Cool Stuff

Gear Guns Armor Vehicles Misc
They say that Eskimos have a hundred words for "snow". That may or may not be true, but Runners have far more than a hundred words for guns. Whether its a Gallo Roaring Lion, a Fuchi-karawa Pulson Pistol, a  Zabijak Smrticia Ruka SSB, or some other specimen of a gunsmith's deadly art there is one thing for sure; guns are everywhere in the MetaCyber setting and most reasonable people have at least one in their possession.
In the MetaCyber campaign the cost of guns is determined via a simple formula as determined by the adjoining calculator.
Active Points:
Real Cost:
Select Availability:
Credit Cost:*
Simply enter the total Active Points, Real Cost, and Availability level of the Weapon in the appropriate fields and the credit cost will be calculated automatically.
In addition to the cost of a weapon, a character needs sufficient access to acquire a weapon for their Resource Pools. *NOTE: These are ballpark figures; a large variety of circumstances will dictate the exact costs involved, but on average the prices will hover in a range of around +/-10% of the amount indicated by the above calculator.
Also note that the GM is always free to assign whatever cost they want to any item.
As explained in the Dark Champions Supplement document and the Gadgets & Gear Supplement document, the weapon lists from Dark Champions, further extended by some more sci-fi oriented weapons from Gadgets & Gear, are used for the bulk of the weapons in a MetaCyber campaign.
A simple Manufacturer name change is all that is necessary to transplant the weapons.
To do so, simply find the manufacturer of a weapon in Dark Champions in the adjoining drop down list and the MetaCyber equivalent will be displayed.
Select Real World Manufacturer:
MetaCyber Manufacturer
For those that don't have Dark Champions, while it is highly recommended that it be acquired for use with a MetaCyber campaign, the same gun lists are reprinted in the HERO System Equipment Guide.
This adjoining chart gives a manufacturer equivalency from real world to the MetaCyber setting for major brands. Simply proxy the MetaCyber company for the one given in the weapons charts starting on page 242 of Dark Champions. For added style a GM might also want to modify any obvious monikers.
An important feature of using the Dark Champions Weapons section is the extensive work that has been done for a broad variety of special ammunitions. However, it can be a bit of a pain to parse the ammo charts and apply them to various firearms. It is recommended that a GM or players using exotic forms of ammunition, which are used extensively in the MetaCyber setting, take the time to figure out how the ammo effects the cost of a weapon ahead of time to prevent the game slowing down whenever the subject comes up.
In particular Caseless, Flachette, and Penetrating Frangible ammo are popular among Runners
The following list reprises the weapons from Gadgets & Gear that are assumed to be in play.
Select Gadget & Gear Weapon:
Simply pick the Gadget & Gear Weapon you want from the list; the MetaCyber designation and manufacturer of that weapon will be displayed.
The following list contains new weapons specific to the MetaCyber campaign; one or two per major manufacturer. These weapons represent archetypical weapons that their manufacturers are known for; Corelli excels at pistols, Zabijak make fantastic SMG's, Fuchi-karawa make "smart" gear, Gallo makes a lot of alternative tech guns, J&S focuses on solid and dependable firearms, and Norn-Tek makes a lot of military / high damage weapons.
Fuchi-Karawa Viper Auto-tracker Pistol (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 0
Street, 12,400 creds
A popular gun among less skilled marksmen; the Viper's integral brainjack uplink assists aiming. People with any amount of actual skill generally sneer at those who need the assist, and people using them are the butt of many jokes.
  1. Auto Tracker: +6 with Viper Auto Tracker; OAF (-1), Cannot Be Used In Conjunction With Other OCV or Range Skill Levels (-3/4), Requires Brainjack (-1/4)
  2. Fuchi-karawa Viper Auto Tracker: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6-1 (vs. PD), 32 Charges (+1/4) (31 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Min 5 Cannot Add Damage (-3/4), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [32]
  3. WF: Fuchi-karawa Viper Auto Tracker, OAF, Requires Brainjack
Active Points 31 Real Cost 20
Fuchi-Karawa Rattler Machine Pistol (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 1
Enforcement, 8,775 creds
A utilitarian, well built machine pistol with a respectable clip, good rate of fire, and low failure rate. However, it does kick a bit, isn't particularly accurate, and isn't suitable for more spindly shooters.
