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Jack Maywood L0rd Magg0t
Char  Total  Base  Cost  Roll  Notes 
STR 15 10 5 12-   HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]
DEX 13 10 6 12-  
CON 15 10 5 12-  
INT 10 10 0 11-   PER Roll 11-
EGO 13 10 3 12-  
PRE 15 10 5 12-   PRE Attack: 3d6
OCV 6 3 15
DCV 6 3 15
OMCV 1 3 -6
DMCV 3 3 0
SPD 3 2.0 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12
PD 5/13 2 3 5/13 PD (0/8 rPD)
ED 2/10 2 0 2/10 ED (0/8 rED)
REC 5 4 1
END 20 20 0
BODY 15 10 5
STUN 30 20 5
Running 14m 12 2
Swimming 2m 4 -1
Leaping 4m 4 0 73 Total Characteristics Points
Cost  Complication
5 Monitored By Organization: Ordo Sanguine Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Passive; Watching )
5 On Section M Watch List: FBI: Section M Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Passive; Watching )
10 Psychological Complication: PTSD from Childhood Trauma (Uncommon; Strong)
20 Psychological Complication: Vengeance Seeker (Very Common; Strong)
10 Social Complication: Subject To Orders Infrequently, Major
50 Total Complications Cost
Base Complications XP Total
125 50 25 150

Jack Maywood L0rd Magg0t
Cost  Name
3 Scholar
2 1) KS: Catholisim 12-
2 2) KS: Philosophy and Theology 12-
2 3) KS: Vampires 12-
3 Vampire Hunter (Ordo Sanguine)
2 1) Breakfall 12-
2 2) Combat Driving 12-
2 3) Fast Draw 12-
0 4) Language: Latin (basic conversation; literate)
1 5) PS: Hunter 11-
1 6) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Large Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
3 7) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms
1 8) Weaponsmith 12-
24 Total Skills Cost
Cost  Name
Ordo Sanguine
4 1) +1 HTH Damage Class(es)
3 2) Divine Justice: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 6d6 Strike
5 3) Final Judgement: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +5 DC, Strike with Stake
3 4) Turning the other cheek: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Block, Target Falls
5 5) Leap of Faith: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
4 6) Stalwart Perseverance: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 35 STR vs. Grabs
1 7) Weapon Element: Empty Hand, Stakes
25 Total Fighting Skills Cost
Cost  Name
9 Professional Pool (34) (plus Character Creation Resource Points)
10 Equipment Pool (50)
2 Vehicles Pool (10)
6 Contacts Pool (12)
1 Supernatural Hunter License
28 Total Perks Cost

Jack Maywood L0rd Magg0t
Professional Pool - Superskills (24/34)
1) +2 with All Attacks; Only vs. Vampires (-2)
2) Deadly Blow: +1d6 (Vampires)
3) Mental Discipline : Mental Defense (5 points total) 0
Professional Pool - Gear (10/34)
1) Bullet-resistent Trenchcoat : Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Half Mass (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4), Torso, Arms, Legs (-1/4) 0

Equipment Pool (50/50)
1) Desert Eagle .50 : Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6+1 (35 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), 4 clips of 8 Charges (-0) [8]
2) Hi-Power Pistol Sights : +2 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group; OAF (Pistol Sights; -1) 0
3) Tactical Xenon Flashlight Attachment : (Provides Sufficient Illumination To See A 1 hex Area Within 10m) (2 Active Points); OIF Arrangement (Under-barrel Mount; -3/4)
4) Holycrap Rounds .50 : Blessed Bullets; 4 clips of 8 Charges (-0) [8]
5) Holycrap Rounds .50 : Blessed Bullets; 4 clips of 8 Charges (-0) [8]
6) Holy Water Capsules : 3 Hex AoE splash, Range Based On Strength, Triggers Susceptible to Holy Within Affected Area; 5 Charges (-3/4) [5]
7) Stakes : Wooden Stake x 6 0
8) Night Vision Goggles : Nightvision; OIF (Night Vision Goggles; -1/2) 0
9) Cell Phone : Reliable
10) Elixir of Health : Healing Simplified 5d6, Can Heal Limbs (55 Active Points); 6 Charges which Never Recover (-2 3/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Restrainable (Only to Activate; -1/4) [6 nr]
11) Elixir of Awareness : Supernatural Awareness and +1 PER (13 Active Points); 6 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Night each which Never Recover (-1), Restrainable (Only to Activate; -1/2) [6 cc]
12) Unguent of Virtue : Cannot be Stunned & No Hit Locations (25 Active Points); 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Minute each which Never Recover (-2 1/4), Restrainable (Only to Activate; -1/2) [4 cc]

Contacts Pool (12/12)
1) Ordo Sanguine : Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of their own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Favors Owed In Return, Good relationship with Contact, Membership Discount), Group Contact (x3) (12 Active Points) 12-

