Some of the best (and in many cases, most unusual) creatures are taken directly from the myths and legends of various historical cultures.
fierce predators that patrol a wide area in search of fresh meat. Manticores are unlikely looking creatures with vaguely humanoid lionish heads, the body of a lion, the wings of a dragon, and a flexible tail that ends in long sharp spikes which can be hurled through the air with great force. A typical manticore is about ten feet long and weighs about a thousand pounds. Some have more human-like heads, usually with beards. Despite their bulk manticores can fly. Though they are not very nimble in the air, manticores are able to hover upright and bring their spike-launching tails into play against opponents in front of or below them. They are also capable of surprisingly dangerous fly by attacks. Manticores are sentient (though their thought processes are not 'human', obviously), capable of basic speech, and can be bargained with. A manticore that has given its word on something will generally honor its agreement, but be wary as they tend to take a narrow interpretation of what they explicitly agreed to; don't make assumptions.
legendary serpents of vicious hunger and amazing regenerative powers, renowned for their ability to sprout two new heads when one is decapitated. Resembling a collection of snapping serpents atop a thick, coiling lower body that can run up to twenty feet long, a Pyrohydra is an imposing and dangerous menace, lairing in the arid and volcanic areas of the world and devouring any creature smaller than itself.