Magical Spell Trapped In A Stick, Faintly Magical (Transmutation)
Benefit: +1 to cast Flying.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Create advantage while Quickly Arcane vs a Fair (+2) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called At-Will Flight for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active I can fly at will. While flying I am unaffected by obstacles that I can reasonably fly over, and I can hover out of easy reach of the ground thus frustrating melee attackers. Additionally when moving one or more (1+) zones I may move one (1) additional zone. I may invoke this Aspect to move one (1) additional zone or to gain a +2 bonus to overcome obstacles to my movement.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic