Wayne Wales is an example Autodidact.
Autodidactism is based on the Cramming Skill found in the core HERO System rules,
but extends the concept with two new custom Skills which are described below, Improved
Cramming, and Martial Cramming.
Skills learned via Cramming, Improved Cramming, and Martial Cramming fade after
a period of time as determined by the GM (at least a week of game time is recommended),
but once a character has learned a Skill via any method of Cramming, they can opt
to spend Experience Points to gain the Skill in the normal fashion, and thus this
process can greatly expedite the acquisition of new Skills.
A character can upgrade a Cramming skill to either an Improved Cramming Skill or
a Martial Cramming Skill via the expenditure of Experience Points to cover the differences
in cost. A character cannot upgrade a Martial Cramming Skill to an Improved Cramming
Skill; they are separate forks.
At the GM's discretion, a character with two Cramming Skills could pool them together
to gain the equivalent of Improved Cramming, giving them the option of learning
two 8- Familiarities or one CHAR/5 Skill as they preferred. This is allowed in the
Here There Be Monsters setting by default.
At the GM's discretion, a character with two Martial Cramming Skills could pool
them together to learn a 10 point Combat Skill such as Two Weapon Fighting
or Defensive Manuever IV. This is allowed in the Here There Be Monsters setting
by default.
Cramming, which is an Intellect Skill although it involves no roll, allows a character
to acquire a basic understanding of a non-combat Skill quickly. The character needs
several hours to study the Skill, and must have access to learning resources, like
a teacher or library. With the GM’s permission, a character may begin a game session
with a Skill already Crammed, or they may be able to reduce the necessary Cramming
time by having lots of really good teachers, using Eidetic Memory and/or Speed Reading,
and so forth.
After studying the subject, the character acquires a Familiarity (an 8- roll) with
the Skill, basic conversation (1 point) in a language, or any 1-point Skill (such
as a TF or WF) that they can use for the duration of the adventure.
In the case of an 8- Familiarity, the character cannot increase or improve this
roll in any way (including Skill Levels or Skill Enhancers), and the character forgets
anything that they've learned once the adventure ends. Characters who wish to acquire
the learned Skill permanently may spend Experience Points to do so. If the GM permits
and circumstances allow, a character can change a Crammed Skill in midadventure
by taking the time to study some other subject, in the process forgetting whatever
they had first Crammed. Characters can purchase Cramming multiple times, allowing
them to Cram for more than one Skill per adventure.
A level of Cramming with this Adder can be (re-)allocated at any time as a Full
Phase Action to "figure something out" in real time.
This is a very flexible option and effectively allows a character to treat practically
any Skill as an Everyman Skill, one Skill at a time, or to have any one Weapon Familiarity
or Transport Familiarity as needed.
Cost: +3 Character Points
A level of Cramming with this Adder can be used to cram a Weapon Element for use
with Martial Maneuvers.
Cost: +1 Character Points
Improved Cramming: As Cramming, but a (CHAR/5) Skill Roll is granted rather
than the usual 8- Familiarity and the character can use any relevant Skill Levels
with the Crammed Skill. Alternately, up to 5 points of fluency in a Language can
be learned instead.
For purposes of versimilitude the GM may wish to narratively depict a less than
perfect "ramp up" period when the character first begins using the Crammed Skill
until the character gets comfortable using it and "smooths the kinks out", but mechanically
the character has the Skill and its usage should not be penalized for being a Crammed
Cost: 10 Character Points
Wayne Wales needs to learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese sufficiently well to hunt
down a raksasha hiding amidst a crime syndicate. He goes to the local library and
listens to "learn Chinese!" tapes and flips through some English to Chinese translation
books. Within a few hours he can speak Manadarin more than well enough to get the job done.
A level of Improved Cramming with this Adder can be (re-)allocated as a 0 Phase
Action to "copy" a Strength or Dexterity based Skill to do something that the character
has observed another character in the same scene doing.
Cost: +2 Character Points
A level of Improved Cramming with this Adder can be (re-)allocated at any time to
"figure something out" in real time, but only if the character is exposed to contextual
information and can establish a feedback process. The first roll or usage the character
makes is at the 8- or 1 point Familiarity level or language, the second roll or
usage is as for a 10- Proficiency or 2 points in a langauge, and the third roll
or usage is as for a standard CHAR/5 Skill or 3 points in a language.
For purposes of languages, 4 points and 5 points of language ability requires exposure
to appropriate dialects and idiomatic expressions, but once exposed to them the
character attains the relevant fluency.
This is a very flexible option and effectively acts as an equivalent to a Variable
Power Pool for one Skill at a time.
Cost: +5 Character Points
Martial Cramming: As Cramming but instead of the usual Skills available to
Cramming, any Combat Skill or Martial Maneuver with a cost of 5 points or less can
be Crammed. Further the character can use any relevant Skill Levels with the Crammed
Combat Skill or Damage Classes with the Crammed Maneuver, as applicable.
Cost: 8 Character Points
One afternoon Wayne Wales intently watches a kung-fu movie. Later that day he is
accosted by street punks while running down a lead; Wayne executes several moves
he learned from the movie, and makes quick work of the befuddled punks.
In addition to its normal usage, a level of Martial Cramming with this Adder can
be allocated to provide +1 Damage Class, applicable to all attacks the character
Cost: +2 Character Points
A level of Martial Cramming with this Adder can be (re-)allocated as a 0 Phase Action
during combat to "copy" a Combat Skill or Martial Maneuver that the character has
observed some other character in the same combat using.
Cost: +2 Character Points
A level of Martial Cramming with this Adder can be (re-)allocated at any time as
a 0-Phase Action to any Martial Maneuver or Combat Skill.
NOTE: If Martial Cramming with Intuitive Induction is already allocated to an Abortable maneuver such as Martial Dodge you may use that maneuver normally, but
you cannot use an Abort to first allocate Martial Cramming with Intuitive Induction to an Abortable maneuver and then use that maneuver.
This is a very flexible option and effectively acts as an equivalent to a Variable
Power Pool for one Maneuver or Combat Skill at a time.
Cost: +4 Character Points