Dossier: UN-SP-000033
Ref: LN-SP-000033: League of Nations Supernatural Personages Brief
Ref: Mi-13-T2-000092: Mi-13 Threat Level 2 Findings
Ref: M-00001009: Section-M Case File
Current Bounty: $3,200,000.00
Typifying Excerpt
"…the demons had barbed tails and bat-like wings like blackest soot, glowing red
eyes, and they blew gouts of indigo flames a hundred yards long. They swept the
decks for victims, feasting on the crewmen, and when they were done they flew aloft
and belched fire upon the ships. So hot was the flames, they all burned down to
the waterline in mere minutes, and not one mate or hand of those doomed ships survived.
The HMS Committed went down first and the HMS Sublime last, but all four ships were
sunk within five ticks of the clock…" - Captain Halford of the HMS Halberd, circa
1893 AD.
Tudor Brezak is currently rated as a Tier-2 threat. Extreme caution is recommended.
Tudor Brezak is a Magi, and has demonstrated very advanced Daemonology, advanced
Invocation (calling on Infernal entities), and proficient Alchemical abilities.
He commands powerful Tier-3 threat level Bound Daemons, and is also able to Pact
an unknown number of equivalently powerful Daemons (at least five and perhaps as
many as ten). Tudor Brezak is believed to be the master of the Cult of the Red Hand,
and is often accompanied by esoterically capable lackeys and allies.
Known History
Tudor Brezak is believed to originally be from Wallachia in what is today Romania,
and to be at least three hundred years old based upon a first account found in the
writings of Dimitrie Pazvant, an Orthodox priest who attempted to protect his flock
in Bucharest from a dark cult led by a man named Tudor Brezak in 1723. There are
a number of other direct and indirect references to Tudor thereafter taken from
esoteric accounts from around the Old World, firmly establishing his existence in
that time period. Everything else related to Tudor's beginnings is marked as speculative,
and various attempts at scrying both mystical and psychic have all met a veil and
been unable to penetrate it.
Tudor Brezak has been known to lie about his origins, both blatantly and more subtly,
and the Cult of the Red Hand has been known to perpetuate various tales as well.
Analysts and crypto-historians should exercise scrutiny and discretion if presented
with promising new leads in this area.
Known Motivation
Tudor Brezak's overall motivation is not known. He has demonstrated strong interest
in anything pertaining to Daemonology and Diabolism, but with no discernable pattern
or larger agenda. It is the opinion of Dr. Allosius Jones that Tudor Brezak does
evil for the sake of doing evil, and this theory is the generally prevailing one
at this time.
However, speculation aside, the involvement of Tudor Brezak in any scenario should
be considered a significant threat escalation.
Known Abilities
Tudor Brezak is a powerful Daemonologists considered by experts to be one of the
greatest ever (though not necessarily the most knowledgeable), combining broad and
specific knowledge with an almost unmatched willpower. Further, he apparantly enjoys
great favor from Infernal entities, able to Invoke them reliably. Additionally he
employs a modest but very practical variety of Alchemical substances.
Per Dr. Allosius Jones, who has the most first hand experience with the subject
of any Hunter living, Tudor Brezak also has a powerful protective aura, heals from
damage very quickly, and can levitate.
On a few occassions Tudor has been reported to be dead, and his continued existence
suggests some means of cheating or avoiding death (though such reports may simply
have been mistaken).
Known Associates
Tudor Brezak is served by two Bound Daemons, a powerful Slayer named
Baraerazil since the 1940's, and a Possessor Daemon named Aurhabazu intermittently
over at least a century (Aurhabazu is sometimes Exorcised, and thus isn't always
in existence in this world).
Tudor Brezak can summon a wide variety of other Daemons for temporary service.
Tudor Brezak is almost certainly the ultimate master of the
Cult of the Red Hand, and uses the Cult to serve his purposes. The members
of the Cult, and particularly its inner circle of leadership, are allies or servants
of Tudor Brezak. Members confirmed to have a direct relationship with Tudor Brezak
are Albert Armos, Sir Jonathan Bryce, Silvia Chan, Amy Mullis, Cayce Jaimes, and
Tomas Vincent.