Deathmaiden Skills
When a Deathmaiden would choose a Primary Skill, they may instead choose one of the following
Deathmaiden Skills.
Acrobatic: While moving voluntarily, this fighter may ignore other fighters and the 1'' rule but must still end their movement in a location where the 1'' rule is observed, unless they are currently allowed to Engage opponents
(if charging or consolidating, for instance).
Additionally when this fighter moves across a barricade, it does not cost 2'' of their move.
Hit and Run: After taking their attacks as part of a Charge action and before enemies take their Reaction attacks, this fighter may make a free Disengage action. If this fighter is still Standing after disengaging, they must immediately move up to D3+1'' in a direction of their choosing (the 1'' rule applies).
Iron Will:
While this fighter remains on the battlefield and is not Seriously Injured or Broken, they count as two (2) fighters for the purposes of Bottle tests.
Bottle Test: If not Seriously Injured or Broken, counts as 2 fighters.
Lightning Reflexes: If this fighter is engaged by an enemy fighter while Standing and Readied, this fighter may choose to lose their Ready marker to interrupt that enemy fighter's action. If they do, this fighter immediately makes close combat attacks against the interrupted enemy as if this fighter had successfully made a Charge action against that enemy. Afterwards, if the enemy fighter remains Engaged with this fighter they may make Reaction attacks versus this fighter (instead of any attacks they otherwise would have made).
Resilient: When this fighter suffers a Lasting Injury, a Grievous Injury result is treated as an Out Cold result, and a Permanent Injury result is treated as a Grievous Injury result.
Springing Charge: This fighter may declare a Charge action while Pinned; this fighter may take a free Stand Up action at the beginning of their activation when they use this option.
Escher Deathmaiden Equipment List
When creating a new gang or buying Common equipment during a Post Battle Sequence,
Escher Deathmaidens may select from the following Equipment list.
Weapons (CCWs)
Weapons (Pistols)
Weapons (Specials)