Alertness: Because I am unusually alert and perceptive I gain +2 while Focused to notice things.
Amphibious Swimmer: Because I am amphibious, I may add my Primal capability bonus when I am Focused while swimming. Additionally, while swimming underwater I can hold my breath for an entire scene before having to come up for air.
Blind Sense: Because I have unusual senses that do not rely upon sight I can sense invisibile
things that are near me; I gain +2 while Focused to overcome any Aspect related
to invisibility or a similar effect within my zone or an adjacent zone.
Danger Sense: Because I am unusually alert and perceptive I gain +3 while Quickly Focused to notice things that are dangerous, fast moving, or pose an imminent threat to my safety.
Darkvision: Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.
Fast Swimmer: Because I am a fast swimmer, I may move an extra zone for free when swimming and this does not prevent me from attacking. Alternately, if I do nothing but move while swimming I may use this ability to move two (2) extra zones.
Naturally Sneaky: Because I am innately good at being sneaky, I may use Focused instead of Roguish or Primal when Sneakily attempting to avoid notice. However, I suffer a -1 penalty when I do so.
Naturally Sneaky (-2): Because I am innately good at being sneaky, I may use Focused instead of Roguish or Primal when Sneakily attempting to avoid notice.
Natural Weapons: Because I have natural weapons and am skilled in their use, I may use Focused instead of Combative when my natural weapons are relevant. In situations where it matters I can choose to be treated as attacking barehanded or attacking with a weapon, whichever benefits me more in the situation. Finally, though I can be inconvenienced and my natural weapons can be fouled or restrained, being disarmed is generally off the table for me.
Plant Traits: Because of my verdant nature, I am immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms), paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stun. However I take +1 shift of stress from attacks that rely on cold, fire, acid, or are described as being especially effective vs plant life.
Trapfinder: Because I have an almost preternatural knack for noticing and avoiding traps, I am rarely surprised by a trap. I gain +1 on any attempt to notice, defend against, or overcome a trap.
Unusual Senses: Because I a have unusual senses I gain +1 while Focused to notice things, and I can sense things that are not detectable by normal senses.
Water Breather: Because I am able to breath underwater and I am comfortable when in aquatic environments, I am able to breath underwater indefinitely even if unconscious and I gain +1 to create advantage and overcome while in the water.