Fuchi-Karawa Rattler Machine Pistol: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (vs. PD), 33 Charges (+1/4), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Min 14 Cannot Add Damage (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)
Active Points 45 Real Cost 13
Fuchi-Karawa Silver Asp Auto Pistol (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 0
Street, 3,700 creds
This sleek, lightweight, and compact pistol uses strip-jacketed frangible rounds allowing it to hit harder than its petite size would suggest. It's popular with those who don't want a bulky weapon, and those concerned with looks. Some manly men consider it to be a "girly" weapon.
Fuchi-karawa Silver Asp Automatic Pistol: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (vs. PD), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 5 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -3/4), 12 Charges (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)
Active Points 37 Real Cost 10
Fuchi-Karawa Barracuda VA29 Variable Automatic Pistol (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 37,800 creds
This flexible pistol is very popular and has many proponents. Featuring both a single shot and three round burst mode, it packs a punch and is accurate. A silencer is also available and widely used by special ops types. Burst mode is not usable while the silencer is attached; it takes a Full phase action to attach or detach the silencer.
  1. Accurate: +2 with Barracuda VA29 Variable Automatic Pistol
  2. Barracuda VA29 Variable Automatic Pistol: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6+1 (vs. PD), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4) (44 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 14 (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4) [12]
  3. Burst Mode: Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) for up to 44 Active Points of Barracuda VA29 Variable Automatic Pistol, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1) (22 Active Points); OAF (-1) 0

  • Optional Silencer: Invisible to Hearing Group (+1/4) for up to 44 Active Points of Barracuda VA29 Variable Automatic Pistol, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (16 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
    +3,520 creds, Real Cost: +11; Cannot be used with Burst Mode.
Active Points 60 Real Cost 27
Corelli Mako Heavy Pistol (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 1
Enforcement, 12,600 creds
A heavy, solid pistol with distinctive angled and squared off aesthetics and a cowled rotary hammer / cocker mechanism. Some believe it to be the best heavy pistol in modern production. It packs a very serious punch and can penetrate unreinforced armor with ease. The design of the weapon is friendly to customization, and many independent gunsmiths turn out both cosmetically retooled and upgraded versions at a premium.
Corelli Mako Heavy Pistol: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6-1 (vs. PD), AP (+1/2) (60 Active Points); STR Min 18+ Cannot Add Damage (-1 1/2), OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4)
Active Points 60 Real Cost 14
Gallo Avenging Eagle Laser Sniper Rifle (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 3
Advanced Military, 183,690 creds
Sporting the most powerful weaponized laser currently available in a rifle form-factor, this expensive instrument of death is notable in that it has an integrated powerpack. When the trigger is pulled there is no kick and very little noise, but there is a slight delay to charge the laser making the weapon difficult to use. However it's almost certainly lethal, especially with a head or vitals shot though the visible laser is less than stealthy.
Gallo Avenging Eagle: Ranged Killing Attack 6d6 (vs. ED), Increased Maximum Range (3,375"; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (157 Active Points); STR Minimum 10 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Beam (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)
Active Points 157 Real Cost 39
Norn-Tek CSG-1 Combat Shotgun (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 15,300 creds
This sleek, retro-looking shotgun is rugged, will take all kinds of cartridges, and has a stock specifically designed to be used as a club. However, it is a single-shot and breech-loaded, requiring a 1/2 Phase Action to load each cartridge; a version of Fast Draw called Fast Load can be purchased and used to reduce loading to a 0 Phase Action on a successful skill roll.
