Michaila Bast is a descendant
of the being known as Bast.
Ailis McKenzie is a Ban Sidhe, a descendant of the being known as the Morrigan.
Whether they know it or not (and most don't) some characters are the descendents
of powerful beings that visited the world in the distant past that were often worshipped
as gods, and might display traits associated with such a being.
Thus a distant descendent of the Norse "god" Thor might have unusual strength and
an affinity for storms, while a descendent of the Egyptian "god" Thoth might have
unusual magical abilities or great natural resistance to magic, and so forth.
A player should work with the GM to identify an appropriate being for their character
to be descended from and what thematic powers and abilities the chosen being justifies.
Demimondes tend to have innate distinctive abilities related to their deific heritage.
Superhuman characteristics are also common.