Miles Hendricks
Starting (125 points)
Miles was born into a long line of powerful Hermetics with deep roots in esoteric
history. With an unimaginable legacy behind him and reinforced by a idealistic calling
to do some good, Miles is not a bloodthirsty bounty chaser. He represents both sides
of the Accords and believes in maintaining the segregated mundane and esoteric status
quo. He has powerful and diverse magics and is supernaturally tough, but his abilities
are not always reliable.
List (HDC)
175 points
Miles has increased his mystical girding, and improved his mastery of Evanaster's
Energetic Evocation. He has also developed a new cantrip that allows him to transform
a set of clothing into any other outfit, cosmetically, as well as the ability to
teleport great distances (which led him to sell off his car). Miles has greatly
developed his Warding capabilities and is now quite adept at constructing Wards
that are efficacious against undead, elementals, spirits, and even daemons. And
he has learned deep secrets about the inner workings of the Kommer Aska.
List (HDC)