Drake Bale is an example
Hendricks is an example Mysterian / Wizard combo.
Mysterians are practitioners of Mysteria, also known as Ars Mysteria, Craftwork,
Enigmistra, and various other esoteric names. Wizards tend to derisively call them
Hedge Workers, or similar disrespectful terms. Mysteria is powerful and practical,
but practitioners usually lack the theoretical and profound understanding of the multiverse
that Wizards tend to develop.
Rather than the flexible Rote magic of Wizards or the primal manipulation of fundamental
forces developed by Spellbinders, Mysterians learn specific and highly structured
Spells, eventually developing a deep and personal mastery. Some of the greatest
Mysterians forge new paths and create new Spells.
Mysterians have abilities broken down into two basic categories, which must be taken
in a Mystic Resource Pool:
- Spell: Mysterians cast Spells directly, which they pay for as custom Spell
- Innate: Mysterians internalize some of their magic, becoming altered and
more capable over time due to their exposure to supernatural forces.
All Mysterians know at least one Spell skill, most know many. Innate abilities
are optional.
In a Here There Be Monsters campaign, Mysterians have the following restrictions:
- Spell skills
- Mysteria Spells are designed as Power constructs (including Compound Powers), which
are associated with a 3d6 "Spell skill".
- Mysterians do not pay the cost for the Power constructs of their Spells, rather
they pay for the associated Spell skill.
- Each Spell skill must be purchased as a GEN Skill (11-) with a base cost of 3 points;
each +1 to a Spell skill costs 1 point.
- An 8- Familiarity Roll with a Spell skill can be taken for 1 point
- A 10- Proficiency Roll with a Spell skill can be taken for 2 points
- The campaign Skill Maxima of 14- applies to Spell skills as explained later.
- Spell skills suffer a penalty equal to the Real Cost / 10 of the Power construct
they represent rather than the typical Active Points / 10.
- Spell skills cannot have more Active Points than the Hermetic Mysterian's (INT +
EGO + PRE + CON) + 15. For example, a Mysterian with 10 INT, 10 EGO, 10 PRE, and
10 CON can have Spell skills with up to 55 Active Points.
- A Mysterian's maximum number of Spell skills is equal to their CON. For example, a
Mysterian with 10 CON can have up to 10 Spell skills.
- The total Real Cost of a Mysterian's Innate abilities cannot exceed their ((Base Points
+ Max Complications + Experience Points) / 5). For instance, a Mysterian with 125 Base Points,
75 Complications Points, and 10 Experience Points could spend no more than 42 points on
Innate abilities; after gaining 15 more Experience Points the Mysterian could have up to
45 points spent on Innate abilities.
KS: Hermetic Lore
Mysterians are not required to have Hermetic Lore, and they do not need it for their
magic, but some Mysterians develop the knowledge. Some even eventually become Wizards,
and less commonly sometimes individual Wizards find it practical to master a few Spells.
KS: Hermetic Lore: This skill provides information regarding Hermetic traditions, capabilities, and
notable history.
KS: Mystic Lore
Mysterians are not required to have Mystic Lore, and they do not need it for their
magic, but it is common for knowledgeable Mysterians to have the skill for general
knowledge purposes.
KS: Mystical Lore: This skill provides very broad information regarding Magic
in general. It is not as precise as a more specific skill such as KS: Hermetic Lore
or KS: Alchemy, but it grants a high level picture of Mystical concerns.
KS: Supernatural World
Mysterians are not required to have KS: Supernatural World, and they do not need it
for their magic, but it is common for knowledgeable Mysterians to have the skill for
general knowledge purposes.
KS: Supernatural World: This skill indicates a general awareness of the Supernatural
World and the monsters, magickers, and misanthropes that comprise it.
Spell Skills
Mysterians have the ability to cast at will rigidly defined Spells that they
have permanently memorized. Mysterian Spells are not 100% reliable, and even the most powerful
and experienced Mysterians cannot gaurantee success for every attempt to cast a given
Spell, but their dedication to mastery of their limited set of personal Spells
offers Mysterians opportunities for consistency and nuance that other more free-form casters
such as Wizards, Spellbinders, and Invokers can rarely equal.
Each Spell skill has a number of Active Points available to it equal to the skill
roll x 5, up to 70 Active Points. Thus the Power construct in an 8- Spell skill
can have up to 40 Active Points, while a Power construct in an 11- Spell skill can
have up to 55 Active Points, and a Power construct in a 14- Spell skill can have
up to 70 Active Points.