Vehicle and Bases Pool (10/10)
1) Armored Van

Jack Maywood L0rd Magg0t
Height:   5' 11" Hair:  Black
Weight:  190 lbs Eyes:  Black
Jack keeps his hair very short, and wears a tactical trenchcoat that affords little to grip onto. While on a mission, he uses his van as a mobile headquarters, living out of the back of it for weeks at a stretch. He is often mistaken for a war veteran struggling with the return to civilian life; he has the same general look, social awkwardness, and thousand yard stare.
Jack had a routine middle class American normal and unremarkable that it would make you yawn to hear about it. All that changed one fateful night though when a pack of vampires passing through town needed a place to hole up during the day and chose Jack's idyllic suburban home to do it in. Feeding on Jack's parents and siblings, the vampires killed their way through his family while Jack hid in his secret hidey place under the stairs, so still and so quiet they didn't realize he was there. But Jack could hear his family's tortured screams, then whimpers....then nothing. His sister was turned, the others...mercifully...died. In the aftermath, Jack was placed in a church run orphanage per his parents' will. Wracked with nightmares every night, Jack came to the attention of Father Jaweki, a Polish priest participating in a inter-church loan program. In the aftermath of the event, Jack's ravings of vampires had been hushed up and written off as the deranged interpretations of a child to what was actually just a violent home invasion / robbery gone wrong. Jack continued to insist...vampires did it. The adults either "became concerned" for his mental health, or just felt sorry for him and refused to take it seriously.

Unlike all the other adults though, Father Jaweki took it seriously indeed. As it turned out, in his youth Father Jaweki had been closely associated with Ordo Sanguine, a vatican sponsored secret society dedicated to rooting out vampires wherever they have run amok. Contacting his old order, Father Jaweki put into motion a process which took many months of coordination and management but resulted in Jack being transferred to a different "orphanage" which turned out to be a training facility operated by Ordo Sanguine. Jack was then honed, willingly, into a weapon against the bloodsuckers, and after attaining adulthood he has gone out into the world to hunt down and slay the cursed leeches.
Jack has never fully recovered, psychologically, from the tragedy of his youth. The death of his family and severing of his childhood innocence is not some faded memory of long ago; he recalls it nearly every night in lurid detail courtesy of sem-lucid nightmares. His psychological trauma is fuel for his unending, uncompromising crusade against vampires wherever he can root them out of their secreted dens and posh nests. The only other thing in his life is gratitude and observience to the religious order that took him in after his life imploded, Ordo Sanguine. He is loyal to the organization, and puts his trust in its cloistered leadership.

But if duty to his order interfered with his obsession for killing vampires, it is unclear which way Jack would go. Fortunately, as his order is all about killing vampires, that sort of conflict of interest is unlikely to arise...
"To the eternal pit with you!"
Jack is a member of a small but elite international vatican-sponsored religious based secret society whose purpose it is to oppose vampires, Jack was trained from childhood specifically to fight Vampires. He exploits the weaknesses and base natures of vampires to eliminate them as expediently as possible. Additionally, Jack is well equipped and can call upon the resources of his order (within reason) while in pursuit of his mission. Beyond the essentials such as bullets and band aids, he is sometimes able to requisition sanctified bullets, holy water, and some simple alchemical items made from a small selection of recipes known to his order.
Jack is primarily a Vampire Slayer, but he can certainly take on lesser foes as well.

Jack Maywood L0rd Magg0t

Cost  Maneuver  Phase  OCV  DCV  Effect 
0 Presense Attack 0 +0 +0 3d6 +/- modifiers
0 Called Shot: Head 0 -4 - 1d6+3 (Head to Shoulders)
0 Called Shot: High 0 -2 - 2d6+1 (Head to Vitals)
0 Called Shot: Body 0 -1 - 2d6+4 (Hands to Legs)
0 Called Shot: Low 0 -2 - 2d6+6 (Shoulders to Feet)
0 Called Shot: Leg 0 -4 - 1d6+12 (Vitals to Feet)
0 Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod.
0 Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Attacks only
0 Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, abort
0 Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm
0 Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks
0 Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs
0 Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab; +(v/10) to STR
0 Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4 DCs to attack
0 Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/10; you take 1/3
0 Move Through 1/2 -v/10 -3 STR + v/6, you take 1/2 or full
0 Multiple Attack 1 var 1/2 Attack multiple times
0 Shove 1/2 -1 -1 Push 1m per 5 STR
0 Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon
0 Throw 1/2 +0 +0 Throw w/ STR dmg
0 Trip 1/2 -1 -2 Target Falls
3 Divine Justice 1/2 +1 +0 6d6 Strike
5 Final Judgement 1/2 +1 +0 Weapon +5 DC, Strike with Stake
3 Turning the other cheek 1/2 +1 +1 Block, Target Falls
5 Leap of Faith 1/2 -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
4 Stalwart Perseverance 1/2 +0 +0 35 STR vs. Grabs
25 Total Cost of Fighting Skills

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