This document provides suggestions and insights into how to translate the ideas
of the Alchemist class from the source material into Pathfinder Fate Accelerated.
"Whether secreted away in a smoky basement laboratory or gleefully experimenting
in a well-respected school of magic, the alchemist is often regarded as being just
as unstable, unpredictable, and dangerous as the concoctions they brew.
While some creators of alchemical items content themselves with sedentary lives
as merchants, providing tindertwigs and smokesticks, the true alchemist answers
a deeper calling.
Rather than cast magic like a spellcaster, the alchemist captures their own magic
potential within liquids and extracts they create, infusing their chemicals with
virulent power to grant impressive skill with poisons, explosives, and all manner
of self-transformative magic."
Alchemists tend to be roguish, and thus the advice given in the
class translation document is also relevant to many alchemists and you might want
to skim that document for general ideas. This document concentrates on content of
specific interest to alchemists such as bombs, mutagens, kits, gadgets, and things like that.
It attempts to answer the question, where do they get such wonderful toys?
Starting Archetype Sets
Arcane +4
Arcane +3, Primal +1
Internal Alchemist
Arcane +2, Focused +2
Crafty Crafter
Arcane +2, Roguish +2
Combative +2, Arcane +1, Roguish +1
Roguish +3, Arcane +1
Alchemists make potions, elixirs, and similar concoctions
and invest magical effects into them.
Alchemical effects most often take the form of buffs (Potion of Giant's Strength!)
and utility effects (Potion of Invisibility!), but there is no restriction to enforce
that. If an effect can be made to make sense narratively, it is fair game.
Alchemy related abilities rely heavily on Stunts, and are covered in categorical
detail in the Stunt section.
Alchemists have a lot of flexibility when it comes to Archetypes.
Roguish is an excellent and very common choice for
alchemists, particularly those who function like gadgeteers or trapbusters.
Roguish allows an alchemist to present a generally
skilled and competent demeanor and also to serve as a "face" for an adventuring
Also, alchemists tend to be well-educated free thinkers with active minds and unbridled
curiosity, which leads them to pick up all manner of interesting knacks and knowledge.
Alchemist characters might find the following Stunt categories of interest:
The following Stunts might be of particular interest to an alchemist.
Prepared Caster (Alchemy)
While there are other ways to represent an alchemist in Pathfinder Fate Accelerated,
the most direct way to make a dedicated alchemist is to simply take the Prepared Caster (Alchemy) Stunt.
The Stunt offers good value for its Refresh equivalency due to the downside of turning
off free casting for a character that takes the Stunt, and allows a dedicated alchemist
to have a generous prepared item limit.
is a learned and erudite master of internal alchemy.
In addition to a comprehensive knowledge of alchemical substances, he is also a
skilled physicker and holds the secrets of transmogrification and rarefication of
corporeal forms.
He seeks the fabled Praxis Perstolian Philosophica, a tome detailing an ancient
system of philosophical alchemy nearly lost to the world.
Prepared Caster (Alchemy)
Because of my studies as a classically trained Alchemist, given time and opportunity
I may 'prepare' a number of potions, elixirs, salves and similar 'concoctions' equal
to ((Careful + Clever + Focused) * Arcane).
Unused concoctions remain until they get activated or destroyed and can be stockpiled.
These Aspects are portable; I may give them to others and they can be taken away
from me.
Making a concoction requires time, materials, and either a lab or a field kit; the
specifics are left to the GM's discretion, but simple potions might take minutes
while very powerful potions might take one or more hours.
If a strict economy is
being enforced in the campaign, it usually costs about half retail price to make
a concoction; GM's discretion applies.
Alchemical concoctions can be given, sold to, or stolen by others and
used by them. They are effectively a commodity.
However all of an alchemist's concoctions, including those under another character's
control, count against their preparation limit.
Alchemical Item Write-ups
A variety of write-ups for specific
alchemical items and
are available. Each usage of these kinds of alchemical items counts against an alchemist's
preparation limit.
Note that the provided write-ups are just examples, and not a restricted list of
allowed effects; an alchemist can make any sort of alchemical item the GM allows.
To prepare a concoction I roll 4dF and add (Focused + Arcane) against a Mediocre
(+0) difficulty; failure indicates a botched concoction and that 'slot' is wasted
for the day. I temporarily gain a new personal Aspect corresponding to the concoction
I prepared with one invoke, and annotated with the margin
of success.
