An interesting technology that isn't as popular among Runners due to its lack of
instant gratification, Biofeedback Training (BFT) offers those willing to devote
some time to it an impressive flexibility. Invented about 23 years ago by Verital
Labs (one of the several Bell T&T subsidiaries that survived their parent companies
death during the Corporate Wars of the late 90's), BFT was originally designed as
an educational aid allowing people to do things like learn a foreign language overnight
and other similar amazing learning feats.
After being introduced into society at large despite the best efforts of many prestigious
collegiate-funded lobbyists, it revolutionized the state of education the
world over. No longer did a person need to sit through boring and long hours in
a classroom to maybe learn something; now they could just jack into a BF rig and
pick up enough of whatever skill they needed to get by on.
In the ensuing backlash numerous colleges and universities floundered and failed,
but eventually the survivors adapted and found ways to maintain their relevance;
the best colleges were now determined by the quality of their BF content, and their
student body was primarily remote subscribers tapping into their curriculum. BFT
became an integrated part of corporate and collegiate training and education methodologies
and is now as accepted as any other facet of daily life.
However about 12 years ago a couple of scientists that also happened to be Hackers
on the side, doing Runs with a team in SanRico to fund their scientific research,
started experimenting with using BFT to enhance their ability to do Runs.
From their early experiments they developed an effective variation on BFT and stopped
Running altogether to found their own company, Cogito, providing a facility with
the equipment and software necessary to their process. Cogito was moderately successful
with local Runners, and ultimately was attractive enough of a concern for Verital
to purchase the company to maintain its hold on the BFT technology in general. Verital
expanded Cogito's business model to more markets, and also expanded the technology's
capabilities largely by making certain segments of it open source which allows independent
devs to script custom training routines (and also helped Verital maintain its cred
as a geek-friendly company).