Archeotech Gun

Archeotech Guns are in the Special category.

Ancient Archeotech Guns sometimes turn up in the Underhive, hidden in some newly discovered cache of long gone wonders. When they work at all, they often have surprising capabilities that exceed those of more common items...and sometimes equally surprising flaws.

When an Archeotech Rifle is discovered, roll 1D6 to determine what kind it is:

1: Slugthrower, 2: Boltthrower, 3: Shotthrower, 4: Lightthrower, 5: Needlethrower, 6: Heatthrower.

Then roll 1D6 to determine if an additional trait must be added to the weapon's profile:

1: Unstable, 2: Unreliable , 3: Noisy, 4: no extra trait, 5: Silent, 6: Blaze.

Short Rng
Long Rng
Short Acc
Long Acc

Knockback: After a hit made by an attack with this trait has been resolved, if the target was not taken Out of Action they may be involuntarily moved away from the direction of the attack. To resolve this, the attack has a Knockback Force equal to the attack's Strength + D3. Subtract the value indicated in the Knockback Resistance table below from that Knockback Force to determine the Knockback Distance (minimum 0).
Knockback Resistance
The Target Is...
Value To Subtract
another fighter
target's modified Strength + D3
an object that can be carried
using the Carry Object action
1 + D3
an object that can be carried using
the Carry Heavy Object action
4 + D3

If the Knockback Distance is 0 the target is unaffected by this trait. Otherwise, the target is involuntarily moved that many inches directly away from the direction of the attack. If the target is moved into an obstruction, the target stops moving and suffers a hit resolved with a Strength equal to the Knockback Distance, no AP, and 1 Damage; if the obstruction has Wounds, it also suffers an identical hit.

For instance, a Strength 3 attack with this trait can generate Knockback Force between 4 and 6, while the Knockback Resistance of a Strength 3 fighter is also between 4 and 6. Thus, depending on comparative dice rolls, that fighter might be entirely unaffected or might be moved back 1'' or 2'' if hit by that attack.

The 1'' rule does not apply to this involuntary movement. If a target fighter would end their movement within 1'' of one or more enemy fighters they are instead moved into base contact with the nearest enemy fighter(s).

At the end of resolving this trait, if the target is a fighter and they remain Active, that fighter becomes Pinned.

Falling: A fighter will fall if they are moved off a ledge or over a pitfall. They may also fall if they become Pinned near a ledge and fail the subsequent Initiative check. If this occurs, first finish resolving the attack which knocked them back, then resolve falling damage only if the knocked back fighter remains on the battlefield.
Knockback: on hit, KB a # of inches = (attack S + D3) - (target's S + D3); directly away. If obstacle encountered, suffer hit w/ S = KB distance, no AP, 1 DMG, obstacle suffers same hit.

Rapid Fire (1): When firing with a Rapid Fire weapon, a successful hit roll scores a number of hits equal to the number of bullet holes on the Firepower dice.

If a Rapid Fire weapon scores more than one hit, the hits can be split between multiple targets. The first must be allocated to the initial target, but the remainder can be allocated to other fighters within 3" of the first who are also within range and line of sight. These must not be any harder to hit than the original target...for example if a target in the open is hit, an obscured target cannot have hits allocated to it. Allocate all of the hits before making any wound rolls.

Rapid Fire also works in close combat when on a weapon that also has the Pistol trait.

Melta: Attacks with this trait deal +1 Damage against targets that have an Armor save and objects that have one or more Wounds.

Blinding: a fighter hit by an attack with this trait must make an Initiative check. If this check is failed the fighter loses their Ready marker if they have one, and becomes blinded; place a Blind marker next to the fighter or on their Fighter Card. A blinded fighter cannot make any attacks other than reaction attacks, for which all hit rolls only succeed on a natural 6. If a blinded fighter moves as part of an action they instead move D3'' in a random direction determined by the scatter die, stopping if they make base contact with an obstacle; fighters moving in this way can Engage enemy fighters. When a blinded fighter is activated, roll a D6; on a 3+ the fighter is no longer blinded and the Blind marker is removed. Some equipment and abilities provide resistance or immunity to being blinded. Attacks with this trait that are also 0 Strength and inflict 0 damage do not cause hit targets to be Pinned.

Scattershot: When a target is hit by a scattershot attack, make D6 wound rolls instead of 1.

Toxin: When a fighter does not or cannot make a successful Armor save against a wounding attack that has this trait, before Damage is applied from the attack the fighter's player must roll a D6. If the result is equal to or higher than the fighter's current modified Toughness the fighter suffers a Wound if they have any remaining and if not they suffer a Flesh Wound. Then the attack's Damage is applied and resolved normally.

Scarce: The Reload (Simple) Action cannot be taken on a weapon profile with the Scarce trait.