Hits: [1][1]
Create Advantage while Forcefully Arcane vs an Epic (+7) difficulty to attach the spell Aspect Forcewall to a zone up to two zones away to summon a Forcewall construct and cause it to attempt to bar all movement and block all physical attacks and most magical attacks across it. All attacks attempted across the wall attack the wall instead. See the Forcewall servitor profile for details.
Transparent Magical Wall, Force, Zone, Immobile
Good At: Absorbing damage; the Forcewall has 20 hits by default, and when cast extra successes can be used to add extra hit boxes at a 1:1 ratio.
Limitation: An immobile wall anchored to its zone that takes no actions
Hits: [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]
Magical Construct: Reduce stress caused by all physical and magical damage inflicted against the wall by four (4) unless the stress is caused by something involving arcane force.
A Forcewall bars passage, even against most magical effects and is even effective
against incorporeal things; however it does not bar teleportation. All attacks made
'through' the Forcewall are blocked by and applied to the Forcewall. Do not roll
to actively defend against physical attacks; instead just reduce damage as indicated
in the write-up.