Because of my studies as a classically trained arcanist, each morning I may 'prepare'
a number of 'spells' equal to ((Careful + Clever) * Arcane).
To prepare a spell I roll 4dF against a Mediocre (+0) difficulty, adding a preparation
bonus equal to double my Arcane bonus.
I temporarily gain a new personal Aspect corresponding to the spell I prepared with
one invoke, and annotated with the margin of success.
Later during the day I may 'cast' a prepared spell by invoking its Aspect as an
action and resolving the spell using the previously rolled margin of success.
Using Spell Write-ups
If I am preparing a spell from a write-up that indicates an Approach be combined
with Arcane to cast the spell, with language such as 'while Cleverly Arcane', I
ignore the requirement and use my prepared bonus instead.
If I am preparing a spell from a write-up that states a particular difficulty level,
with language such as 'vs a Good (+3) difficulty)', the previously rolled margin
of success is applied against the stated difficulty when I 'cast' it; any remaining
shifts can be allocated per the
simple magic
It is possible for a spell resolution to fail if the margin of success is insufficient
to the difficulty or if I am opposed successfully. I can spend a Fate point at this
time to add +2 shifts to the margin of success.
Unfortunately due to my focus on prepared casting, I cannot free cast anything other
than simple arcane spells known as cantrips.