The Raid

Robbing You To Benefit Me (2 Gangs)


The art of the lighting raid is one appreciated and cultivated by many a successful gang leader. Get in, get out, get rich. Or die trying.

The scenario uses the battlefield set up guidelines, and may either be a Zone Mortalis or a Sector Mechanicus battlefield. A small to medium sized battlefield works best for this scenario.

Attacker and Defender

In this scenario, one gang is the attacker and the other is the defender. In a campaign, the player who chose this scenario is the attacker. In a skirmish, players roll off and the winner decides whether they will attack or defend.

Defender Special Rules

Some special scenario rules are in effect for the defender.

First, the Home Turf special rules are in effect for the defender.

Second, if after the defending gang's crew is formed the defending gang has additional fighters remaining, the Random Edge Reinforcements option is in effect for the defending gang. One random defending fighter will arrive at the start of the first End phase, two at the start of the second End phase, three at the start of the third End Phase, and so on until no more reinforcements remain or the battle has ended.

Tactics Cards

The attacker chooses 2 Tactics Cards from their Tactics Cards deck. The defender may remove up to 10 Tactics Cards from their Tactics Cards deck, then shuffle the remaining cards to form a deck for this battle and then deal themselves 3 random Tactics Cards from that deck.


This scenario allows the Reputation or XP Underdog Options (player's choice).


The attacker uses the Custom Selection method to choose their crew.

The defender uses the Random Selection (D3+4) method to choose their crew, and then rolls for each Hangers-on their gang has who might be present at their Home Turf; any present are added to the gang's crew. After the defender has dealt out their starting crew's fighter cards, their remaining fighter cards are shuffled together to form their Reinforcements deck.

Once the defending gang's crew has been formed, the attacking gang's player must inform the defending gang's player of any fighters in their crew who have bounties on them. If the defending gang's player decides to hire a Bounty Hunter at this time the Bounty Hunter is set aside and may enter the battle later as a Reinforcement, taking the place of a randomly determined Reinforcement.


The defender sets up four loot boxes anywhere on the battlefield. Then they set up their crew. Each of the defending fighters must be within 3'' of one of the loot caskets.

The attacker then picks one edge of the battlefield (in Sector Mechanicus battles) or one edge of a single tile (in Zone Mortalis battles); this edge is their escape route. The attacker sets up their entire crew within 6'' of their escape route.


The attacking gang is attempting to secure the four loot boxes and move them off the battlefield via their escape route. The defending gang is attempting to stop them.

Claiming Loot Boxes

If one of the four loot boxes is within 1'' of the attacking gang's escape route at the start of the End phase, the loot box is claimed by the attacking gang and removed from the battlefield.

If one of the four loot boxes is within 1'' of any other edge of the battlefield at the start of the End phase, the loot box is claimed by the defending gang and removed from the battlefield.


Any attacking fighter can escape by moving off the edge of the battlefield within their gang's escape route.

Any defending fighter can escape by moving off of any edge of the battlefield other than the attacking gang's escape route.

Escaping fighters are removed from the battlefield, and count as being taken Out of Action for the purposes of Bottle tests.

If a Broken fighter of either gang randomly rolls enough inches of movement for that fighter to leave the battle by moving off a battlefield edge (observing all the rules for how Broken fighters move), the Broken fighter leaves the battlefield and is considered to have been taken Out of Action by the opposing gang.

Ending the Battle

Bottle tests are not made during the first three rounds of the battle. Starting at the end of the fourth round bottle tests are made normally by both gangs, as necessary.

If a gang must make a Bottle test, the gang's player may opt to voluntarily concede; if the opposing player(s) agree the conceding player withdraws their gang from the battle and their gang is considered to have bottled out. All of their Active, Pinned, Engaged, and Broken fighters are removed from play.

For any of their fighters who are Seriously Injured the fighter is removed from play but a D6 is rolled for them; on a 1 or 2 a Lasting Injury roll must be made for that fighter.

If the defending player concedes, the attacking player is considered to have claimed any loot boxes that remain on the battlefield.

When the remaining Active and Pinned fighters on the battlefield all belong to the same gang, the battle ends immediately.

At the end of the End Phase, if all the remaining fighters on the battlefield are Seriously Injured or Broken, the battle ends immediately.


If one of the gangs concedes, the other gang automatically wins. Otherwise, victory is determined by tallying Victory Points.

Each loot box is worth 1 Victory Point. The attacking gang has 1 Victory Point for each loot box they claimed. The defender has 1 Victory Point for each loot box that the attacking gang did not claim. The gang with the most Victory Points wins. If there is a tie, the battle ends in a draw.