Prepared concoctions are activated by invoking its Aspect as an action and resolving
the effect of the concoction using the previously rolled margin of success. It is
possible for a concoction resolution to fail if the margin of success is insufficient
to the difficulty or if opposed successfully. If I am the activator, I can spend
a Fate point at this time to add +2 shifts to the margin of success.
Unfortunately due to my focus on Alchemy, I cannot free cast spells.
or better to use.
Prepared Casting (Alchemy Dabbler)
A character that wants to use the prepared casting model Stunt without giving up
the ability to free cast spells can take a version of the
Prepared Casting (Alchemy) Stunt that offers a smaller prepared item
limit but without the free casting restriction.
A character with Arcane +1 or better can take the following Stunt, thus making themselves
an alchemist. At the GM's discretion, this model could be extended to Divine and / or Primal as
well with suitable name and "chrome" changes.
Prepared Caster (Alchemy Dabbler)
Because I am a capable dabbler in the esoteric science of Alchemy, given time and
opportunity I may 'prepare' a number of potions, elixirs, salves and similar 'concoctions'
equal to (Careful + Arcane).
Unused concoctions remain until they get activated or destroyed and can be stockpiled.
These Aspects are portable; I may give them to others and they can be taken away
from me.
Making a concoction requires time, materials, and either a lab or a field kit; the
specifics are left to the GM's discretion, but simple potions might take minutes
while very powerful potions might take one or more hours.
If a strict economy is being enforced in the campaign, it usually costs about half
retail price to make a concoction; GM's discretion applies.
Alchemical concoctions can be given, sold to, or stolen by others and
used by them. They are effectively a commodity.
However all of an alchemist's concoctions, including those under another character's
control, count against their preparation limit.
Alchemical Item Write-ups
A variety of write-ups for specific
alchemical items and
are available. Each usage of these kinds of alchemical items counts against an alchemist's
preparation limit.
Note that the provided write-ups are just examples, and not a restricted list of
allowed effects; an alchemist can make any sort of alchemical item the GM allows.
To prepare a concoction I roll 4dF and add Arcane against a Mediocre (+0) difficulty;
failure indicates a botched concoction and that 'slot' is wasted for the day. I
temporarily gain a new personal Aspect corresponding to the concoction I prepared
with one invoke, and annotated with the margin of success.
Prepared concoctions are activated by invoking its Aspect as an action and resolving
the effect of the concoction using the previously rolled margin of success. It is
possible for a concoction resolution to fail if the margin of success is insufficient
to the difficulty or if opposed successfully. If I am the activator, I can spend
a Fate point at this time to add +2 shifts to the margin of success.
or better to use.
Special Purpose Stunts
An ability that is thematically "alchemical" can be expressed as one or more Stunts
that define their own function.
Also, it may sometimes make sense to define such a Stunt in a way that it instead
interacts with a Archetype other than the character's primary spell casting Archetype,
thus expanding the breadth of the kind of effects the character can use.
is an enchantingly beautiful Jadwiga hailing from the land of Irrisen.
Older than she seems, Ruelga is a descendant of the legendary Baba Yaga, and heir
to ancient and somewhat primitive but dangerously insidious magics including the
ability to make various potions and poisons.
Theriaxis: Because I am a dedicated scholar who has mastered highly esoteric magical and medical lore, I am able to make and apply ointments, salves, nostrums, and elixirs that can heal and repair just about any form of illness, wound, infection, or impurity. While I am Carefully Arcane and I have access to my alchemical supplies, I may clear a Stress box or clear a Consequence by overcoming a difficulty equal to the numerical value of the stress box or Consequence. If I fail to overcome the difficulty of a Consequence I may not attempt to heal that same Consequence again. I may use this ability on others as well as myself if I am able to examine and treat them. I may use this ability (Focused + Arcane) times per day.
or better to use.
Potions, Poultices, Poisons: Because I know ancient lores from more primitive times, I am able to brew potions, poultices, and poisons that can harm and heal and work odd and subtle magics on those who imbide them. I can be Cleverly Arcane and make substances that replicate effects that are usually the province of Primal. At any given time I can have a number of substances brewed up and ready for use equal to my Arcane + Primal capability.
or better to use.
Restorative Elixir: Because of my alchemical studies I am able to create and then later use restorative elixirs.
When I am Carefully Focused I gain +3 to overcome vs a Superb (+5) difficulty.
