The warrior may opt to leave HtH combat in the movement phase without ill effect
on a 3+. If the roll is failed the warrior cannot leave HtH combat and loses one
Attack in the ensuing HtH phase.
Fast Strike
The warrior may choose to make a single Fast Strike in HtH instead of his normal
complement of Attacks. The warrior picks which weapon he is striking with and adds
a d6 to his Initiative to determine at what order the strike is resolved, max of
10. Not usable with any weapon that requires 2 Hands to use.
Roll Dodge
The warrior can ignore the 2" Interception rule when charging in to HtH combat.
Fleet Footed
The warrior gains +1 to his base Movement.
If the Hero breaks and runs while in HtH combat, his opponents do not get an automatic
hit upon him. Rather, they hit on a 4+. Additionally, the Hero's player may roll
3d6 instead of the normal 2d6 and pick which 2 dice he prefers to determine the
number of inches the Hero flees.
Monkey Man
The Hero may ignore obstacles of up to 2" in height when moving rather than
the standard 1".