Crew Selection: If the gang is fighting in a scenario that can grant a new territory as a reward, or if you are attacking a gang that has Home Turf advantage, the Dome Runner may join the gang's Crew.
Unadvanceable: This fighter cannot gain XP and cannot gain Advancements.
No Permanent Injury: If this fighter suffers a Lasting Injury that would make a change to their fighter card, they are instead removed from the gang roster.
Explorer: During the Post-battle Sequence,
if a gang with at least one available Dome Runner gains or steals Turf,
for each available Dome Runner they may add 2 to the roll to determine
whether the gang gains a new Special Territory.
Infiltrate: This fighter may Infiltrate. By default, at the end of the Deploy step of the Pre-Battle Sequence and in priority order the controlling player may set this fighter up on the battlefield anywhere that is not visible to or within 6'' of any enemy fighters.
However, some scenarios provide alternative instructions.
Infiltrate: Fighter may Infiltrate, if scenario permits. In priority order set up fighter so that they are not visible to or within 6'' of any enemy fighters (unless scenario specific guidelines are given).
Backstabber: All unarmed and melee attacks made by this fighter gain the Backstab trait; attacks that already have the trait add 2 to the attacker's Strength rather than 1 when the trait is applicable. Additionally, there is a -1 penalty to Detect this fighter.
Stub Pistol
Silencer [Stub Pistol]
This item adds the Silent trait to all weapon profiles of the weapon it is attached to.