If I am successful I remove all debilitating situational Aspects currently affecting
my health or normal functioning that have a difficulty to remove of Great (+4) or
less. This does not work on environmental Aspects, scene Aspects, or other situational
Aspects that affect me externally, it only works against situational Aspects that
affect me directly and personally such as poison, fatigue, some spells, curses,
and so forth.
Additionally, if I am successful, I may also clear one of my stress boxes or a Mild
To use this ability I must be able to access the elixir and drink its contents.
For a given session I can make and carry around a number of Restorative Elixirs
equal to my (Clever + Arcane). Other people can use my restorative elixirs, but
only gain +1 while Carefully Focused when using one of them. Restorative elixirs
given to others do count against my per-session limit.
or better to use.
Source Material
Pathfinder alchemists are less brewers of potions and more of an odd combination
of Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde crossed with a Mad Bomber. There is no need to take
that particular path in Pathfinder Fate Accelerated, but for those who want to adhere
to the source material such abilities can easily be handled by Stunts.
Chucking "bombs" or grenade-like weapons can be an effective and memorable way
for an alchemist to make their presense felt when things get ugly.
One way to approach alchemical bombs is to treat them as merely a way to inflict
stress on multiple targets.
It is also possible to define bombs that do other things, such as Sticky Bombs, or bombs that disrupt specific kinds
of opponents such as Holly Water Vials.
is an experienced globadier, dropping gas bombs and other alchemical devices to befuddle and harm his adversaries.
And when that doesn't get the job done, he's got a bunch of other alchemical tricks tucked away in various belt pouches and pockets.
Which is fortunate, since his penchant for snooping gets Olivin in over his head frequently.
Acid Bombs: Because of my alchemical studies I am able to create and then later throw alchemical acid bombs.
When I am Quickly Focused I gain +3 to attack a target within two (2) zones of me
by throwing an alchemical acid bomb at them.
If I am successful, the acid bomb shatters, splashing its contents upon my
target and inflicting damage as stress normally, but if I succeed with style, I
must reduce the stress to get a boost and the boost is upgraded to the situational
Aspect Acid Burn! which is attached to the target.
This Aspect is automatically invoked at the beginning of subsequent exchanges to
inflict two (2) stress to the target per invoke. This Aspect can be removed by overcoming
a Good (+3) difficulty.
For a given session I can carry around and use a number of acid bombs equal to my
(Clever + Arcane). Other people can use my acid bombs; they still count against
my per-session limit however.
or better to use.
Alchemical Bombs: Because of my alchemical studies I am able to create and then later throw alchemical bombs.
When I am Cleverly Focused I gain +1 to throw a bomb into my zone or an adjacent zone, generally against an Average (+1) difficulty.
If I am successful, my bomb explodes and inflicts a number of shifts of damage equal
to my (Careful + Arcane) against every target in the zone without splitting shifts
between them. This is non-discriminatory, and often causes collateral damage.
For a given session I can carry around and use a number of alchemical bombs equal to my (Clever + Arcane). Other people can not catalyze my bombs, they are only usable by me.
or better to use.
Gas Bombs: Because of my alchemical studies I am able to create and then later throw alchemical gas bombs.
When I am Carefully Focused I gain +3 to attack a target zone within two (2) zones of me
by throwing an alchemical gas bomb.
If I am successful the gas bomb shatters, releasing toxic fumes and applying the situational
Aspect Toxic Gas! to the zone with two free invokes.
This Aspect is automatically invoked now and at the beginning of subsequent exchanges to
inflict two (2) stress per invoke to every target within the affected zone that needs to breathe.
This Aspect can be removed by strong winds or focused air by overcoming a Good (+3) difficulty.
For a given session I can carry around and use a number of gas bombs equal to my
(Clever + Arcane). Other people can use my gas bombs; they still count against
my per-session limit however.
or better to use.
Holly Water Vials: Because I have learned a special alchemical recipe, I am able to make a mildly magical mixture containing holly water, garlic, powdered silver, and grave dust that causes harm to the undead. These vials can be thrown, with the liquid splashing out upon impact to inflict harm on an undead creature.
When I am Quickly Focused I gain +4 to attack an undead target within one (1) zone
of me.
If I am successful, the holly water vial shatters, splashing its contents upon my
target and inflicting damage as stress normally, but this damage
cannot be reduced by any innate ability of the target (other forms of
protection such as a magic item or a spell do apply).