Multipower, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); 1/2 Phase Action Or Fast Load Skill Roll To Load Each Cartridge (Charge) (-1/2); all slots STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4); all slots ULTRA
  1. Buckshot: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (vs. PD), 15 Charges (+0), Area of Effect Hex (+1/2) (45 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [15]
  2. Flashbang Shell: Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 5d6, Explosion (+1/2) (45 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), 8 Charges (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [8]
  3. Frag Shell: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (vs. ED), 16 Charges (+0), Explosion (+1/2) (45 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [16]
  4. Hardened Combat Stock with Inertial Magnifier: HA +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), HA (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) 0
  5. Scatter Shot: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (vs. PD), Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/2"; +1/2) (45 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), 12 Charges (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [12]
  6. Slug: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6+1 (vs. PD), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4) (44 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), 12 Charges (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [12]
  7. Smoke Cartridge: Darkness to Sight Group 2" radius, 12 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (+3/4) (35 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [12 cc]
Active Points 45 Real Cost 17
Gallo .50 AE Heavy Pistol (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 0
Street, 6,440 creds
A classic, this popular and ubiquitous firearm has been in production for the last 20+ years. It reliability, accuracy, and man-stopping power are well respected. Many after-market upgrades exist for it, but the most common is undoubtedly an optional silencer.
  1. Accurate: +1 with Gallo .50 AE
  2. Gallo .50 AE: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6+1 (vs. PD), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4) (44 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 14 (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), 9 Charges (-1/4) [9]

  • Optional Silencer: Naked Modifier: Invisible to Hearing Group (+1/4) for up to 44 Active Points, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (16 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
    +1,760 creds, Real Cost: +11 points
Active Points 44 Real Cost 14
Gallo Fisherhawk Gyro Pistol (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 0
Street, 4,200 creds
This popular weapon is a gyropistol well reputed for its accuracy at range.
  1. Excellent Range: Penalty Skill Levels: +6 vs. Range Modifier with a Gallow Fisherhawk
  2. Gallo Fisherhawk Gyropistol: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6+1 (vs. PD) (35 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 10 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), 7 Charges (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [7]
Active Points 35 Real Cost 21
Gallo Sparhawk Caseless Autopistol (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 0
Street, 4,550 creds
This cheap and lightweight weapon uses a stack of 7 caseless rounds held together by a zippered plastic frame in a top-loading clipless arrangement. As each round is fired the next round is pulled down and the emptied end of the frame exits from the bottom of the barrel. The barrel action does not move, there are no shells, and the kick is minimal (and straight back) which helps accuracy significantly. However the weapon has a major fail rate after 100 rounds or so.
  1. Good Range: +2 vs Range Modifier with Sparhawk Caseless Autopistol
  2. Accurate: +2 with Sparhawk Caseless Autopistol
  3. Gallo Sparhawk Caseless Autopistol: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (vs. PD) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 5 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -3/4), 7 Charges (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [7]
Active Points 30 Real Cost 13
Gallo Mark29 Grenade Launcher (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 100,000 creds
This brutal, stubby Grenade Launcher is custom fitted for the large M29 HE-F (Mark 29 High-Explosive Frag) gyroid. This military grade payload is a real mule-puncher and very dangerous.
Gallo Mark 29 Grenade Launcher: Ranged Killing Attack 4d6-1 (vs. ED), Indirect (Lobbed; +1/4), Does Knockback Not Knockdown (+1/4), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4), Does x1 1/2 Knockback (+1/2), Explosion (-1 DC/3"; +1) (179 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), 16 clips of 1 Charge (-3/4), Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [1]
Active Points 179 Real Cost 34
Gallo MPTGL650 Grenade Launcher (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 35,000 creds
A no-nonsense, practical, and adaptable manually-loaded grenade launcher that will fit a wide variety of standard-ordinance grenades. It requires a 1/2 Phase Action to load each grenade; a version of Fast Draw called Fast Load can be purchased and used to reduce loading to a 0 Phase Action on a successful skill roll.
