The Cleric
This document provides suggestions and insights into how to translate the ideas
of the Cleric class from the source material into Pathfinder Fate Accelerated.
"More than capable of upholding the honor of their deities in battle, clerics often
prove stalwart and capable combatants.
Their true strength lies in their ability to draw upon the power of their deities,
whether to increase their own and their allies' prowess in battle, to vex their
foes with divine magic, or to lend healing to companions in need. As their powers
are influenced by their faith, all clerics must focus their worship upon a divine
In faith and the miracles of the divine, many find a greater purpose. Called to
serve powers beyond most mortal understanding, all priests preach wonders and provide
for the spiritual needs of their people. These emissaries of the divine work the
will of their deities through strength of arms and the magic of their gods.
Devoted to the tenets of the religions and philosophies that inspire them, these
ecclesiastics quest to spread the knowledge and influence of their faith. Yet while
they might share similar abilities, clerics prove as different from one another
as the divinities they serve.
The ways of the cleric are varied, yet all who tread these paths walk with the mightiest
of allies and bear the arms of the gods themselves."
Archetype Considerations
The only two Archetypes a cleric has to concern themselves with are
Divine and Combatives.
Divine +3 allows unrestricted spell casting using
simple magic
guidelines, which you should read first if you are serious about playing a spellcaster.
Also, some
sample spell
write-ups are available.
Thus if you want your starting cleric to be a full caster starting out but still
be able to serve as a secondary combatant (matching the source material), you should
consider the Devout set of Starting Archetypes, plus one or two combat related
Stunts to shore up their "warrior" facet.
Starting clerics who prefer to accentuate their ability to fight should consider
the Militant set of Starting Archetypes, plus one or two divine related Stunts
to shore up their "holy" facet.
It's also possible to splash a Archetype other than Combative
for priests of some divine patrons.
For instance the priest of a god of thieves might go Divine
& Roguish, while the priest of a god of strength
and athleticism might go Divine &
Focused and the priest of a god of magic might go Divine
& Arcane.
is a priest of the Dwarven god Trudd the Mighty, strongest of the Dwarven pantheon.
Kurek is blessed by Trudd, and entered the priesthood young. He has since progressed
far and seeks to spread his god's worship amongst the Dwarves of far Varisia.
Finally, there's nothing preventing you from making a cleric that goes all in on
the holiness facet, with Divine +4, such as demonstrated
by the Fervent set of Starting Archetypes.
is a strange man of progressing years, well favored in the service of Nethys and
learned in the ways of mysticism. Despite his progressed years and appearance as
a harmless mendicant priest, Uraska commands powerful divine forces granted to him
by the literal god of Magic and Destruction; he is not to be trifled with.
Starting Archetype Sets
Divine +4
Divine +3, Combative +1
Divine +2, Combative +2
Support / Utility
The source material offers clerics as full casting support characters with an array
of options including buffing, debuffing, status effect removal, and healing.
Secondary Tank / Striker
Additionally, a cleric can serve as a secondary tank and / or a secondary striker,
and choice of deity and domains affords a good level of individualization.
Alignment / Code of Conduct
The primary downside of the cleric in the source material is alignment restrictions
and a vague requirement to not fall from the faith of their chosen deity.
Generally this isn't as severe as a paladin's alignment and code of conduct, but
it does impose some restrictions on a cleric's freedom of expression.
Diverging From Source Material
The cleric is a solid and flexible class in the source material, but Pathfinder
Fate Accelerated offers even more flexibility to personalize your cleric to make
a character that is as distinctive as they are capable.
Pathfinder Fate Accelerated joyfully dispenses with the alignment concept altogether;
"goodness" and "evilness" and "lawfulness" and etc. can be a thing, but it is based
upon interpretation of Aspects and deeds.
If you want to play a "lawful good" character and that means something to you personally,
so be it.
Pick your character's High Concept, Trouble, and Aspects appropriately to further
that ideal and then portray your character accordingly.
But there's no mechanical impact other than what is ordinarily available in Fate
Feel free to personalize your cleric to have abilities particularly suited to their
deity's focus and fluff.
This will not only make your character more distinctive and memorable, it will also
make the character's choice of deity matter more to the story.
The only limiter is whether the group or GM wants to maintain the arbitrary restrictions
of the source material or not.
As a player interested in expressing their creativity you should first check with
your GM to determine what they will and wont allow.
