Ash Waste Nomad: This fighter is a Ash Waste Nomad; any game effect referring to Ash Waste Nomads is applicable to them. This fighter uses the Survivor Critical Injury table and the Deathworlder Characteristics Maxima, may be equipped from the Ash Waste Nomad Equipment List, and when they would choose a Primary Skill they may instead choose a Ash Waste Nomad Skill.
Fast Shot: This fighter treats the Shoot action as Simple rather than Basic. This skill cannot be used with weapons that have the Unwieldy trait.
Demolitionist: When this fighter is set up onto the battlefield, select a Frag Trap or Melta Trap Tactics Card and play it on them. Additionally if this fighter would trigger a trap that does not normally allow an Intelligence check before triggering (including by opening caskets or interacting with scenario specific objects that have traps placed on them or in them), before determining if the trap triggers this fighter may make an Intelligence check; if this check is passed the trap is disarmed and does not trigger.This fighter starts play with a Frag Trap, Melta Trap, or Gas Trap Tactics Card. When encountering a trap that triggers automatically, may make a successful Intelligence check to prevent the trap from triggering.
Armor: Mesh
Modifiers have been applied directly to profile.
Good Luck Charm (Any weapon)
Once per battle you may re-roll a failed hit roll or a failed wound roll made for an attack using the attached weapon; the re-rolled result must be taken.
Grenade: Krak