Gallo MPTGL-650 (Multi-Purpose Tactical Grenade Launcher): Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Indirect (Lobbed; +1/4) (75 Active Points); 1/2 Phase Action Or Fast Load Skill Roll To Load Each Grenade (Charge) (-1/2); all slots STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)
  1. Scattershot Grenade: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (vs. PD), 15 Charges (+0), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4), Area of Effect Radius: 2" (+3/4) (60 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [15]
  2. Flashbang Grenade: Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 7d6, Explosion (+1/2) (60 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), 8 Charges (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [8]
  3. Frag Grenade: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6-1 (vs. ED), 16 Charges (+0), Explosion (+1/2) (60 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [16]
  4. Cyanide Grenade: Ranged Killing Attack 1d6-1 (vs. NND), 6 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Minute each (+0), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (Visible To Smell / Taste; +1/2), NND (No Need To Breath, Immunity To Poison; +1), Does BODY (+1), Continuous (+1), Area of Effect Radius: 5" (+1), Conforming (+1/2) (60 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [6 cc]
  5. Knockout Grenade: Energy Blast 3d6 (vs. NND), NND (No Need To Breath, Immunity To Poison; +1), Continuous (+1), Explosion (-1 DC/3"; +1) (60 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [4 cc]
  6. Smoke Grenade: Darkness to Sight Group 3" radius, 12 Continuing Charges lasting 20 Minutes each (+1) (60 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [12 cc]
Active Points 75 Real Cost 23
Jones & Strat Imperator (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 1
Enforcement, 9,000 creds
A weak contender for the best Heavy Pistol throne, the Imperator features a distinctive and modern-looking sleek, long design. Detractors hold forth on the fact that it has less muzzle velocity than other Heavy Pistols, but its high-clip capacity and man-stopping power are valued by aficionados. Many SecForces favor it.
Jones & Strat Imperator Heavy Pistol: Ranged Killing Attack 2 1/2d6 (vs. PD), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4) (50 Active Points); STR Min 18+ Cannot Add Damage (-1 1/2), OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4) [12]
Active Points 50 Real Cost 12
Jones & Strat Imperator SFC (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 22,400 creds
This up-gunned version of the Imperator is specifically designed to increase man-stopping power and is favored by many SecForces, Enforcement agencies, and bodyguards.
Jones & Strat Imperator Heavy Pistol: Ranged Killing Attack 2 1/2d6 (vs. PD), Does Knockback Not Knockdown (+1/4), +2 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/2) (70 Active Points); STR Min 18+ Cannot Add Damage (-1 1/2), OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4) [12]
Active Points 70 Real Cost 16
Mini-Gun (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 143,500 creds
This fearsome weapon, beloved by many Boomers and gun nuts, is one of the most lethal and destructive man-portable weapons in the world. Relatively rare and regarded as a highly recognizable "signature" weapon, its distinctive percussive whine has been the last thing heard by many and brings a chill to most peoples spines.
Jones & Strat Validator Minigun: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6+1 (vs. PD), 32 Charges (+1/4), Does Knockback Not Knockdown (+1/4), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4), Variable Advantage (+1 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages (Area of Effect Line: 34", Area of Effect Cone: 17", Area of Effect Radius: 13" Half Circle); +1 3/4) (175 Active Points); STR Min 18+ Cannot Add Damage (-1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [32]
Active Points 175 Real Cost 41
Jones & Strat Enforcer Assault Rifle (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 169,920 creds
This is a very serious weapons system well regarded for it's accuracy and punch. It has both a single shot and five round burst mode, and with the addition of a sniper scope it can serve as a creditable long range threat. It is extremely popular with many corporate SecForces.
  1. Accurate: +2 OCV w/ J&S Enforcer Assault Rifle
  2. J&S Enforcer Assault Rifle: Ranged Killing Attack 2 1/2d6 (vs. PD), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4), 64 Charges (+1/2) (70 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [64]
  3. Burst Mode: Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) for up to 70 Active Points of J&S Enforcer Assault Rifle, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1) (70 Active Points); OAF (-1)

  • Optional Sniper Scope: +6 vs Range Penalty With Rifle Attached To
    +2,880 creds, Real Cost: +12 points
Active Points 140 Real Cost 59
Jones & Strat Roomsweeper Riot Shotgun (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 1
Enforcement, 40,000 creds
A popular pump-action rapid loading shotgun featuring a staggered stack sixteen-round ammo clip, this bad mamma-jamma is well liked equally by Runners, enforcement agents, and street scum.