Nature Priests
Nature priests of gods like Erastil and
Gozreh are an odd breed, as in D&D the difference between druids
and priests who worship gods with nature related portfolios has always been an area
where the class system shows its rough edges. But in Pathfinder Fate Accelerated
terms a priest of a nature god can go Divine +1,
Primal +3, which abstracts away from the problem.
This will allow your character to have appropriate levels of competence in natural
settings. If you don't want your character's casting to suffer from having split
Archetypes, you might also take a Stunt similar to Nature
Priest but it isn't required.
Nature Priest: Because I worship a nature deity I am in tune with both divine and primal forces. When using Primal to work magic I may add my Divine capability as a bonus.
Note that while the concept of a vague "green faith" also exists in the source material
Primal amply covers that idea on its own;
Divine is not necessary.
is a simple, earnest man dedicated to the service of the nature god
Erastil, Old Deadeye. Also a skilled archer and accompanied by a powerful
divinely invested puma named Aadat, Vadok is a erstwhile defender of common rustic
folk and the ideal of man living in harmony with nature.
is a confident and tempestuous young man dedicated to the service of the volatile
nature god Gozreh, the master of Wind and Wave. Armed
with a divinely invested harpoon, and capable of bending the very weather to his
will when necessary, Nikade is a powerful exponent of his unpredictable patron's
interests in the material world.
Approach Considerations
A cleric's choice of Approaches will usually be influenced by their patron deity
and the nature of their priesthood.
But stereotypically clerics are often Careful under
ordinary circumstances, Forceful when smiting those
who oppose their religion's goals, and Flashy when
spouting litanies, prayers, and calls for divine aid.
What Kind Of Cleric, Exactly?
Generally speaking, when defining a character in Pathfinder Fate Accelerated that
you envision falling into the "cleric" category, you might start out by asking yourself
the following questions:
Whom Do You Serve?
The first question is probably the most important for framing the nature of your
character. You can use the choice of divine patron to guide your decisions about
your character's
Aspects and Stunts, and to inform your portrayal.
Unlike some of the other class concepts coming from the source material, the cleric
can be individualized to fill a variety of roles. Similarly, when you make a cleric
character in Pathfinder Fate Accelerated, you get to decide what role you want your
cleric to attempt to fill.
You might intend for your cleric to be a front line combatant, helping a group to
succeed in conflicts. Or perhaps you want to play a "face" or leader cleric who
takes point in social encounters. Or you might want your cleric to be a problem-solver
or "support" character who is either specialized to address a particular niche or
generalized to have a broad range of "utility" allowing them to adapt to emerging
challenges that the group might face in their adventures. And of course, your cleric
might attempt to fill more than one role or not be intentionally designed to fit
any particular role as you prefer.
Contemplative or Evangelist?
Some clerics are portrayed as being inwardly focused, responsible for their own
deeds and conduct. This sort of cleric can generally get along with others and cooperate
towards a common goal with people of different viewpoints, at least to some extent.
This is conducive to party dynamics and getting things done. However, it can also
be quite dull.
Other clerics are portrayed as being outwardly focused, intent on imposing the worship
of their religion and the tenets of their patron upon the world. This sort of cleric
often has a difficult time working and playing well with others, and often finds
themselves embroiled in some kind of strife due to their evangelical overtures and
intolerance for other beliefs. This can make for some great drama, but on the other
hand it can also get quite stale and annoying.
Regardless of where your cleric is at on that spectrum, thinking about it now will
guide your choice of High Concept and Trouble. It will also indicate if you plan
to portray the character in an antagonistic or cooperative manner relative to other
player characters.
Dedicated Caster or All-Arounder?
If you intend for your cleric to be a dedicated caster of Divine spells, this will
guide your selection of Archetype bonuses and possibly of one or more Stunts.
However if you want your character to have some of the stereotypical features of
clerics in the source material, such as Channel Energy or Turn Undead, or you want
to have a signature ability relevant to your cleric's patron deity, you'll need
to allocate one or more Stunt slots to them.
is a wandering priest greatly favored by Desna, goddess of Luck, Stars, Travel,
and Dreams. On an endless journey, Paryl aids those met along the road, but his
usually kind and generous nature turns hard and merciless when dealing with bandits
or any who would interfere with the sanctity of traveling.
Cleric characters might find the following Stunt categories of interest:
The following Stunts are offered as samples that might be relevant for some clerics.
However, the best Stunts are those that are tailor made to fit your concept, so
don't hesitate to come up with your own or work with your GM to define something
that is "just right" for your character.
