Backstab: If the attacker is not within the target's vision arc, add 1 to
the attack's Strength.
Drag (X): After a hit made by an attack with this trait has been resolved normally
(i.e. after any wound, save, and injury rolls have been made), if the target was not taken Out of Action the attacker can attempt to drag the target towards themselves.
To resolve this, the attack is considered to have a Drag Force equal to the number shown in brackets + D3; if no number is specified the number is assumed to be equal to the attack's Strength.
For instance, an attack annotated as having Drag(5) has a Drag Force of 5 + D3, while an attack annotated as simply Drag has a Drag Force equal to the attack's Strength + D3.
The target is considered to have a Drag Resistance as indicated in the below table.
The Target Is...
Value To Subtract
another fighter
target's modified Strength + D3
an object that can be carried
using the Carry Object action
1 + D3
an object that can be carried using
the Carry Heavy Object action
4 + D3
Subtract the target's Drag Resistance from the attack's Drag Force to determine the Drag Distance (minimum 0).
If the Drag Distance is 0 the target is unaffected by this trait. Otherwise, the target is involuntarily moved that many inches straight towards the attacker.
For instance, a Strength 4 attack with this trait has a Drag Force of between 5 and 7, while a non-heavy carryable object has a Drag Resistance of between 2 and 4.
Thus, depending upon comparative dice rolls, such an object would be dragged between 1'' and 5'' by such an attack.
Similarly, a Strength 4 fighter has a Drag Resistance of between 5 and 7 and might be entirely unaffected by the same attack, but even in the worst case would be dragged no more than 2''.
If the target is moved off a ledge by this trait it falls and may suffer falling damage.
If the target is moved into an obstruction, the target stops moving and suffers a hit resolved with a Strength equal to the Drag Distance, no AP, and 1 Damage;
if the obstruction has Wounds, it also suffers an identical hit.
The 1'' rule does not apply to this involuntary movement. If a target fighter would end their movement within 1'' of one or more enemy fighters they are instead moved into base contact with the nearest enemy fighter.
If an attack with this trait also has the Impale trait and hits more than one fighter, the last fighter to be hit is considered to be the target for purposes of resolving this trait.
At the end of resolving this trait, if the target is a fighter and they remain Active, that fighter becomes Pinned.
Entangle: Hits scored by weapons with the Entangle trait cannot be negated by the Parry trait (but can be negated by the Parry skill). In addition, if the hit roll for a weapon with this trait is a natural 6, any Reaction attacks made by the target have an additional -2 hit modifier.
Melee: Attacks with this trait can be used during close combat without penalty.
Parry: After an enemy makes close combat attacks against this fighter and rolls to hit, until this fighter has no further Parry options available to them this fighter's controlling player can force the attacking player to re-roll one successful hit per Parry.
Pistol: Pistols can be used to make ranged attacks, and can also
be used in close combat. If a Pistol has an Accuracy modifier, it
applies to ranged attacks only.
Plentiful: Ammunition for this weapon is incredibly common. When
reloading it no Ammo check is required, the weapon is
automatically reloaded.
Potent: When rolling to wound with an attack that has this trait, you may roll two dice and select one for your result.
Toxin: When a fighter does not or cannot make a successful Armor save against a wounding attack that has this trait, before Damage is applied from the attack the fighter's player must roll a D6.
If the result is equal to or higher than the fighter's current modified Toughness the fighter suffers a Wound if they have any remaining and if not they suffer a Flesh Wound. Then the attack's Damage is applied and resolved normally.
Unstable: If the Ammo Symbol is rolled on the Firepower dice when
attacking with this weapon, there is a chance the weapon
will overheat in addition to needing an Ammo check. Roll
a D6. On a 1, 2 or 3, the weapon suffers a catastrophic
overload and the attacker is taken Out of Action. The
attack is still resolved against the target.
Virulent: Fighters have their Toughness reduced by 1 against attacks with this trait. Unliving targets such as inanimate objects, vehicles, and robots are not affected by this trait.