Body Tech

Cybernetics Cybernetic Limbs & Organs Device Design Costs & Maintenance Cybered Existance
Characteristics Skills Talents & Perks Senses Powers
Cybernetics can be used to grant Skills to a character in various ways.
SkillSofts are chips that are used via a device reader implanted directly into a character's brain, which basically allow a character to do the equivalent of slotting a computer with a physical storage device. To use SkillSofts a character must have a Chip Reader installed, a delicate Cybernetic device typically mounted in the temple but sometimes mounted in the forehead.
There are three varieties of SkillSofts:
  • INT based Skills (such as Knowledge, Science, and Professional Skills)
  • Familiarities (such as Weapon and Transport Familiarities)
  • Digital data storage and retrieval (such as facts / metadata, or real time recording captured via cybernetic sensory implants like cybernetic eyes or ears)
A Chip Reader is a Cybernetic device represented by a VPP for Skills (a rare exception for such), which requires SkillSoft Chips to function. SkillSoft Chips are built as Skills in an IIF Fragile Focus. While the Chip Reader is a Cybernetic device that costs character points and credits, SkillSoft Chips are not Cybernetic devices; they only cost credits, never character points.
 The cost of SkillSoft Chips varies based upon their usefulness and quality, but the adjoining calculator indicates general guidelines.
Select Skill Roll:
How Many Subcategories:
Select Commonality:
Credit Cost:*
*NOTE: These are ballpark figures; a large variety of circumstances will dictate the exact costs involved, but on average the prices will hover in a range of around +/-10% of the amount indicated by the above formulas.
There are cons to the use of SkillSofts. Using SkillSofts requires concentration to mentally access and assimilate the information in a Chip.
Due to the 1/2 DCV concentration issue, WF and TF SkillSofts are a suboptimal use case, but some are willing to accept the trade off in a pinch. Handling a weapon of opportunity or piloting a vehicle in a life and death situation present situations where 1/2 DCV is still preferable to the alternatives.
Storing data, such as schematics and floorplans or duty rosters or threat dossiers, for immediate and perfect recall during a mission can be very advantaging, particularly in situations where it simply isn't practical to pull out a datapad or a map or consult online resources. And for those who also have one or more cybernetic sensory organs installed, the ability to make a recording of what they are observing for later use (reference, proof, blackmail) can also be very compelling. Both are a popular option for a lot of covert specialists.
However, the most common use case for Chip Readers and SkillSofts is to allow the instant acquisition of specific Knowledge, Science, and Professional Skills that require some degree of focus or concentration to use anyway and moreover are primarily used out of combat and other heightened situations (thus mitigating the 1/2 DCV downside most of the time). The ability to become an instant expert on a given subject can be quite helpful from time to time.
Chip Readers also have a limited capacity and individual SkillSoft Chips can be of greater capacity than a particular Chip Reader can use, or consume a disproportionate amount of capacity when used.
A typical Chip Reader is illustrated below, along with some sample SkillSoft Chips. The largest capacity Chip Reader commercially available has a storage of 30 Pool but few are willing to pay the expense for such a large capacity.
Standard Chip Reader:  Variable Power Pool, 9 base + 4 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (19 Active Points); Requires SkillSoft Chips (-1/2); all slots Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Restrainable (by EMPs; -1/4); Real Cost: 13 points; ~520,000 credits
Max Capacity Chip Reader:  Variable Power Pool, 30 base + 16 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (67 Active Points); Requires Skill Soft Chips (-1/2); all slots Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Restrainable (by EMPs; -1/4); Real Cost: 46, ~16,642,800 credits
NOTE: This is a specific exception to the 30 Active Point cap for Cybernetics, and is priced accordingly.
