Beau Givens (Were) is an example Werewolf.
Jon Bregg is an
example Werewolf.
A lycanthrope is a person infected with the curse of lycanthropy, an ancient mystical
condition that blends animalistic and human traits into a lifeform that is both
more and less than either.
The most well known examples are werewolves, fearsome creatures that are part man
part wolf with the ability to change back and forth between two or three forms.
However, while werewolves are by far the most common form of lycanthrope, there
are other kinds.
While most lycanthropes are born human and are infected, some are true-born werewolves
and have even more formidable abilities.
Lycanthropes are usually subject to strange urgings or behavior or even carnivorous
rage; many succumb to their animalistic tendencies.
Some lycanthropes resist the urges within themselves and attempt to continue living
a normal life...or as normal as they can manage, and rarely if ever change into
their non-human form.
But some are able to hold onto their human ego and remain in control even when transformed;
these lycanthropes tend to become extremely competent and dangerous combining all
the advantages of their dual natures into a unified whole.
Werewolves are relatively common, other forms of lycanthropes are very rare. Most
lycanthropes live short, brutal lives, but the few who survive to maturity are usually
truly frightening and mighty supernaturals.
Lycanthropic Abilities
All Lycanthropic abilities are purchased in an Innatus Pool, and are intrinsically
supernatural in nature.
Mandatory Abilities and Complications
All Lycanthropes must take the following complication and abilities.
The most obvious and defining trait of a lycanthrope is the ability to change into
an animalistic form. All lycanthropes have a human form. In addition, some have
a full animal form, while others have a humanoid form combining human and animal
traits, and others have both.
This ability is represented using the Multiform power. Generally, while it can cost
END to change forms, it typically does not cost lycanthropes END to maintain their
forms. Some but not all lycanthropes have Instant Change on their Multiform. The
following is an example.
Wereform: Multiform (125 Character Points in the most expensive form); Real
Cost: 25 points
The second most common attribute of lycanthropes is their nigh-legendary regenerative
abilities, rarely matched or exceeded even among other supernatural breeds. However,
even mundanes know the critical weakness of lycanthropes is silver, against which
their Regneration is useless.
Lycanthropes use the options described in the Advanced Players Guide (APG) to increase
the rate of Regeneration to per Segment, and also to recover Stun as well as Body.
Following is an example base Lycanthropic Regeneration; it can be raised higher
with experience points. However, unlike some supernaturals Lycanthropes cannot Regenerate
from Death.
The maximum Regeneration for a lycanthrope is 5 BODY and STUN per Segment, Can Heal
Limbs. The inability to Regenerate damage from silver cannot be removed.
Lycanthropic Regeneration: Regeneration (1 BODY & STUN per Segment), Can
Heal Limbs, Per Segment (APG), STUN Also (APG) (+1/2) (37 Active Points); Does Not
Work On Some Damage ([Common attack]; Damage From Silver; -3/4), Perceivable (by
Supernatural Awareness; -1/4); Real Cost: 18 points
Distinctive Features
Lycanthropes are detectable as such. This complication cannot be removed.
Distinctive Features: Lycanthrope (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes
Major Reaction; Detectable By Supernatural Awareness; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures);
Lycanthropes are universally vulnerable to silver. This complication cannot be removed.
Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x BODY Silver Weapons (Common); Complication: -10
Moon Called
Lycanthropes feel the pull of the moon. Initially this is quite strong, but eventually
a lycanthrope can learn to resist the call (by reducing or removing the Complication).
Accidental Change: New Moon 14- (Common): 10 points
Optional Abilities
The following are common but not required abilities that many lycanthropes tend
to have.
Lycanthropic Physicality
In addition to a wereform and regeneration, it is common for lycanthropes to have
increased physical attributes such as increased strength, running speed, and leaping
Many Lycanthropes are also superhumanly resilient; it is common for lycanthropes
to apply the Resistant Advantage to their base PD and ED. Almost all lycanthropes
have Nightvision. Heightened physical abilities are common to both animal and human
Lycanthropic Strength: +20 Strength
Lycanthropic Constitution: +20 Constitution
Lycanthropic Durability: Resistant (+1/2) applied to PD
Lycanthropic Durability: Resistant (+1/2) applied to ED
Lycanthropic Awareness
Lycanthropes have unsusually acute senses and practically all of them are Supernaturally
Lycanthropic Eyes: Nightvision
Lycanthropic Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups
Lycanthropic Awareness: Supernatural Awareness; Real Cost: 10 points
Fangs and or Claws
Lycanthropes almost always have supernaturally potent fangs and or claws. Advantages
such as Armor Piercing or Penetrating, and the Reduced Negation Adder are common.
The following is an example.
Lycanthropic Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (Reduced Negation
(3)) (26 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2); Real Cost: 17 points
Primal Aura
Lycanthropes have powerful auras that can be quite overwhelming. The following is
an example.
Lycanthropic Presense : +10 PRE plus +10 PRE (Offensive Use Only -1); Real
Cost: 15 points
Lycanthropic Bite
This ability is only available with GM permission.
Some true-born lycanthropes have the ability to infect normal humans with Lycanthropy.
This is modeled as a transform that grants the basic level of the mandatory lycanthropic
abilities and complications.
Very rarely, a non-true born lycanthrope will also develop this ability.
Lycanthropic Bite: Minor Transform 5d6 (Person Into Infected Person, Permanent),
Trigger (No Time To Activate, 0 Phase Reset, Character does not control activation
of personal Trigger; Next Full Moon; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Damage
Over Time, Target's defenses only apply once, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple
times) (4 damage increments, damage occurs every Segment, +2 1/2) (112 Active Points);
Must Bite Target And Do Body Damage To Set Trigger On Them (-1), No Range (-1/2),
All Or Nothing (-1/2); Real Cost: 37 points