Jones & Strat Roomsweeper Riot Shotgun: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6+1 (vs. PD), 16 Charges (+0), Does Knockback Not Knockdown (+1/4), Does x1 1/2 Knockback (+1/2), Area of Efect Hex: Accurate (+1/2) (112 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [16]
Active Points 112 Real Cost 25
Jones & Strat Broomhandle Shotgun (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 0
Street, 8,000 creds
A simple, straight-stocked, breech-loaded sawed off shotgun with a simple bell-guard finger trigger and a flushed hammer. It's unwieldy and kicks hard, but it's easier to hide due to its overall un-gunlike shape and dimensions.
Jones & Strat Broomhandle Street Shotgun: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6+1 (vs. PD) +1 w/ Concealment, Does Knockback Not Knockdown (+1/4), Area of Efect Hex: Accurate (+1/2) (63 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), 5 Charges (-1), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) [5]
Active Points 63 Real Cost 13
NT Belt Fed Shotgun (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 35,000 creds
The most widely used belt fed shotgun in the world, this reliable weapon system features a ammo-hopper belt pack with three types of shells and three separate ammo feed belts bound together. It takes a practiced user a 1/2 Phase action to detach the belt for one type of ammo and attach another in two smooth motions by sliding one feed forward and off the loading rails, and the desired feed back and onto the loading rails.
Multipower, 70-point reserve, (70 Active Points); 1/2 Phase To Change Ammo Type (-1/4); all slots STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4); all slots ULTRA
  1. Cartridges: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6-1 (vs. PD), 15 Charges (+0), Area of Effect Hex (+1/2), Autofire (3 shots; +1 1/4) (69 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) [15]
  2. Scatter Shot: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6-1 (vs. PD), Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/3"; +3/4) (70 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2), 12 Charges (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [12]
  3. Slug: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6-1 (vs. PD), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (70 Active Points); STR Minimum 15 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/4), OAF (-1), 12 Charges (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [12]
Active Points 70 Real Cost 25
Norn-Tek BFGL-4 Belt Fed Grenade Launcher (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 111,360 creds
This very functional grenade launcher features an ammo hopper in a backpack form factor filled with all manner of grenades. Buttons on the forward stock send commands to the computer controlled hopper to serve up the selected type of grenade in sub-one second. The system practically never jams, and is very highly regarded in the military.
Multipower, 70-point reserve, all slots Can Be Missile Deflected (+0), Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; Lobbed; +1/4) (87 Active Points); all slots OAF (Grenade Launcher & Ammo Backpack; -1); all slots ULTRA
  1. Concussion: Energy Blast 5d6 (vs. NND (LS: High Pressure)), 16 Charges (+0), Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3/4), NND ([Standard]; Life Support: High Pressure; +1) (69 Active Points); OAF (Grenade Launcher & Ammo Backpack; -1) [16]
  2. Flashbang: Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 8d6, Explosion (+1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF (Grenade Launcher & Ammo Backpack; -1), 8 Charges (-1/2) [8]
  3. Frag: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6-1 (vs. ED), 16 Charges (+0), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (70 Active Points); OAF (Grenade Launcher & Ammo Backpack; -1) [16]
  4. Knockout: Energy Blast 3d6 (vs. NND (LS: High Pressure)), NND ([Standard]; Life Support: Self Contained Breathing or Life Support: Extended Breathing or Life Support: Immune To Poison; +1), Continuous (+1), Area of Effect Radius: 5", Conforming (+1 1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF (Grenade Launcher & Ammo Backpack; -1), 6 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-1/4) [6 cc]
  5. Smoke: Darkness to Sight Group 4" radius, 12 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (+3/4) (70 Active Points); OAF (Grenade Launcher & Ammo Backpack; -1) [12 cc]
  6. Splash: Energy Blast 9d6+1 (vs. ED), Explosion (+1/2) (70 Active Points); OAF (Grenade Launcher & Ammo Backpack; -1), 12 Charges (-1/4) [12]
  7. White Phosporus: Energy Blast 4 1/2d6 (vs. EB), Explosion (+1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (69 Active Points); OAF (Grenade Launcher & Ammo Backpack; -1), 6 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-1/4) [6 cc]
Active Points 87 Real Cost 64
Norn-Tek 630-G-CAT (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 0
Street, 11,060 creds
Believed by many to be the heaviest hitting Heavy Pistol on the market, this bulky pistol features a forward mounted short clip making it look more like a stubby sub machine gun. It has so much kick that it can't be fired on the run and requires a good stance making it unwieldy. But proponents consider the end effect to be worth it.