For a given session I can carry around and use a number of holly water vials equal
to my (Clever + Arcane). Other people can use my holly water vials; they still count
against my per-session limit however.
or better to use.
Sticky Bombs: Because of my alchemical studies I am able to create and then later throw alchemical sticky bombs.
When I am Quickly Focused I gain +3 to create advantage against a target within
two (2) zones of me by throwing a sticky bomb at them.
If I am successful, the sticky bomb shatters, splashing its sticky contents upon
my target, attaching the situational Aspect Trapped By
Sticky Goo! to the target with three (3) invokes. While this Aspect is in play, the
target is rooted in their current zone and thus cannot move to another zone. This
Aspect can be removed by overcoming a Good (+4) difficulty, but each failed attempt
to overcome it expends an invoke.
This Aspect can be removed by overcoming a Good (+4) difficulty. However when it
is expended or removed a second situational Aspect, Sticky
Goo Residue!, is attached to the target with four (4) invokes. The second
Aspect prevents the target from moving more than one (1) zone per action, and they
cannot both move and attack. The second Aspect can be removed by overcoming a Superb
(+6) difficulty, but each failed attempt to overcome it expends an invoke.
Note that this ability can cause flying targets to plummet to the ground if they use winged flight.
For a given session I can carry around and use a number of sticky bombs equal
to my (Clever + Arcane). Other people can use my sticky bombs; they still count
against my per-session limit however.
or better to use.
While they may also grant secondary benefits, the fundamental nature of mutagen
Stunts is to allow a character to temporarily move their Approaches and / or Archetype
bonuses around to a different disposition suited to an alternate physical form.
This can range from "hulking out", to taking on the forms and natural abilities
of animals, or something more unusual.
As this kind of ability is unusually powerful and offers a tremendous amount of
flexibility to a single character, it is usually appropriate for this sort of Stunt
to cost a Fate point or have scene or session limits. However, the higher the Refresh
equivalency of a Stunt the less restricted it needs to be.
Ultimately, GM's discretion applies heavily to this sort of ability.
Mutagen (Bruteform): Because I have mastered strange transmogrifying magics I can concoct substances that allow me to change my own physical structure and capacity, becoming much larger and stronger but at the cost of greatly diminished intellgence. I may spend a Fate point to temporarily move all of my Approach bonuses to Forceful (leaving all of my other Approaches at +0), and to move all of my Archetype bonuses to Focused (leaving all of my other Archetypes at +0). I also change my Trouble to 'Mutagenic Brute'. This lasts for an entire scene unless I spend another Fate point to change back to normal.
or better to use.
Mutagen (Beastshape; -2)
Because I have mastered strange transmogrifying magics I can concoct substances
that allow me to change my own physical structure and capacity, taking on the forms
of animals. I may spend a Fate point to temporarily assume an animal form. My trappings
magically change with me and are unavailable until I return to my normal form.
When I change forms I move all of my Approach bonuses to a disposition relevant
to the animal form I am assuming, and I move all of my Archetype bonuses to Focused
(leaving all of my other Archetypes at +0). This lasts for an entire scene unless
I choose to return to normal, which ends the effect. Additionally, I may spend another
Fate point to assume a different animal's form, and I do not have to first change
back to normal.
When I change forms I gain an additional Aspect named for the animal form I have
assumed which I can invoke when my current animal form is relevant, and which can
be compelled whenever my animal form or lack of humanoid anatomy might inconvenience
If the animal form I change into has natural weapons I may use Focused in place
of Combatives while in a physical conflict.
If the animal form I change into has an unusual form of movement, such as the flight
of a bird, the running of a wolf, or the swimming of a shark then I gain that mode
of movement while I am in that form as well, at the GM's discretion.
If the animal form I change into has an unusual or extra keen sense, such as the
low light vision of a cat, the olfactory senses of a canine, or the echolocation
of a bat then I gain that sense while I am in that form as well, at the GM's discretion.
or better to use.
Mutagen (Elementalform, -2): Because I have mastered strange transmogrifying magics I can concoct substances that allow me to change my own physical structure and capacity. I may spend two (2) Fate points to temporarily change into an Elemental.
When I activate this effect I must choose Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. For the duration
of the effect I use the Large Elemental write-up for the
Elemental type
I have chosen instead of my own character write-up.
My transformation lasts for an entire scene but I may change back to my normal form
at any time, ending the effect.
My trappings change with me and are inaccessible for the duration of the effect.
or better to use.