Scare gas grenades, or Scare grenades, produce a form of non-persistent nerve gas.
The effects generated are the psychological and physical symptoms of anxiety.
Scare gas can be absorbed through the skin and is rapid-acting, and therefore
highly dangerous. It dissipates in ordinary atmospheres just as rapidly, however.
Typical battlefield reactions to being hit by Scare grenades include unwillingness to
move or to fire one's weapon and even the refusal of direct orders. The need to escape
danger can result in troops completely retreating.
Grenade: Grenades are treated as a special type of ranged weapon.
A Grenade may be thrown by an Active fighter as a Shoot action.
Grenades do not have a Short range, and their Long range
is determined by the attacking fighter's Strength. The Firepower
dice is not rolled when attacking with a Grenade; an Ammo check
must be rolled after each attack made with a Grenade.
The Reload (Simple) Action cannot be taken on a weapon profile with the
Grenade trait.
Blast (3''): The weapon uses a 3” Blast marker.
Fear: When the target of an attack with this trait is hit, they must make a Nerve test with a -2 modifier to their result.
If the test is failed the target immediately becomes Broken and must make a Running for Cover roll to determine how far
away they run from the source of this attack.
A Pinned fighter who fails their Nerve test will stand up before Running for Cover.
This trait has no effect on Seriously Injured fighters or targets that do not make Nerve tests.
Gas: When a fighter is hit by an attack made by a Gas weapon,
they are not Pinned and a wound roll is not made; instead
roll a D6. If the result is higher than the
target's modified Toughness, make an Injury roll
for that fighter (regardless of the fighter's Wounds characteristic). No
save roll can be made by the fighter against this attack.