Arc 2
The Raven: Ebon’s psyche is enmeshed in the inhuman and attuned to the uncanny,
which gives him a demeanor that is decidedly not "normal".
Condition: If Ebon demonstrates quirky behavior that is unsettling, abnormal,
macabre, or otherwise hints at his unusual nature he gains 1 xp
The Thief : Ebon covets that which he does not have, and is generally good
at getting it.
Condition: If Ebon is able to steal something, convince someone to give him
something he wants, or win any form of eating contest, he gains 1 xp.
The Farsighted: Ebon is uncommonly alert, perceptive, and can get a bird’s
eye view in almost any situation
Condition: If Ebon is able to gather information before he engages in an
encounter that gives him or his companions a significant tactical advantage, he
gains 1 xp
The Mystic: On top of being highly competitive, Ebon is possessed of unusual
powers and excels at using them to his advantage.
Condition: If Ebon is able to use his unusual powers in an especially effective manner,
in a way that surprises enemies enough to put them at a disadvantage, or causes
him to be the subject of praise from his companions, he gains 1 xp.
The Scavenger: Ebon is an opportunist and a short-sighted pragmatist.
Condition: If Ebon is able to execute an inethical or immoral act that gains
him an immediate benefit, or is able to convince his companions to take a similar
course of action, he gains 1 xp
The Indebted: Ebon can't explain it, but he feels a strong drive to find Melinda
Evanaster, and as part of that, to be Miles' much as it defies every
other aspect of this being.
Condition: If Ebon does something uncharacteristic in order to save, protect,
or stick close to Miles, he gains 1 xp.
The Triumphant: Ebon loves to outdo other Hunters, experiencing a rush of
primal joy and exultation.
Condition: If Ebon somehow out performs or upstages a Hunter of equivalent
ability or better, he gains 1 xp.
Bird Brain: Ebon's grasp on normal reality is tenuous at best. "Insane" is
not the right word, but "pre-rational" works.
Condition: If Ebon exhibts linear, structured, logical thought and planning,
he loses 1 xp.
Oh! Shiny!: Ebon shouldn't pass on an obvious opportunity to be distracted.
Condition: If Ebon passes on the opportunity to over indulge in foodstuffs
(term is relative), make an easy score, or be distracted by something really cool
(or SHINY!), he loses 1 xp
Survival of the Fitest: Sentimentalism is for humans
Condition: If Ebon does anything that can be considered selfless (that doesn’t
end up serving his purposes immediately thereafter), he loses 1 xp.