Sample Psion:
Ssarsa |
Psions (SIGH-ons) are practitioners of Psionics
(SIGH-ON-IX) and use their own internal
energies and mental mastery over their own
minds, bodies, and / or the world around
them to will powerful effects into being |
There are five Disciplines of Psionic Powers.
They are Psychometabolism, Psychoportation,
Telepathy, Psychokinesis,
and Clairsentience. There
is also a sixth category called Metapsionics
containing Powers that require the combination
of two or more of these five Disciplines. |
The ability to use Powers of the various
Disciplines is represented by separate Power
Skills for each of the basic Disciplines,
which is explained in more detail later.
Some Psions are generalists, having the
Power Skill for each Discipline, and learn
Powers from each of the Disciplines without
showing preference to any of them over the
However many Psions learn the majority of
their Powers from a single Discipline, and
some only know one Discipline. Such specialized
Psions are often referred to by their chosen
focus Discipline as indicated by the adjoining
chart. |
Psychometabolicist |
Phenom |
Psychoporter |
Farstepper |
Telepath |
Mentalist |
Psychokinetic |
Psiurge |
Clairsentient |
Esper |
EXAMPLE: Yoni is a Psionicist with
a flair for Telepathic Powers. While he
also has a few Psychoportation and Psychokinetic
abilities, the bulk of his Powers are Telepathic
in nature. Other Psions might chose
to refer to him as a Telepath or Mentalist,
because that is his most noticeable ability. |
Focus |
Psions focus on developing their Powers
and increasing their capacity to keep multiple
Powers active simultaneously. The hallmark
of a Psion is flexibility and adaptability,
not raw power. |
Psions start off capable and are almost
infinitely customizable to suit individual
player's tastes. However they tend to progress
horizontally rather than vertically, which
is to say Psions tend to gain more abilities
of roughly the same potency rather than
scaling up into more powerful abilities.
There are no restrictions on how many Powers
a Psion can have other than how many they
can afford with Character Points. |
Means to Power |
Psions have the ability to use various
Psionic Powers, which they employ
for a variety of purposes and endeavors. |
It is typical for Psions to take a Endurance
Reserve for their Psionic Powers, and run
their Powers off of this Reserve. |
By default the Recovery of the Endurance
Reserve is assumed to function normally,
which is to say each Post Segment 12 Recovery.
However to prevent Psions from being able
to use their Powers in a typical combat
without exercising some discretion, the
REC of the Endurance Reserve is limited
to no more than 1/10th of the Reserve. Thus
a Psion with a reserve of 100 END could
have no more than 10 REC on their Reserve.
This means it will always take two minutes
of inactivity to fully recharge a Psion's
Reserve. |
Endurance Reserve (10 END, 1 REC) |
Real Cost: 2 Character Points per increment |
All Psions have a Multipower Pool for Psionic
Powers. As described in the Psionic System
document under
Power Strata there are limits on
the Active Points a Psion can have in their
Psionic Powers, but there are no limits
on the size of a Psion's Multipower Reserve;
generally a Psion will need to have a Multipower
with a Reserve much larger than the Active
Points of their slots so that they can run
multiple slots simultaneously. |
Psionic Multipower Pools must take a -1/4
Limitation "Must have a Required Discipline
Skill Roll", and each Psionic Power
in the Multipower must take the Required
Skill Roll Limitation with the Discipline
Power Skill appropriate to that Power. The
various configuration options of RSR can
be employed, but the total value of the
RSR limitation of each Power must be at
least -1/4.
All Psionic Powers taken in a Psion's Multipower
Pool must be Ultra Slots. |
Multipower, 1 point reserve (1 Active
Points); all slots Require An Appropriate
Psionic Skill Roll (Variable RSR; -1/4) |
Real Cost: .8 Character Point per 1 point
of Reserve |
Many Psions that have a Psionic Strength
Endurance Reserve also apply the "Power
Can Draw END from Character or END Reserve
(+1/4)" Advantage to their Multipower
Reserve, which permits all Powers in the
Multipower to use END from both the Endurance
Reserve and their own personal END. |
Multipower, 1 point reserve, all
slots Power Can Draw END from Character
or END Reserve (+1/4) (1.5 Active Points);
all slots Require An Appropriate Psionic
Skill Roll (Variable RSR; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 1 Character Point per 1 point
of Reserve |
A Psion can represent full mastery of a
particular Psionic Power by buying it outside
of their Multipower, paying the full Real
Cost of the ability. Such "mastered"
abilities do not require the Required Skill
Roll Limitation to use, though the lack
of it will increase the Real Cost of the
Power. This is useful for smaller Powers
that a Psion wants to have constantly active,
or Powers that must be absolutely reliable.
However, such Powers can also represent
one or more Wild Talents that a Psion was
born with. |
Learning and creating new Powers is relatively
easy for Psions. New Powers can be chosen
for a Psion from an existing list, such
as those provided in the
Sample Psionic Powers document,
or that the GM has created, or created from
scratch. |
Newly created Powers must fit into a Discipline
(or in the case of a Metapsionics Powers
two or more Disciplines), must comply with
all of the guidelines set forth for
Psionic Powers Design, and must
be approved by the GM. Other than those
basic restrictions, an individual Psion
can make whatever custom Power they want.
Due to this flexibility, Psions tend to
be extremely distinctive. |
To gain a new Power a Psion first must have
enough Character Points to pay for the Power
they intend to learn or create. Assuming
that is the case, then in game the Psion
simply needs to meditate and focus (essentially
thinking without significant disturbance
or strenuous action) for five Minutes per
Active Point in the Power they are attempting
to learn.
