Forgeborn Skills
When a Forgeborn would choose a Primary Skill, they may instead choose one of the following
Forgeborn Skills.
Clamber: When this fighter climbs, the vertical distance they move
is not halved. In other words, they always count as
climbing up or down a ladder. Additionally, when this fighter moves across a barricade,
it does not cost 2'' of their move.
Commanding Presence: This fighter can group activate one more fighter than they normally could. If this fighter does not already have a Group Activation ability, they gain the following:
Group Activation (1): this fighter may group activate with up to 1 fellow gang member within 4''.
Iron Will:
While this fighter remains on the battlefield and is not Seriously Injured or Broken, they count as two (2) fighters for the purposes of Bottle tests.
Bottle Test: If not Seriously Injured or Broken, counts as 2 fighters.
Mighty Leap: This fighter ignores up to 2'' of total distance per round when stepping up, crossing obstacles or difficult terrain, leaping across a gap, or jumping down. If this fighter must make an Initiative check to avoid falling after leaping across a gap they automatically pass their check.
Motivated: Once per activation, this fighter may take 1 additional action if they have at least 1 Wound remaining.
If this fighter is still on the battlefield when that action ends they suffer 1 Wound; make an Injury roll for them if they are now at 0 Wounds.
Robust: When this fighter makes a Recovery Test for themselves it is resolved as if they are being assisted, and they may reroll a single Out of Action dice result. Additionally if this fighter is Pinned at the end of the End Phase, they may immediately stand up.
Goliath Forgeborn Equipment List
When creating a new gang or buying Common equipment during a Post Battle Sequence, Goliath Forgeborn may select from the following Equipment list.
Mutations are purchased for fighters who are allowed to have one or more in a similar way to Equipment, but are permanent additions to a fighter and cannot be removed from the fighter by any means.
Goliath fighters may have any number of Mutations purchashed for them from their Equipment List but only when the fighter is first added to a gang's Roster; if the fighter is retired and rehired or becomes part of an Offshoot gang they do not have the option of buying Mutations at that time.
Weapons (CCWs)
Weapons (Pistols)
Weapons (Basic)
Weapons (Specials)