Norn-Tek 630-G-CAT: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6 (vs. PD), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4), +2 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/2) (79 Active Points); STR Min 18+ Cannot Add Damage (-1 1/2), OAF (-1), 4 Charges (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) [4]
Active Points 79 Real Cost 14
Norn-Tek 635-G-CAT (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 1
Enforcement, 20,145 creds
A popular premium upgrade of the G-CAT "Hand Cannon", this version includes a flared forward assembly with an Inertial Dampener to reduce the kick and an extended clip. However, while these upgrades do offset the originals flaws they also make the already heavy weapon even heavier.
Norn-Tek 635-G-CAT w/ Extended Clip and Inertial Dampener: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6 (vs. PD), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4), +2 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/2) (79 Active Points); STR Min 20+ Cannot Add Damage (-1 1/2), OAF (-1), 8 Charges (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)
Active Points 79 Real Cost 17
Norn-Tek 140 FAR (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 60,000 creds
This well constructed weapon is a single-shot assault rifle. While accurate and reliable, its often overlooked in favor of burst-capable assault rifles. With the addition of a sniper scope it becomes a very creditable long range threat. A silencer is also a manufacturer option.
  1. Accurate: +6 with Norn-Tek 140-FAR
  2. Rifle: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6+1 (vs. PD), 32 Charges (+1/4), AP (+1/2) (87 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 14 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (Bi-pod, shoulder strap, or forward hand; -1/4) [32]

  • Optional Sniper Scope: +6 vs Range Penalty With Rifle Attached To
    +2,880 creds, Real Cost: +12 points
  • Optional Silencer: Naked Modifier: Invisible to Hearing Group (+1/4) for up to 87 Active Points, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (33 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
    +3,500 creds, Real Cost: +22 points
Active Points 87 Real Cost 29
Norn-Tek 150 FAPR (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 86,100 creds
This new high tech and very well constructed rifle is essentially a single-shot assault rifle with extensive integrated targeting technology that makes it frighteningly accurate. Marketed as a "Light Sniper Rifle", it has a certain cachet as a highly desirable and stylish to have weapon system. The new hot thing on the market, many gun experts are giving it heavy hype.
  1. Accurate: +2 with Norn-Tek 150-FAPR
  2. Integrated Scope: +4 vs Range Penalties with Norn-Tek 150-FAPR
  3. Integrated Targetting System: +4 vs Hit Locations with Norn-Tek 150-FAPR
  4. Light Sniper Rifle: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6+1 (vs. PD), 32 Charges (+1/4), AP (+1/2) (87 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 14 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (Bi-pod, shoulder strap, or forward hand; -1/4) [32]
Active Points 87 Real Cost 41
Machine Gun (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 2
Military, 82,000 creds
This classic belt-fed machine gun is popular with some old war vets, but largely ignored by more discerning marksmen due to it's indifferent accuracy.
Norn-Tek 225-FAAM Machine Gun: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6+1 (vs. PD), Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), 225 Charges (+1) (137 Active Points); STR Minimum 18+ (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1 1/2), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)
Active Points 137 Real Cost 30
Zabijak SMG (HERO System 5th Edition)
Gear Lvl 0
Street, 15,750 creds
This mean little sub-machine gun is popular on the streets and widely used. It's main claim to fame is a very high rate of fire, which ensures its popularity with the "spray and pray" crowd, particularly Gangers.
Zabijak SMG: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (vs. PD), 60 Charges (+1/2), Autofire (10 shots; +1) (75 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Min 13 Cannot Add Damage (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4); [60]
Active Points 75 Real Cost 21
Names in quotes are not official -- they are unofficial nicknames or street names.