Rewards (Campaign Only)


If the defending gang concedes or if the battle ends with no defending fighters on the battlefield and the attacking gang has not bottled out or conceded, the defending gang loses 1 Turf. If the defending gang loses a Turf and has one or more Special Territories roll D6; if the result is a 1 the lost Turf is one of the gang's Special Territories (defending player's choice).


If the attacker claimed any loot boxes, for each loot box claimed D3 x 10 credits are moved from the defender's Stash to the attacker's Stash immediately. If the amount rolled exceeds the total number of credits in the defender's Stash, the attacker gains all of the credits currently remaining in the defender's Stash.


Standard XP for taking fighters Out of Action applies.

Each fighter who participated in the battle gains 1 XP.

Each defending fighter that Seriously Injures or takes Out of Action an attacking fighter who is within 2'' of a loot box gains an additional 1 XP.

Each attacking fighter who carried a loot box to the escape route gains 1 XP if the loot box is claimed.

If a gang is the winner, that gang's Leader gains 1 XP.


Each gang gains 1 Reputation if this was their first battle against this opponent.

The attacker gains 1 Reputation if they managed to claim at least one loot box.

The attacker gains 1 additional Reputation if they managed to claim all 4 loot boxes.

The defender gains 1 Reputation if they managed to keep at least one loot box.

The defender gains 1 additional Reputation if they managed to keep all 4 loot boxes.


The basic template of this scenario can be modified, allowing for variants with slightly different stakes or different tactical options.

The Assault

This variant is similar to The Razing Scenario, but without the added complexity of Sneak Attack and sentries. In this variant, the attacking gang is trying to destroy a target owned or controlled by the defending gang.

The scenario is basically unchanged, except that during crew selection instead of placing loot boxes as the attacker's target, the defending player sets up an object within 6'' of the center of the battlefield. This object will be the attacking gang's target; it should be represented with a reasonably sized terrain piece or objective marker.

The object might be a relic, a loot box, a pipe section, or anything similar that the players agree to. If the defender has a flavorful piece of terrain or similar object modeled that represents something of importance to their gang, they may use this to add a little extra flavor to the game. In the event that no agreement can be reached by the players, use a relic marker from the Necromunda boxed set.

Regardless of the object chosen, the target has 5 Toughness, 5 Wounds, and a 4+ save roll. Normal line of sight and cover rules apply to shooting attacks made against the target. Active Fighters within 1'' of the target may automatically hit it with a single melee attack as a Simple action. If the target is reduced to 0 Wounds, it is destroyed.

Ending the Battle

Bottle tests are not made during the first three rounds of the battle. Starting at the end of the fourth round Bottle tests are made normally by both gangs, as necessary.

If a gang must make a Bottle test, the gang's player may opt to voluntarily concede; if the opposing player(s) agree the conceding player withdraws their gang from the battle and their gang is considered to have bottled out. All of their Active, Pinned, Engaged, and Broken fighters are removed from play.

For any of their fighters who are Seriously Injured the fighter is removed from play but a D6 is rolled for them; on a 1 or 2 a Lasting Injury roll must be made for that fighter.

If the defending player concedes, the attacking player is considered to have destroyed the objective.

When the remaining Active and Pinned fighters on the battlefield all belong to the same gang, the battle ends immediately.

At the end of the End Phase, if all the remaining fighters on the battlefield are Seriously Injured or Broken, the battle ends immediately.


If one of the gangs concedes, the other gang automatically wins. Otherwise, if the attacking gang destroyed the target the attacking gang wins. If the attacking gang failed to destroy the target, the defending gang wins.

Rewards (Campaign Only)


If the defending gang had Home Turf advantage and lost, the defending gang loses 1 Turf. If the defending gang has one or more Special Territories roll D6; if the result is a 1 the lost Turf is one of the gang's Special Territories (defending player's choice).

If the defending gang had Home Turf advantage and won, the defending player may choose to upgrade that Turf to become a Stronghold Special Territory.

Stronghold: The gang controls a reinforced and highly defensible location. When this territory is added to a gang's roster the gang gains D3 Reputation. If this territory would be lost or stolen by any means the controlling player may roll a D6; on a 4 or more the gang retains the Stronghold and its corresponding Territory Size. When this Territory is removed from a gang's roster, that gang loses D3 Reputation.


Standard XP for taking fighters Out of Action applies.

Each fighter who participated in the battle gains 1 XP.

Each attacking fighter who managed to inflict any number of Wounds on the target gains 1 additional XP. Note that if a particular fighter inflicted more than 1 Wound they gain 1 additional XP total, not one per Wound inflicted.

The attacking fighter who destroys the target gains 1 additional XP.

If a gang is the winner, that gang's Leader gains 1 XP.


Each gang gains 1 Reputation if they have never fought a battle against the opposing gang.

If the attacking gang fails to take the target Out of Action, they lose 1 Reputation.

If there is a winner, the winning gang gains 1 Reputation.