Darius von Waldenstein
Human (Sylvanian)
+80 Warband Rating
Equipment: Brace of Sanctified Dueling Pistols, Impressively Large Buckle Hat (treat
as Helmet), Garlic, Rare Items
A Sylvanian by birth Darius is a child of tragedy, the sole survivor
of his family. His parents and siblings were all wiped out by Vampires, but he managed
to escape and took shelter in a Sigmarite abbey, where he grew to adulthood and
stoked the fires of his hatred. To full of hate to be a priest, when he was old
enough he left the abbey and began a personal crusade against Vampires. Working
with other Slayers, Witch Hunters, Priests of different stripes, and alone he has
fought the fiends relentlessly for many years. He has recently come to Mordheim,
where the von Carsteins have many minions laboring on their behalf and
eagerly allies with adventurers who find themselves in opposition to the Vampires.
Any Human Mercenary, Sigmarite, Witch Hunter, Vampire Hunter, or Knightly
Order band that finds itself facing a warband including a Vampire in its roster
may choose to roll 3d6; if all three come up as 6's then Darius has been tracking
the Vampire and shows up to lend his aid to the Human warband making the roll. In
the case of multiple Human warbands taking part in the same battle, Darius will
instead wait and watch; if at any point there is only one Human warband remaining
and an opposing Vampire is still in play then Darius will join the Human warband,
entering play via the board edge of that warband player's choice. Darius leaves
the band after the battle.
Vampire Slayer
Darius has dedicated his life to fighting Vampires and is very effective against
them. He has a special 4+ Unmodified Save vs Vampires. Additionally his sanctified
Dueling Pistols do d3 Wounds vs all True Undead when weilded by Darius. Finally
Darius doubles his Initiative rating to detect True Undead.
Slay the Fiend
The warrior Hates Vampires and all their servants. Additionally, the warrior is
Immune to Fear caused by Vampires, Undead, and their fellow band members.
Stake Hurling
If equipped with a stake the Vampire Slayer may hurl it Strength x 2 inches in the
shooting phase following the normal rules for shooting, but with no penalties for
range or moving. Stakes hurled in this manner wound at the users Strength and use
all special rules regarding a Stake (as Dagger, +1 to Injure Vampire, lost if Vampire
put OoA).
If armed with two pistols, the warrior may fire twice.
Eagle Eyes
The warrior can fire his missile weapons 6" further.
Steady Hands
The warrior never gets a -1 to hit penalty for long range.
Trick Shooter
The warrior never gets a -1 to hit penalty for cover.
Wooden Stakes
As Dagger, plus +1 to Injure Vampires, lost if struck Vampire is put OoA. Darius
always carries ten Stakes about his person.
Leather Whip
If not in HtH, may Strike foes up to 4" away in the HtH phase as if they were BtB.
Users Strength -1, Cannot be Parried.
The wearer of a Torc (an armored collar) has a special save vs Critical Wounds scored
against him in HtH. Regardless of whether or not an armor save is normally allowed,
the wearer of the Torc may ignore a Critical wound scored in HtH on a D6 roll of
4+, reducing the Critical Wound to a normal wound. No further normal Armor save
may be taken against this wound, but Helmet saves may be taken as normal if the
bearer is stunned.