Presented below are the player characters for the We Too Unto Darkness campaign.
Miles and Ebon have been working together for almost two years now. Their overarching
goal is to somehow clear the name of the Wizard Melinda Evenaster, Miles's mother
and Ebon's one-time rescuer from Sanctioning. However, as noble as their goal is
they have few strong leads and other business has a tendency to intervene.
Miles and Ebon encountered Jon on a Hunt about 9 months ago that involved a feral
werewolf, and hit it off. Soon thereafter the three of them met Jonas when he tried
to Hunt Jon thinking he was the rogue werewolf, until Jonas was set straight on
the matter. The four of them then pooled resources to Hunt the werewolf, who turned
out to be an alpha wolf, and after a harrowing battle they split a fat bounty four
In the months since then the four of them have teamed up on several more occasions
to Hunt a small pack of dark sidhe, a pair of lamias, and most significantly a newly
risen vampire.
The group worked well enough together, though Jonas is not entirely trusted by the
rest of the group for what should be obvious reasons.
The group bumped into Clark Dugard after taking out a budding young Necromancer
and her mob of zombies, as well as the notorious international Arcano-terrorist
Rollo Fjor. A brutal heavy for the shadowy Norse "cultural society" known as the
Kommer Aska, Fjor is a mighty Troldkin and should have been well beyond the Hunter's
abilities to capture.
Impressed with the Hunters' moxie, Clark attached himself to the group and lent his
fearsome shooting skills to the fray when the Hunters sought revenge against the
Dwarven bike gang led by Goran that had assisted Rollo in his ambush against the Hunters.
After that all panned out, using proceeds from the massive bounty they received
for bagging Rollo the group decided to go in together on a piece of property and
build out a modest base of operations in the semi-rural area sometimes known as
Fallbrook, CA on an abandoned avacado farm.
A year passed, in which the groups new digs were built and the Hunters pursued their
own interests.
Jon remained the most focused during this timeframe, taking down the notorious Allagash
Beast, a particularly fearsome and dangerous feral werewolf with whom Jon had some
history. Jon also defeated a Helghast singlehandedly, despite being caught somewhat
by surprise by the creature's potency. After that he kept his hand in with a few
small scale Hunts and tried to motivate the other Hunters to get their heads out
of their asses and get back on the clock.
With a large amount of operating capital suddenly within his grasp, Jonas spent
some time developing mundane business and romantic interests, while also funding
more of his insane alchemical medical experimentation...on himself as always. But
eventually, he burned through his ready reserves of cash and needed to replenish
his accounts if he wanted to maintain the lifestyle to which he had grown accostumed.
Clark helped Jon out on several gigs, made some introductions for Jonas, did
some solo Hunting of his own, and spent a lot of time practicing his shooting. Despite
not having a strong apparent reason to stick around with his new erstwhile allies,
Clark has a nose for trouble and he's sure that if he just stays close to these
yahoos something big is gonna break his way.
Miles semi-sequestered himself into deep study for the better part of a year, semi-paranoid
about the perceived threat of the Kommer Aska, and determined to broaden his Lore
sufficiently to Ward himself and his comrades against everything possible.
Perhaps his efforts were successful, or perhaps the Kommer Aska simply never tried
to enact revenge, but the group remained safe from the lurking threat. Miles appeared
and disappeared sporadically during this time, seeking out books of Lore and materiels
from unknown sources. Ebon did his best to shadow Miles, but after Miles mastered
a teleportation spell this became increasingly difficult for Ebon.
Ebon became increasingly weird, and with Miles' attention elsewhere leaving him
unsupervised, Ebon got up to all kinds of strange doings, including spending 42
days and nights wandering the desert alone...or so he thought. In fact he was simply
drifting in and out of sanity while meandering around the back acre of the Hunters'
new property. Ebon had several hallucinations that might best be described as "fever
dream vision quests for the mentally deranged presented live in technicolor 3D".
Ebon emerged from his ordeals even stranger yet surprisingly more powerful than
ever before.