+1 to the adjusted Spell skill roll
To use a Spell a Mysterian simply makes a skill roll with the appropriate Spell
skill. If the Spell skill roll succeeds then the Power construct represented by
the Spell skill is activated, otherwise nothing happens save that any Endurance
Cost must be paid and any applicable Side Effects occur.
Real Cost Penalty To Spell Skills
Spell skills suffer a penalty equal to the Real Cost / 10 of the Power construct
they represent, rather than the typical Active Points / 10. Thus the more
heavily limited a Spell is the easier it is to cast.
Excess Active Points Bonus To Spell Skills
If a Spell skill does not use all of the Active Points available to it, a +1 bonus
is gained on rolls using that Spell skill per 15 Active Points that are unused.
Thus if a Mysterian bought an 11-
Spell skill (which would allow up to 55 Active Points) for a 25 Active Point Power
construct, they would gain a +2 bonus when rolling the Spell skill.
Spell Skill Roll Bonuses
A Mysterian can buy a Spell skill roll higher without raising the Active Point limit
for the Spell to offset the Real Cost penalty, or to improve their odds of success,
but cannot exceed the campaign Skill Maxima of 14-.
Situational Penalties
As this magic system is skill based, Mysterians suffer from situational skill roll
penalties. The adjoining table has some example penalties.
Suffered BODY since last Phase
-1 / 3 BODY
Being jostled
Hostile environment
Spell Signature
All of the Spells cast by a particular Mysterian have a "signature" that identifies
the Spell as theirs and that can be interacted with by other Spells. A Mysterian
can attempt to "disguise" their signature when they use a Spell skill; to do so
they declare their intent and take an additional -2 penalty to their Spell skill
roll. Penalty Skill Levels can be purchased to offset this penalty.
Triggers deserve a special mention. It is expected that Mysterians might have one
or more Triggered Spell effects activated via Command Words or At Will, allowing
them to basically cast a Spell earlier in a given day when it is convenient and
then float the Spell's effect until it is needed later. In moderation this usage
of Triggered effects is an acceptable and even desirable aspect of Mysteria.
However if not restricted, it is open to abuse by unscrupulous players. Thus as
a campaign groundrule a Mysterian may only have one Trigger active for a given Spell
skill at any time. It should be pointed out that it is common for people to forget
that all Advantages built into a Power construct must be used when that Power construct
is activated.
Thus unless a Power construct is designed somewhat unusually it normally is only
usable via it's Trigger mode. Effectively this means that in most circumstances
if a Mysterian has a Trigger active for a Spell skill they must use that prepared
Trigger before using the same Spell skill again.
Mysteria Spell Design Restrictions
There are some limitations on the design of Power constructs (Spells) used with
this magic system, as described below.
- No Spell may be on Charges
- No Spell may have No Conscious Control (NCC)
- No Spell may be Independent
- No Spell may have an Activation Roll
- All Spells must either cost END by default or take the "Costs END"
- Spells may take Reduced END
- Spells may take "Costs END Only to Activate" where allowed by the rules
- All Costs END only to Activate Spells must have a defined termination, expressed
either as a duration or a specific and reasonably common event, or using the Time Limit modifier (6e)
- Spells may be built with Reduced Endurance (0 Endurance), but must take a Side Effect
that always occurs automatically whenever the Power is used (Costs AP/10 In END
When Cast) as a -1/2 Limitation.
- Spells may not be embedded in a Universal Focus, but a Personal Focus required
for activation is allowed
- All Spells must have at least -1/2 in Limitations
- No Spell can NOT Require a Skill Roll to be cast; the Spell Skill itself serves
this purpose.
- A Spell may Require an additional Skill Roll other than the corresponding
Spell Skill to take effect.
- Frameworks, including Unifed Power (6e), are not allowed for Mysteria abilities.
No Charges, NCC, Independent
Mysteria is incompatible with Charges of any sort, No Conscious Control, and Independent.
Mysterian Spells may not be built using any of these Limitations.
Costs Endurance
The single greatest restriction on this magic system is that all Spells must cost
Endurance to activate. This serves to restrict the frequency of magic use over a
short term period, such as combat scenes, but grants practitioners of Mysteria the
ability to take part in multiple encounters over the course of a day.
It also prevents or discourages certain Power constructs from being used by Mysterians
due to mechanical conflicts or inefficiency. Note however that Mysterians that have
END Reserves can get around many of the inconveniences of mandatory END costs.
