Elly May Robbeton is an example
- Type: Believer Pool Power
- Duration: Persistent
- Target: Self Only (but see text)
- Range: Self
- Costs END: No
- Cost: 3 Character Points for every 1d6 of Intervention
- Intervention is Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith
In the Here There Be Monsters Setting, some Believers are able to reliably call
upon their God(s) or an intermediary such as a saint or angel for divine Intervention.
Intervention can only be purchased in a Believer Pool, and is Only Usable While
In Good Standing With Faith
A player can choose to make an Intervention Roll when their character is in dire
circumstances, when all seems failed, things are at their bleakest, they are completely
out of their depth and cannot save themselves, or hope is seemingly crushed. The
GM has ultimate authority on when Intervention is warranted, or might permit a roll
in less than extremis but only allow less than the character's full number of Intervention
dice to be rolled.
The player rolls 1d6 for every 3 Character Points of Intervention their character
has. Each "6" rolled counts as 1 point of Intervention. The GM then decides what
(if any) event happens to or for the character. The more points of Intervention
the character rolled, the greater the chance that something will happen in their
favor. The Intervention Table provides some general guidelines
to follow when determining the effects of Intervention.
Intervention Outcomes
The character might find a clue or gain information; the character’s opponent could
be momentarily distracted or stopped, giving the character a temporary advantage.
The character could accidentally happen upon someone important or stumble across
someone they were looking for. The character’s opponent could be troubled by a malfunctioning
weapon or a stalled getaway car.
The character might be saved by the most unlikely of coincidences. Unexpected
reenforcement might arrive, or a terminal fall might be broken by a huge pile of
rubber pads that just happen to be in the right place. The enemy’s henchman could
turn out to be a childhood friend. Incredibly unlikely events are possible.
The resolution of the current scenario is resolved narratively by the GM, in the
favor of the character and often their allies. Blatantly miraculous events are possible.
Option: Accumulated Intervention
As an option, a GM might allow a Believer with one or more dice of Intervention
to accumulate Intervention levels over time by taking actions that are appropriate
to the character's belief system, and allow some or all of a character's accrued
Intervention levels to be added to the final result whenever the character makes
an Intervention roll.
If this option is used, the decision to use or not use accrued
Intervention levels is entirely in the discretion of the character's player. Using this
option the awarding of Intervention levels is a special game award, similar to standard
XP awards, and should be allocated somewhat sparingly as appropriate to the character's deeds
and the narrative of the campaign.
Option: Guaranteed Intervention
As an option, a GM might allow a Believer to buy Intervention levels directly. This
option can be used in addition to or instead of the normal d6 based standard version
of Intervention. If used in conjunction with the standard version of Intervention,
when an Intervention roll is made the character adds their guaranteed levels of
Intervention to their Intervention roll total to determine the level of effect.
If a character only has guaranteed levels of Intervention then whenever an Intervention
is appropriate their level of effect is equal to the number of guaranteed levels
the character has purchased.
If this option is used, each level of guaranteed Intervention
costs 15 points.