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Filthy Fighting: Because I am really good at fighting really dirty, when I am Sneakily Roguish and attack I may add Combative and Focused as a bonus to my roll.

Disease Ridden (-2): Because I am riddled with diseases and parasites, those who come into physical contact with me have a chance to become infected. If someone who has made physical contact with me takes a Moderate consequence in the same scene, I can force it to be called Got The Shakes! or Filth Fever!. If someone who has made physical contact with me takes a Severe consequence in the same scene, I can force it to be called Red Ache! or Leprosy!. The same person can only be affected by this ability once per scene.

Amulet Of Natural Armor: Because I have an Amulet of Natural Armor, I may add +1 to defend against physical attacks.

Rusty dagger and flea ridden bedraggled clothing. In my 'treasure chest' amongst a variety of random junk a pearl worth 100 gp hides, but lying on top is a fancy black masterwork hand crossbow I recently acquired as a bribe from the Tower Girls.