Faith Worthiness
Clerics that are granted abilities by their patrons can lose access to those abilities
if they do something unworthy of their faith; thus such Stunts typically include
language to that effect.
This is left to the GM's discretion, but it isn't intended to create antagonistic
situations. Ultimately a player should have a large measure of control over their
character's story; any failings of faith should be regarded as a roleplaying opportunity.
See the
Stunt options
document for ideas on how to do this.
Holy Holy
Clerics are invested with divine power by their patron deities, though the nature
of such favor varies from deity to deity, or even from individual to individual.
Detect Evil: Because I am sensitive to ethical and moral propensities, I am able to sense strong concentrations of immorality and evilness in individuals, objects, and areas from six (6) zones away even if the source is not detectable to my other senses. Additionally, I gain +2 to notice relevant concentrations of evil while Focused.
Divine Aegis: Because my patron deity protects me I may use Divine to defend against non-Divine magical and unusual attacks without needing to first create an advantage to invoke, unless I have recently done something unworthy of my faith.
Divine Favor: Because I am favored by my patron deity, I may add my Divine capability as a bonus to defend against physical attacks, unless I have recently done something unworthy of my faith.
Divine Renewal: Because I am favored by my patron deity, when I am Carefully Divine I may pray for aid to clear a stress box or a Mild Consequence, or to downgrade a Moderate or Severe Consequence, by overcoming a difficulty equal to the stress box's or Consequence's numerical value. This only works on my own stress and Consequences, not that of others. If I fail to overcome the difficulty I may not attempt to clear the same stress box or heal the same Consequence again; I must wait for it to clear by other means. I cannot use this ability if I have recently done something unworthy of my faith
Favored Follower: Because I am favored by my patron deity, once per scene when I spend a fate point to get a reroll I may proceed as if I had rolled +2 on the dice instead of rolling a second time. I may not use this ability if I have recently done something unworthy of my faith.
Fervent Prayer: Because my faith is strong, I am sometimes especially blessed by my god. I may spend a Fate point to gain +2 Divine on one (1) action and pray for blessings appropriate to that level of Divine capability. I may not use this ability if I have recently done something unworthy of my faith.
Shield of Faith: Because I am favored by my patron deity, I may add my Divine capability as a bonus to defend against indirect attacks such as poisons and strange abilities and magic, unless I have recently done something unworthy of my faith.
True Seeing: Because my patron diety grants me awareness, my powers of observation are divinely enhanced; I may use Divine instead of Focused to notice or perceive things, and I can sense things that require mystical awareness to detect.
Defender Of The Faith
Many clerics are martially capable, able to serve as defenders of their faith and
the faithful. Some rely purely on skill, while others benefit from blessings that
aid them in battle.
Combative Aegis: Because I have developed my defensive form to a high degree of skill, when I am Carefully Combative and appropriately equipped, if someone else in my zone is physically attacked I may defend on their behalf. However I take any shifts of damage that get past my defenses, rather than the intended target.
Damage Reduction: Because I am more durable than normal, I reduce by one (1) all stress inflicted on me by physical and magical attacks.
Divine Weapon (-2): Because I am favored by my patron deity, I have been graced with a divinely empowered weapon. If I have recently done something unworthy of my faith, the weapon loses its special abilities until I have atoned.
Divine Blade, Aura Of Protection
Good At: Blocking (+2), Cutting (+2)
Bad At: Going Unnoticed (-2)
Stress [1][2][3]
Mild (2)
Special Items
for details.
or better to use.
Forbidding Presence: Because I present a very intimidating and stern visage while emanating a frightenting aura, I gain +1 when being Flashy and attempting to frighten or demoralize.
Heavy Armor Training: Because I have extensively trained to properly use heavy armor, I gain +1 to defend against non-social attacks when I am heavily armored.
Holy Hand Grenades: Because my patron favors me, I am able to craft special reliquaries containing holy power that are released upon impact when thrown, inflicting harm on evil outsiders, undead, and other unnatural creatures nearby. I cannot use this ability if I have recently done something unworthy of my faith.
When I am Quickly Focused I gain +1 to throw a holy hand grenade into my zone or an adjacent zone, generally against an Average (+1) difficulty.
If I am successful, my holy hand grenade explodes and inflicts a number of shifts of damage equal
to my (Careful + Divine) against every eligible target in the zone without splitting shifts
between them. Malign outsiders (such as demons, devils, daemons, and proteans), undead, and other similar unnatural creatures are considered to be eligible for this effect.
For a given session I can carry around and use a number of holy hand grenades equal to my (Careful + Divine). Other people can not use my holy hand grenades.
or better to use.