Continuing Effects
Continuing or Constant Spells are possible with Mysteria but unless they only cost
END to activate they will deplete the Mysterian's END quickly.
No Universal Foci
Mysteria is an internal sort of magic and thus Universal Foci are inappropriate.
There is no way to "take away" the magic of Mysteria Spell skills by absconding
with an inanimate object, and similarly a Mysterian cannot just lend out a gizmo
that allows someone else to use a Spell skill. Personal Foci are permitted (though
not encouraged).
Minimum Limitation
All Spells must have a minimum of -1/2 in Limitations upon them. Common choices
are Incantations, Gestures, Extra Time, Concentration, and Side Effects, but any
Limitation that is not specifically restricted is sufficient, subject to GM veto.
Requires a Skill Roll
All Spells require a skill roll with the Spell skill itself to be cast for no Limitation
value. No Spell may take the Required Skill Roll Limitation on a Power construct
to indicate the associated Spell skill, but RSR may be used to indicate that other
Skill or Characteristic Rolls are required in conjunction with a Spell skill roll.
Creating New Magic Items
Mysterians do not create magic items; their magic is far too personal for that.
Innate Abilities
Mysterians often have or eventually develop subtle abilities stemming from their
intimate contact with magical forces. A couple of very common Innate abilities are
provided below.
Innate Ability: Supernatural Awareness
Many Mysterians take the Supernatural Awareness Talent or an equivalent ability
built up directly using the Detect Power with different modifiers and adders.
Innate Ability: Longevity
Some Mysterians take the Life Support (Longevity) ability to represent extended
life spans. GM permission is required.
Mysteria Endurance Reserve
Mysterians may have a Mystic Endurance Reserve if they wish, though their Powers
may also be bought 0 END if they prefer. However, a limitation is imposed upon the
total number of Character Points a Mysterian can spend on their Mystic Endurance
Pool as given below. Character Points within the limit can be spent on either Recovery
or Endurance.
Endurance Reserve 5e
5e Scaling Capacity Point Cap = (10% of Total Character Points) {round in the character's
EXAMPLE: Drake Bale
has 125 total Character Points; thus he could spend (125 * .1) = 12.5 Character
Points on a Mystic Endurance Reserve. This could be allocated as any combination
of Recovery and Reserve with a total Real Cost of 12.5 or less points.
Endurance Reserve 6e
Check out the House Rule on 6e
Endurance Reserves.
6e Scaling Capacity Point Cap = (Total Character Points / 5) {round in the character's
EXAMPLE: Drake Bale
has 125 total Character Points; thus he could spend (125/5) = 25 Character Points
on a Mystic Endurance Reserve. This could be allocated as any combination of Recovery
and Reserve with a total Real Cost of 25 or less points.
Distinctive Features: Magi
A Mysterian should take the following Distinctive Feature Complication. Other Supernaturals
can detect the Mysterian from a fair distance, regardless of intervening mundane
structures, whenever they are using any of their non-Invisible abilities.
Distinctive Features: Magi (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable Only By Special
Abilities; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
Example Spell Skill: Arcane Blast
By means of this Spell a Mysterian can attack foes with a blast of magical force.
Effect: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points); -2 Decreased STUN
Multiplier (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4); 6 END to cast
60 Active Points requires a base 12- Spell skill roll, with a Real Cost of 5. The
standard Real Cost of 30 imposes a -3 penalty to this 12- roll for an adjusted Spell
Skill of 9-.
Arcane Blast: 9-; Real Cost: 5
EXAMPLE: Drake Bale
has mastered Arcane Blast; he has Arcane Blast 14- for a total Real Cost of 10 points;
5 points for the base Spell skill, and +5 points to raise the roll from 9- to 14-.
Example Spell Skill: Dweomer Denial
By means of this Spell a Mysterian can dispel magical effects.
Effect: Dispel 12d6+1, Mystic Powers (+1/2) (55 Active Points); Increased Endurance
Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Perceivable (Extra Noticeable
To Supernatural Awareness; -1/4); 10 END to cast.
55 Active Points requires a base 11- Spell skill roll, with a Real Cost of 3. The
standard Real Cost of 27 imposes a -3 penalty to this 11- roll for an adjusted Spell
Skill of 8-.
Dweomer Denial: 8-; Real Cost: 3
EXAMPLE: Drake Bale
is skilled at Dweomer Denial; he has Dweomer Denial 12- for a total Real Cost of
7 points; 3 points for the base Spell skill, and +4 points to raise the roll from
8- to 12-.