XP: 17 (Fast)
Advances: 3
New Skills: 3, Enfeebled: 1, Bionic Upgrades: 1, Eye Injury: 1, Bionic Eyes: 1
Goliath Specialist: This fighter is a Goliath Specialist; any game effect referring to Goliaths or Specialists is applicable to them. This fighter may be equipped from the Goliath Specialist Equipment List, and uses the Goliath Characteristic Maxima. During campaign play this fighter Advances as a Hero.
Moving On Up: During campaign play if the gang has an open Champion position this fighter may be promoted to become a Goliath Forge Boss or a Goliath Stimmer. If this option is taken this fighter loses this ability and their current Equipment and Skill Access, and gains the Equipment and Skill Access of the type of Champion they become. If this fighter becomes a Goliath Forge Boss they gain Group Activation (1) and Command Aura (6''), or if they become a Goliath Stimmer they gain the Combat Stims ability; any Skills this fighter already has are retained and their characteristics remain unchanged.
Grenadier: When this fighter throws a Grenade or shoots a Grenade Launcher, their Long range is increased by 4''. When one of this fighter's Grenades scatters, their controlling player may choose to increase or decrease the scatter distance by up to 1''.
Marksman: When making a Shoot action, this fighter is not affected by target Priority and may Check the Range before selecting their target(s).
Additionally, the Armor Penetration of ranged attacks made by this fighter are increased by 1 step. For instance, no AP becomes AP -1, AP -1 becomes AP -2, and so on.
This skill cannot be used with weapons that have the Blast, Scattershot, or Template traits.
Robust: When this fighter makes a Recovery Test for themselves it is resolved as if they are being assisted, and they may reroll a single Out of Action dice result. Additionally if this fighter is Pinned at the end of the End Phase, they may immediately stand up.
Trick Shot: When making a ranged attack, this fighter gains +D3 to hit a target in Partial or Full cover.
Armor: Furnace Plates
Modifiers have been applied directly to profile. The second improved save value after the slash is only vs attacks that hit within the fighter's front arc.
Bionics: Bionic Ruggedization
The fighter has had their body improved with subdermal armor, a metallic skeleton, or some other enhancement that makes them more durable.
This item may never be removed from the fighter it is attached to.
A fighter with this item cancels the first Flesh Wound they would take during a battle.
Grenade Launcher [Frag, Krak]
Stub Pistol
Bionics: Bionic Upgrades
Modifiers have been applied directly to profile.
Bionics: Bionic Eye
Modifiers have been applied directly to profile.
Improved Optics: A fighter with at least one bionic eye can see and attack through smoke clouds and is unaffected by low-light conditions.
Additionally, the fighter adds 1 to the result of any check to resist being blinded for each bionic eye they have.
A fighter with one or more bionic eyes gains no benefit from using photo-goggles or similar items, or weapon sights of any kind.