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Veteran Of Many Wars (-2): Because I have engaged in so much combat, I gain +1 when I am Combative and attack or defend.

Dwarven Resilience: Because I am attuned to my Dwarven nature, once per session if I would take a Consequence I may instead spend a Fate point.

Armorine: Because I am trained as a Dwarven Armorine, if I get a boost when I am Carefully Combative while attacking I may use it to create the situational Aspect Defensive Posture on myself with two (2) invokes.

Find Weakness: Because I am an engineer, smith, and a veteran of countless battles, I gain +3 while Carefully Focused to create the situational Aspect Design Flaw on an obstruction or an opponent that relies upon armor to protect themselves.

18 gp, 12 sp, 33 cp, battle ax, dagger, well-worn suit of heavy Dwarven plate and leather. Heavy spiked shield gauntlet, barbed spear, small net, toolkit and well-provisioned adventurers kit.