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Darkvision: Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.

Evil Eye: Because I can hex others with the power of the Evil Eye, I gain +2 while Arcanely creating advantage to attach the spell Aspect The Eye Is Upon You to a person or creature in my zone that I can see. This spell Aspect lasts until it has no more invokes remaining or it is overcome. Anyone in the scene may invoke this Aspect to penalize or interfere with the target's actions.

Hedge Arcanist: Because I practice a more ancient form of Arcane magic that remains connected to the natural world, while Arcane I can cast spells that replicate effects that are usually the province of Primal. Further, I may also add Primal as a bonus to my roll when I do so.

This stunt requires Primal +1 or better to use.

Prepared Caster (Alchemy Dabbler)

Because I am a capable dabbler in the esoteric science of Alchemy, given time and opportunity I may 'prepare' a number of potions, elixirs, salves and similar 'concoctions' equal to (Careful + Arcane).

Unused concoctions remain until they get activated or destroyed and can be stockpiled. These Aspects are portable; I may give them to others and they can be taken away from me.

Making a concoction requires time, materials, and either a lab or a field kit; the specifics are left to the GM's discretion, but simple potions might take minutes while very powerful potions might take one or more hours.

If a strict economy is being enforced in the campaign, it usually costs about half retail price to make a concoction; GM's discretion applies.


Alchemical concoctions can be given, sold to, or stolen by others and used by them. They are effectively a commodity.

However all of an alchemist's concoctions, including those under another character's control, count against their preparation limit.

Alchemical Item Write-ups

A variety of write-ups for specific alchemical items and potions are available. Each usage of these kinds of alchemical items counts against an alchemist's preparation limit.

Note that the provided write-ups are just examples, and not a restricted list of allowed effects; an alchemist can make any sort of alchemical item the GM allows.

To prepare a concoction I roll 4dF and add Arcane against a Mediocre (+0) difficulty; failure indicates a botched concoction and that 'slot' is wasted for the day. I temporarily gain a new personal Aspect corresponding to the concoction I prepared with one invoke, and annotated with the margin of success.

Prepared concoctions are activated by invoking its Aspect as an action and resolving the effect of the concoction using the previously rolled margin of success. It is possible for a concoction resolution to fail if the margin of success is insufficient to the difficulty or if opposed successfully. If I am the activator, I can spend a Fate point at this time to add +2 shifts to the margin of success.

This stunt requires Arcane +1 or better to use.

At my current level of skill I can make up to four (4) alchemical concoctions per day.

Amulet Of Natural Armor: Because I have an Amulet of Natural Armor, I may add +1 to defend against physical attacks.

Witch's Familiar: Because I have a raven familiar I am always accompanied by a particularly smart and noble looking talking raven, Hosco. However, Hosco is the repository of all my known spells and if he is killed I cannot cast arcane spells until I get a replacement familiar.

Regal Raven, Possesed Of Mystic Wisdom

Good At: Noticing Things (+1)

Bad At: Manual Dexterity (-2), Indoors (-2)

Stress [1][2]

Mild (2)

Moderate (4)

Spell Proxy: Maroux can treat targets in the zone that I am in as if they were in her zone for purposes of spells and spell-like abilities that only affect targets in the caster's zone.

Note: though presented as an opponent, Maroux is equivalent to a starting character and could be used as a pregenerated player character.

Maroux has a very nice sablewood quarterstaff with brassy end caps, but it is mostly for show. If she is forced to use it she can call upon her orcish heritage to avoid being completely inept with it, but it is definitely an option of last resort.

In her hut Maroux has four rare codices on the flora and fauna of Varisia worth around 400 gp total, and has mixed coinage adding up to over 300 gp hidden in her mattress. She also has a wide variety of natural material components and substances...many not labeled and potentially dangerous to handle...and a medium sized black iron cauldron with a long stiring ladle.

Potion In A Flask, Faintly Magical (Healing)

Benefit: A character may drink the potion as an action to 'cast' the spell Heal on themselves. Treat this as if the overcome attempt succeeded with four (4) shifts of effect.

Uses: [1][1][1][1][1][1]

Each dose is kept in a seperate flask.

Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.

Divine Spell (Healing)

While Carefully Divine I may attempt to clear a specific stress box or consequence by overcoming a difficulty equal to the numerical value of the stress box or Consequence.

Potion In A Flask, Faintly Magical (Healing)

Benefit: A character may drink the potion as an action to 'cast' the spell Lesser Restoration on themselves. Treat this as if the overcome attempt succeeded.

Uses: [1][1]

Each dose is kept in a seperate flask.

Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.

Divine Spell (Healing)

Overcome while Carefully Divine vs a Great (+4) difficulty to remove all debilitating situational Aspects currently affecting the target's health or normal functioning that have a difficulty to remove of Good (+3) or less. This does not work on environmental Aspects, scene Aspects, or other situational Aspects that affect the target externally, it only works against situational Aspects that affect them directly and personally such as poison, fatigue, curses, and so forth.