This section discusses various things of interest to a GM planning
on running a MetaCyber campaign. Some of the information is
also of general usage for cyberpunk oriented campaigns.
This is essentially the Campaign Tone and Power Level document.
It is highly recommended that the GM read this, and more involved
Players could get something out of it as well. A number of "Keynotes"
highlighting elements that are particularly important to a MetaCyber
campaign, a general Power Level chart showing the relative status
of characters by character points, and an Assumptions chart
showing what options are assumed to be in use in a MetaCyber
campaign such as Hit Locations, whether points must be paid
for Equipment, and so forth.
A number of documents discussing how to use published HERO Games
supplements in conjunction with a MetaCyber campaign. Currently
covered are the all important Dark Champions, The Ultimate Vehicle,
The Vehicle Sourcebook, and Gadgets & Gear.
A number of documents discussing important elements of Technology
in the MetaCyber setting. Still mostly Under Construction, there
is currently a document available discussing the NET.
This document collects the various MetaCyber art splashes and
pairs them up with the character they represent and provides
a link to a character sheet for that character when one is available.
More NPC write ups are being provided as they are created, so
check here often.
This document contains a simple plot randomizer with a bunch
of genre appropriate story elements. Useful as a kickstarter
for GM's.
This section collects documents describing the default PacFed
running list of new additions.