machtig society they are rarely trusted by common folk afraid of their strange powers.
The traditional form of magic for the Machtig is Obermancy, a powerful and ancient art that deals with the interaction and manipulation of natural and primal Elements. This art came with the Macthig to the Vold and has been a part of Machtig culture since the dimly remembered ancient times. 
Obermancers are relatively rare; at any given time there probably isn't more than fifty of them in the entire Vold. Obermancers tend to drift to the Clan-hold of the Pargori as they generally find more accpetance there, and as Fallenheim is the closest thing to a trade center in the Vold it is also a good place to gain new knowledge. Approximately a third of all the Obermancers in the Vold live within the expanse of the Pargori Clanhold currently, whether they have changed their Clan affiliation or not.
Obermancers use the Elementalism Magic System detailed on this site, specifically the Spontaneous Casting version. The Obermancer Composite Package should be used for Obermancers. All of the Extention Packages detailed are also appropriate. Finally the sample character, Kjar Kvaransen, is in fact a Machtig Obermancer of the Pargori Clan.
Another kind of Zauberer are the Aeldenaren, those with the so called "old", "elder", or "Aelfing" blood that can allow them to have magical gifts. Due to occasional breeding with the Aelfing there is a fair amount of Aelfing blood to be found among the Machtig, particularly the Faendradi.
Some Aeldenari are born with one or more Aeldenaren gifts that allow them to develop strange powers. Many opt to keep their abilities to themselves, but some sue for status and become Zauberer. Among the Faendradi practically every other person is an Aeldenaren and only those that are particularly powerful or have a full complement of Gifts would be considered Zauberer, but outside of the Faendradi a single Gift could be sufficient qualification for status if it were significant enough.
Aeldenaren use the Aeldenaren Magic System detailed on this site; they have access to all of the standard Gifts, and use the Expanded Gifts option described at the end of that document. All of the Package Deals detailed are appropriate for Aeldenaren. Finally one of the sample characters, Ayden Hrdaled, is in fact a Machtig Aeldenari of the Faendradi Clan.
Long ago the Wundvolding befriended a dying clan of Var and learned the secret of Varic Runes from them. Over time the art spread from them to the rest of the Machtig, though by far it is still primarily a Wundvolding practice. Outside of the Wundvolding Clan the most common form of Runecrafter makes Runic tattoos.
Not able to work magic directly Runecrafter are more accepted by most Machtig than other Zauberer, and many are also Waffschmied and are able to make powerful magic weapons and armor that are much in demand..
Runecrafters use the Runecrafting Magic System detailed on this site. All of the Runecrafter (not Scribas or Glyphic) Package Deals detailed are appropriate for Runecrafters, particularly the Master Runecrafter, Millitant, Runeforger, and Illumin Composite Packages. Finally the sample characters, Maxviel Hrimgerdson, is in fact a Machtig Runeforger of the Wundvolding Clan.
One important point is that the Machtig will not tolerate any kind of death magic, particularly Necromancy, and thus no Zauberer practices it openly if at all. Any Zauberer caught practicing anything that could be construed as death magic would likely be slaughtered no matter the cost.
Sometimes female Zauberer are called Hexe (HEX-ah), particularly in sagas and epics, but this is generally considered old fashioned in the modern day and female Zauberer are referred to as Zauberer, just as female Thegns are Thegns and female Lairds are Lairds, and so on.
Status (Zauberer): Must be able to demonstrate magical power and be appointed by a Laird; Real Cost: 1 Points