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Skip Navigation LinksWorld of San'Dora>Setting>History
History Ages of Legends Age of Opposition Age of Rebirth
Age of Expansion Age of Culture Age of Power
San'Dora is an old world with a history stretching back into a past entirely forgotten save by a few of the longer lived races.
  • AGES OF LEGENDS: an era of Haelfinan dominion and the great rebellion of the Var.
  • AGE OF OPPOSITION: also known as the Aelgoranthian Age, an era of dark magic and otherworldly entities warring against each other via mortal pawns.
  • AGE OF REBIRTH: an era of anarchy and eventual recovery from the ruins of the previous age.
  • AGE OF EXPANSION: an era of rising Empires and new forms of magic, ended by a Great Cataclysm.
  • AGE OF CULTURE: an era of splinter states formed from the remants of broken Empires developing identity and clout.
  • AGE OF POWER: a just beggining era of ascending magic and a return of otherworldly influences; the current Age.