Indomitable: Because I refuse to give in and I always vigorously protect myself, I get +1 when I am Forceful and defend if I am aware that I am in danger.
Inspiring Leadership: Because I inspire my allies and followers, any allies who join me in battle gain +1 on all actions they take within a conflict while being Combative. Allies must be within three (3) zones and within line of sight of me to benefit from my leadership. This ability applies for the duration of the conflict even if I am taken out, as my allies are moved to protect or avenge me.
Push Beyond The Edge: Because I fight to the bitter end no matter what the cost, at any time as a non action if my Severe consequence is currently clear I may choose to either worsen my Moderate consequence (if any) to a Severe consequence or take a new Severe consequence Pushed Myself Too Far to clear my Mild Consequences and all my Stress boxes.
Rally Leader: Because I am able to inspire my allies to regroup and rally, once per scene I can give a motivating monologue or shout out words of courage and valor to allow all allies within one (1) zone of me to clear one of their stress boxes or a Mild consequence.
Resilience: Because of my impressive resilience, once per session if I would take a Consequence I may instead spend a Fate point.
Smite: Because I have been granted the ability to smite those who stand against me by my patron deity, I gain +1 while Combative to strike down a foe within my zone whose nature is anathemic to my patron deity; further if my attack inflicts a consequence I gain an additional free invoke on it.
Smite The Unworthy: Because I am favored by my patron deity, when I am being Combative I may add my Divine capability to attack opponents who I know to be beyond redemption, unless I have recently done something unworthy of my faith. If I get a boost while attacking in this way, I may upgrade the boost to apply the Aspect Target of Divine Wrath! with one (1) invoke on it to the target, which myself and co-religionists may invoke.
Weapon Mastery (-3): Because I have spent many years mastering a type of weapon, I gain +1 to Combatives when I attack, defend, create advantage, or overcome while using any weapon of that type.
Suffer Not The Undead
Some clerics of faiths that find the Undead to be particularly offensive abominations
are graced with the ability to destroy or turn any Undead they may encounter.
Destroy Undead: Because I am particularly good at destroying lesser undead, while Flashily Divine I may overcome to destroy an Undead mook in my zone or an adjacent zone; the difficulty is equal to the number of hits the mook has remaining. This does work on mobs of nameless Undead mooks, but it does not work on significant NPC Undead that have consequences.
Turn Undead: When I am Divine and attack I may target all Undead in my zone or in an adjacent zone without having to split my shifts between them.
Turn Undead (-2): When I am Divine and attack I may target all Undead in my zone and all adjacent zones without having to split my shifts between them.
Option: Prepared Casting
Pathfinder Fate Accelerated allows free casting by default, but some players might
prefer their cleric to be a Prepared Caster; see the
magic options
guidelines for more information.
A common trope of the source material is the so-called "Vancian" magic concept,
wherein some kinds of spellcasters must "prepare" or "memorize" spells chosen from
their list of "known spells" and / or a "spellbook" ahead of time, and have a limited
number of slots determined by their "caster level" and rated in "spell levels".
It's all a bit cumbersome, adds a lot of bookkeeping and extra verbiage, and also
forces that type of character to guess what spells they'll need through the course
of the day and then puts pressure on them to hoard their memorized spells like a
miser. But, it does have the benefit of long familiarity, and some people enjoy
the extra mental challenge and tension it instills.
Pathfinder Fate Accelerated allows free-casting without spell per day or even hard
spell level limits. This is a fast and loose style of play, and it's weighted so
as to keep spellcasters roughly equivalent in potency to non-spellcasters. However,
if the GM and group want to include prepared casting semantics into their game,
it can be "turned on" for a given character at the cost of a Stunt.
The below Stunt is appropriate for Divine characters such as clerics, who must have Divine +2 or better to
qualify for it. Note that this allows a character with less than Divine
+3 to cast more than cantrips; the low number of uses and lack of free-casting compensates.
Prepared Caster (Divine)
Because of my devotion to my patron deity, each morning I may 'prepare'
a number of 'prayers' equal to ((Careful + Flashy) * Divine).
To prepare a prayer I roll 4dF against a Mediocre (+0) difficulty, adding a preparation
bonus equal to double my Divine bonus.
I temporarily gain a new personal Aspect corresponding to the prayer I prepared with
one invoke, and annotated with the margin of success.
Later during the day I may 'cast' a prepared prayer by invoking its Aspect as an
action and resolving the prayer using the previously rolled margin of success.
