XP: 54 (Glacial)
Advances: 7
New Skills: 3, S: +1, T: +1, W: +1, Ld: +1, Int: +1
Escher Gang Queen: This fighter is a Escher Gang Queen; any game effect referring to Eschers or Leaders is applicable to them. This fighter may be equipped from the Escher Gang Queen Equipment List, and uses the Normal Human Characteristic Maxima.
Rise Again: If this fighter would be killed and this gang has an available Deathmaiden slot, this fighter may instead become a Deathmaiden. If this option is taken all of this fighter's gear is moved to the gang's Stash immediately and they go into Recovery. During the Manage Fighters step of the Post-Battle Sequence this fighter loses this ability, Group Activation and Command Aura, and the Equipment and Skill Access of an Escher Gang Queen, then gains the Poisoned Blood ability and the Robust skill, as well as the Equipment and Skill Access of a Escher Deathmaiden. This fighter is no longer the gang's Leader and a new Leader must be selected from among the gang's eligible fighters during the Loss of a Leader step of the Post-Battle Sequence.
Group Activation (2): this fighter may group activate with up to 2 fellow gang members within 12''.
Command Aura (12''): while this fighter is not Seriously Injured and a fellow gang member within 12'' of them fails a Cool check (including a Nerve test), make a Leadership check for this fighter; if it passes the fellow gang member's Cool check is also treated as having been passed.
Inspirational: Friendly fighters within 9'' and line of sight of this fighter may use this fighter's Leadership Characteristic when making a Cool or Willpower check (including Nerve tests).
Connected: This skill only has an effect in the Pre-Battle Sequence.
In the Choose Crews step of the Pre-Battle Sequence after crews are selected,
if this fighter is part of the gang's Crew you may choose to do any one of the following
immediately before Crew Rating is calculated:
- Hire up to three Hive Scum for 15 credits each to become part of the gang's Crew for this battle.
- Hire one Merc at half their normal credit cost to become part of the gang's Crew for this battle.
- Force one Hangers-on on the gang's roster to become part of the gang's Crew for this battle.
Connected: If this fighter is in the gang's Crew, in the Pre-Battle Sequence Choose Crews step after crews are selected and before Crew Rating is calculated, you may use one of the following options to add more fighter(s) to the gang's Crew:
A) Hire 1-3 Hive Scum for 15 credits each; B) Hire 1 Merc at 1/2 credit cost for this battle only; C) Include a Hangers-on from the gang's roster.
Infiltrate: This fighter may Infiltrate. By default, at the end of the Deploy step of the Pre-Battle Sequence and in priority order the controlling player may set this fighter up on the battlefield anywhere that is not visible to or within 6'' of any enemy fighters.
However, some scenarios provide alternative instructions.
Infiltrate: Fighter may Infiltrate, if scenario permits. In priority order set up fighter so that they are not visible to or within 6'' of any enemy fighters (unless scenario specific guidelines are given).
Tactician: When this fighter is set up onto the battlefield, the controlling player may recombine their Tactics Cards deck and discard pile (if any). They may then choose any one Tactics Card from their deck and add it to their hand. Finally, the controlling player reshuffles their Tactics Cards deck.
Tactician: When fighter enters play: choose 1 Tactics Card from deck or discard & add to hand; reshuffle deck & discard.
Armor: Mesh
Modifiers have been applied directly to profile.
Wargear: Armored Undersuit
If a fighter is wearing an armoured undersuit, their Armor save roll is improved by 1.
Mesh Armor and Armored Undersuit (Modifiers have been applied directly to profile.)
Bolter (Rotundus Pattern)
Targeter [Bolter]
Modifiers have been applied directly to profile.
(Modifiers have been applied directly to profile.)
Needle Pistol (Master Crafted)
Wargear: Chem-Synth
An Active or Engaged fighter with a chem-synth can make the following action:
Synthesize Poison (Simple): This fighter selects one of their weapon profiles with the Gas or Toxin trait; that weapon profile gains the Virulent trait (fighters have their Toughness reduced by 1 against attacks with the Virulent trait). The weapon profile loses the Virulent trait after a Close Combat exchange or Ranged attack using it is resolved.Select one of your Toxin or Gas weapon profile; fighters' are -1 T vs next attack with that weapon profile.
Wargear: Photo-goggles
This fighter can attack through smoke clouds and is unaffected by low-light conditions.
Additionally, this fighter adds 1 to the result of any check to resist being blinded.
A fighter with photo-goggles gains no benefit from using similar items, or weapon sights of any kind
Unaffected by smoke or low-light, +1 vs blinding.
Wargear: Frenzon Stash
When this fighter is activated they may use their frenzon stash as a free action. If this fighter is Seriously Injured they may suffer a Flesh Wound and become Pinned. If this fighter is Pinned they may make a free Stand Up action. Until the end of the round this fighter automatically passes any Cool or Willpower check they are required to make, and treat the Fight (Basic) action as a Fight (Simple) action. At the beginning of the End Phase roll a D6; if the result is greater than this fighter's current modified Toughness this fighter goes Out of Action and into Recovery.
If a fighter uses a frenzon stash during a battle, the frenzon stash is deleted from their fighter card when the battle
May use as a free action. If Seriously Injured suffer a Flesh Wound and become Pinned. Stand up if Pinned. Until end of round, auto-pass Cool and Willpower checks and treat Fight as a Simple action. At the beginning of the End Phase roll a D6; if the result is greater than this fighter's current modified Toughness this fighter goes Out of Action and into Recovery. If used, delete at end of battle.
Grenade: Plasma
Grenade: Photon Flash