Hacker SkillSoft: Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Hacking and Computer Security, Electronic Locking Devices) 11- (9 Active Points); IIF Fragile (-1/2); ~60,000 credits
NAD SkillSoft: AK: Net Address Directory (INT-based) 11- (3 Active Points); IIF Fragile (-1/2); ~15,000 credits
Atlas SkillSoft: CK: Local City (INT-based) 11- (3 Active Points); IIF Fragile (-1/2); ~15,000 credits
WireSkillz SkillSoft: Electronics (Communications Systems, Recreation Systems) 11- (3 Active Points); IIF Fragile (-1/2); ~52,500 credits
Arsenal SkillSoft: WF: Beam Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Energy Weapons, Electric Whip, Sonic Stunners, Vehicle Weapons (9 Active Points); IIF Fragile (-1/2); ~25,000  credits
A Chip Reader can also take a Media Chip, which allows the recording, storage and transferral of digital media, efficiently encoded for playback. An example of a Media Chip is provided below.
Media Chip: Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); Recorded Media Only (-1/2), IIF Fragile (-1/2); ~10,000 credits
A Chip Reader can also take a Memory Chip, which allows the storage and transferal of data, optimized for rapid reads with keyword cross indexing and queryability. An example of a Memory Chip is provided below.
Memory Chip: Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); Data / Facts Only (-1/2), IIF Fragile (-1/2); ~10,000 credits
Another form of Cybernetic device that conveys the use of Skills (and Talents) are items called Combat Assist Computers, or "Kacks" for short stemming from the acronym CAC. Kacks are small single-purpose firmware computers that can assist their host with various combat tasks such as threat assessment, targeting, and coordination. Most are at least partially installed in the head, and all of them require taps into the host's spine for neuron interception to varying degrees as well.
A cyborg can only have one CAC installed at any given time; the systems overlap too much to be installed together. If a character has one kind of CAC and wants to get another they must have their existing CAC uninstalled first (losing any credits they spent on it but recouping the character points). Each Kack must be bought as-is, unless a character has access to a Cybernetics expert willing to design a custom Kack to their specification. There are several types of Kacks commonly available which are described below.
Computer Assisted Athletics:
Assisted Atheletics: +6 with DEX Based Skills (30 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4); Real Cost: 24 points
Lightning Reflexes: +3 DEX to act first with All Actions (5 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4); Real Cost: 4 points
Total Real Cost: 28 points; ~1,960,000 credits
Computer Assisted Coordination:
Rapid Attack (HTH) (5 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Rapid Attack (Ranged) (5 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) (10 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged) (10 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Total Real Cost: 24 points; ~1,440,000 credits
Computer Assisted Vehicular Operation:
Combat Driving +4 (8 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Combat Piloting +4 (8 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Total Real Cost: 12 points; ~384,000 credits
Computer Assisted Positioning Awareness:
Defense Maneuver IV (10 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Fast Draw +2 (4 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Accurate Sprayfire (5 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Concentrated Sprayfire (5 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Rapid Autofire (5 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Skipover Sprayfire (5 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
+1 with DCV (5 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Total Real Cost: 29 points; ~2,262,000 credits
Computer Assisted Targeting:
+2 with All Combat (16 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
+2 PSL vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks (6 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
+2 PSL vs. Hit Location modifiers with All Attacks (6 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Total Real Cost: 23 points; ~1,288,000 credits
Computer Assisted Target Acquisition:
Combat Sense (15 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4) 12-
Combat Shooting (8 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Absolute Range Sense (3 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
+1 with All Combat (8 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
+1 PSL vs. Hit Location modifiers with All Attacks (3 Active Points)
+1 PSL vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks (3 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4)
Total Real Cost: 30 points; ~2,400,000 credits
Computer Assisted Threat Assessment:
Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Discriminatory, Function as a Sense, Intuitional) (30 Active Points); Restrainable (by EMP's; -1/4) 14-
Total Real Cost: 24 points; ~1,440,000 credits
A character cannot raise any Skill Rolls associated with a Kack directly; however they can take Skill Levels to use in conjunction with their Kacks. Kacks that have a Skill Roll based on a Characteristic such as DEX do benefit from any improvement to that Characteristic however.
If a Kack grants a Skill that a character already has, the character can use the lesser of the two Skills as a Complementary Skill Roll to the greater of the two Skills.