Using Spell Write-ups
If I am preparing a prayer from a write-up that indicates an Approach be combined
with Divine to cast the prayer, with language such as 'while Flashily Divine', I
ignore the requirement and use my prepared bonus instead.
If I am preparing a prayer from a write-up that states a particular difficulty level,
with language such as 'vs a Good (+3) difficulty)', the previously rolled margin
of success is applied against the stated difficulty when I 'cast' it; any remaining
shifts can be allocated per the
simple magic
It is possible for a prayer resolution to fail if the margin of success is insufficient
to the difficulty or if I am opposed successfully. I can spend a Fate point at this
time to add +2 shifts to the margin of success.
Unfortunately due to my focus on prepared casting, I cannot free cast anything other
than simple divine effects known as orisons.
NOTE: as Prepared Casting is handled as a Stunt and Fate Accelerated characters
are allowed to swap Stunts at milestones, it is technically possible for strange
shenanigans to come up. However, it is recommended that Prepared Casting Stunts
be anchored by a character's High Concept, and can thus only be taken or removed
when an appropriate High Concept is taken or changed. This equates to character
creation and major milestones, and avoids casual fluctuations.
Known Spells List
As a rule of thumb prepared casters start play knowing about twice as many spells
as they can cast per day. Thus a prepared caster than can prepare twelve (12) spells
per day would start play knowing around twentyfour (24) spells, give or take a couple.
However to avoid forcing a player to go through the chore of picking them all up
front, which is a bar to starting play, with the GM's permission a player can just
select enough spells to start the game and retroactively add more to the list of
known spells as they are thought up until they hit their limit.
Finally, prepared casters can learn more spells after play starts as they encounter
scrolls and spellbooks. How long it takes, whether a roll is involved, hand-waved
or played out...Pathfinder Fate Accelerated prefers to focus on narrative driven
play and doesn't take a stance on bookkeeping minutia where it can be avoided. Therefore
it is assumed to take some "off screen" time to learn new spells by default, but
the entire matter is left to the GM's discretion.
Some sample spells are provided, and players are also free to
come up with their own per GM's discretion.
Pros and Cons of Prepared Casting
There are some interesting permutations to the choice to play a prepared caster.
Prepared casters:
- Get a large bonus on their roll to prepare.
- Can apply spells that they are pretty sure are going to work to a situation, because
they already know how many shifts are available to the spell rather than having
to hope they succeed at a 4dF roll at the time of casting.
- Don't have to use create advantage actions when the "heat is on" to set up more
esoteric spells, offering better action economy.
- Get potentially far fewer spells per day than characters using the free-casting
model, but as the saying goes "enough is as good as a feast". Eventually a prepared
caster can cast a sufficient number of spells to get through a typical session of
- Excel if sessions are short as their limited number of spells is mitigated.
- Lag if sessions are longer with multiple encounters.
- Lag if the player guesses wrong about what will be useful, or runs out of spells
too soon, or hoards their spells so tightly they end up not doing anything.
Prepared Casting Example
For instance, Amarzedrin can prepare up to twelve (12)
spells per day. Each time he prepares a spell, he rolls 4dF and adds +8 (his Arcane
bonus, doubled). One morning he prepares Fireball (and eleven (11) other spells).
For the Fireball preparation he rolls ++-[] for a total of +9. Amarzedrin's player
writes down the personal Aspect "Prepared Fireball (+9) [ ]" on a scrap of paper.
Because it is useful to this example, it makes sense that later in the day Amarzedrin
is confronted by a couple of mobs of goblins (represented as mooks), damn the luck.
Deciding to not waste time and risk injury, Amarzedrin invokes Prepared Fireball.
The Prepared Fireball Aspect is removed from play as it has been expended, and the
nine (9) shifts from his margin of success are used to power a Fireball spell effect.
Amarzedrin splits his nine (9) shifts into a group of five (5) shifts and a group
of four (4) shifts and allocates each set of shifts as stress to the two goblin
mobs. The first group of goblins defends at +0 (they are not spellcasters, and have
no relevant skill-like abilities) and roll +--- for a total of -2. Amarzedrin succeeds
with style and may take a boost at the cost of a shift; but for purposes of the
example he opts to just blow them up.
The second group of goblins is actually a goblin pyromancer and his apprentice...of
course! They have a relevant Fire Magic skill-like ability at +3, and roll +++-
for a total of Superb (+5), and defend successfully. Looks like Amarzedrin has a
fight on his hands.