Plentiful: Ammunition for this weapon is incredibly common. When
reloading it no Ammo check is required, the weapon is
automatically reloaded.
Rapid Fire (1): When firing with a Rapid Fire weapon, a successful hit
roll scores a number of hits equal to the number of bullet
holes on the Firepower dice.
If a Rapid Fire weapon scores more than one hit, the hits
can be split between multiple targets. The first must be
allocated to the initial target, but the remainder can be
allocated to other fighters within 3" of the first who are
also within range and line of sight. These must not be any
harder to hit than the original target...for example if a target in the
open is hit, an obscured target cannot have hits allocated
to it. Allocate all of the hits before making any wound
Rapid Fire also works in close combat when on a weapon that also has the Pistol trait.