Assault Grenade Launcher [Choke, Frag, Krak, Plasma, Scare, Smoke]

An assault grenade launcher is a twin-linked belt fed variation of a standard grenade launcher. Because why not?

Short Rng
Long Rng
Short Acc
Long Acc

Blast (3''): The weapon uses a 3” Blast marker.

Knockback: After a hit made by an attack with this trait has been resolved, if the target was not taken Out of Action they may be involuntarily moved away from the direction of the attack. To resolve this, the attack has a Knockback Force equal to the attack's Strength + D3. Subtract the value indicated in the Knockback Resistance table below from that Knockback Force to determine the Knockback Distance (minimum 0).
Knockback Resistance
The Target Is...
Value To Subtract
another fighter
target's modified Strength + D3
an object that can be carried
using the Carry Object action
1 + D3
an object that can be carried using
the Carry Heavy Object action
4 + D3

If the Knockback Distance is 0 the target is unaffected by this trait. Otherwise, the target is involuntarily moved that many inches directly away from the direction of the attack. If the target is moved into an obstruction, the target stops moving and suffers a hit resolved with a Strength equal to the Knockback Distance, no AP, and 1 Damage; if the obstruction has Wounds, it also suffers an identical hit.

For instance, a Strength 3 attack with this trait can generate Knockback Force between 4 and 6, while the Knockback Resistance of a Strength 3 fighter is also between 4 and 6. Thus, depending on comparative dice rolls, that fighter might be entirely unaffected or might be moved back 1'' or 2'' if hit by that attack.

The 1'' rule does not apply to this involuntary movement. If a target fighter would end their movement within 1'' of one or more enemy fighters they are instead moved into base contact with the nearest enemy fighter(s).

At the end of resolving this trait, if the target is a fighter and they remain Active, that fighter becomes Pinned.

Falling: A fighter will fall if they are moved off a ledge or over a pitfall. They may also fall if they become Pinned near a ledge and fail the subsequent Initiative check. If this occurs, first finish resolving the attack which knocked them back, then resolve falling damage only if the knocked back fighter remains on the battlefield.
Knockback: on hit, KB a # of inches = (attack S + D3) - (target's S + D3); directly away. If obstacle encountered, suffer hit w/ S = KB distance, no AP, 1 DMG, obstacle suffers same hit.

Fear: When the target of an attack with this trait is hit, they must make a Nerve test with a -2 modifier to their result. If the test is failed the target immediately becomes Broken and must make a Running for Cover roll to determine how far away they run from the source of this attack. A Pinned fighter who fails their Nerve test will stand up before Running for Cover. This trait has no effect on Seriously Injured fighters or targets that do not make Nerve tests.

Gas: When a fighter is hit by an attack made by a Gas weapon, they are not Pinned and a wound roll is not made; instead roll a D6. If the result is higher than the target's modified Toughness, make an Injury roll for that fighter (regardless of the fighter's Wounds characteristic). No save roll can be made by the fighter against this attack.

Rupture: When a weapon with this trait successfully wounds, D3 Damage is inflicted against the target.

Smoke: Smoke weapons do not cause hits on fighters, they do not cause Pinning and cannot inflict Wounds. Instead mark the location where they hit with a counter. They generate an area of dense smoke, which extends 2.5'' out from the center of the counter; a 5'' Blast marker can be used to determine this area, but it should be considered to extend vertically as well as horizontally. Fighters can move through the smoke, but it blocks line of sight and a fighter who is in the smoke effectively has no vision arc. Anything that cannot be seen by a fighter due to the smoke cannot be targeted, but attacks with the Blast or Template traits that don't declare a target can be used normally. In the End Phase roll a D6; on a 3 or less the area dissipates and the counter is removed.

Twin-linked: When a weapon with this trait scores at least one successful hit, add one additional hit to the total; if used in conjunction with an attack that uses a 3'' Blast marker the additional hit scatters D3+1'' from the center of the first hit, and if used in conjunction with an attack that uses a 5'' Blast marker the second hit scatters D6+1'' from the center of the first hit. Additionally when a weapon with this trait makes an ammo check two dice are rolled and the lower die is kept.

Scarce: The Reload (Simple) Action cannot be taken on a weapon profile with the Scarce trait.

Limited: If an Ammo check is failed for a weapon profile with the Limited trait, the weapon profile is deleted from the fighter card immediately. Do not recalculate the fighter's Rating until the Update Roster step of the Post-Battle Sequence.