At the end of this period the Psion needs
to make a successful Skill Roll with the
appropriate Discipline Skill for the Power
they are learning (or in the case of a Metapsionics
Power all of the Discipline Skills applicable
to it) at a penalty of -1/10 Active Points
in the Power.
This penalty may be reduced to -1/20 Active
Points instead if twice as much time is
spent in meditation.
If any required Discipline Skill rolls are
failed the Psion failed to comprehend the
Power correctly and may not learn it at
that time, but may try again later if they
increase the applicable Discipline Skill
Rolls for that Power. If all required Discipline
Skill rolls are made the Psion has successfully
comprehended the Power and the ability is
added to the Character (and must be paid
for in Character Points).
If a Psion also has the Meditation Skill,
they may use it as a Complementary Skill
for their Discipline Skill Roll when learning
and creating new Powers. The Meditation
Skill Roll is made without penalty if the
Psion is attempting to Meditate in a conducive
environment. However if the Psion's environment
is distracting or unsettled or otherwise
not conducive to Meditation then appropriate
penalties should be imposed by the GM. |
Power Skill: Meditation (EGO) |
Real Cost: 3 points |
Psionic Powers are grouped into six Disciplines.
Each Discipline concerns itself with distinct
applications of Psionic Power; with a focus
on the end result rather than the means
and the Disciplines which a particular Psion
is adept with will determine their capabilities,
and what roles they can most ably fill within
a group dynamic or when working solo. |
Included for each Discipline is an associated
ability that is pertinent or useful for
Psions that are skilled in that Discipline.
These associated abilities are intended
to be purchased directly by a Psion outside
of any Power Frameworks. These associated
abilities are purely optional. |
Psychometabolism is the Psionic pursuit
of Mind over Body. By means of this Discipline
a Psion develops incredible physical might,
harnessing their natural capabilities to
their maximum human limits, and with advanced
techniques far exceeding them.
Psions that know many Psychometabolic Powers
are the most physically powerful of all
Psionicists, capable of astounding displays
of athletic feats as well as more outr accomplishments
such as secreting acid from their hands
or changing into something else.
A Psion that wants to be able to have such
abilities should purchase the following
Power Skill. |
Power Skill: Psychometabolism (CON) |
Real Cost: 3 points |
Many Psions that have achieved mastery of
Psychometabolism have such minute control
over their body that they repair damage
at a phenomenal rate. |
Fast Healing: Regenerate 1 BODY/Turn |
Tough: +1 BODY |
Real Cost: 9 points |
Psychoportation is the Psionic pursuit of
bending space and time, this Discipline
allows Psionicists to stride the very Planes
of Reality, step across the globe with a
thought, and seem to be many places at once.
Psions that know many Psychoportation Powers
are the most elusive and mobile of Psions,
and are able to accomplish many seemingly
impossible things via their ability to overcome
the boundaries of location and distance,
and to manipulate dimensional forces. |
A Psion that wants to be able to have such
abilities should purchase the following
Power Skill. |
Power Skill: Psychoportation (INT) |
Real Cost: 3 points |
Many Psions that have achieved mastery of
Psychoportation tend to be clever, and often
have an innate sense of three dimensional
space which grants them excellent reflexes. |
Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act
first with All Actions |
Distance Sense: Absolute Range Sense |
Orientation: Bump Of Direction |
Real Cost: 9 points |
Psychokinesis is the Psionic pursuit of
Mind over Matter. This Discipline allows
Psions to wreak terrible havoc and damage
upon their environment, reconstruct items
at the molecular level, cause items to burst
into flames, and an endless variation of
other effects.
Psions that know many Psychokinetic Powers
are extremely dangerous and offensively
capable individuals, able to enforce their
will upon the world around them in frightening
and effective ways. |
A Psion that wants to be able to have such
abilities should purchase the following
Power Skill. |
Power Skill: Psychokinesis (EGO) |
Real Cost: 3 points |
Many Psions that have achieved mastery of
Psychokinesis tend to be extremely forceful
in their mindset, used to getting their
own way. Many become so good at wielding
their will that they reflexively use their
minds for even mundane tasks of manual effort. |
Far Touch: Stretching 2", Does
Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4), Invisible
Power Effects (Sight Group, Hearing Group;
+3/4) (20 Active Points); No Stretching
Damage (-1/2), Always Direct (-1/4), No
Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), Limited Body
Parts (Extra Limb Only -1/2), Concentration
1/2 DCV (-1/4) (Real Cost: 7)
Far Touch Manipulation: Extra Limbs,
Invisible Power Effects (Sight Group, Hearing
Group; +3/4) (9 Active Points); 1 Limb (-2),
Linked to Stretching (-1/2) (Real Cost:
2) |
Real Cost: 9 points [Costs 2 END per Phase] |
The Psionic gift most feared by non-Psionics,
this is the Discipline that allows a Psionicist
to peel away a person's inner thoughts like
layers from an onion, probing hidden secrets
and memories like a book, inserting illusions
directly into another's mind, and even bending
the wills of others. |
Psions that know many Telepathic Powers
tend to be subtle, and as many of their
arts take time to work best most develop
patience, timing their actions for best
effect. Dedicated Telepaths often have incredibly
powerful wills, capable of absurd feats
of willpower. |
A Psion that wants to be able to have such
abilities should purchase the following
Power Skill. |
Power Skill: Telepathy (EGO) |
Real Cost: 3 points |
Many Psions that have achieved mastery of
Telepathy are able to find and establish
contact with the minds of people far distant. |
Scan: Mind Scan 6d6 (30 Active Points);
Concentration 0 DCV, Must Concentrate throughout
use of Constant Power (-1), Extra Time 1
Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate
Constant or Persistent Power (-1/2), Character
May Take No Other Actions (-1/4), Stops
Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2)
Real Cost: 9 points [Costs 3 END per use] |
The Psionic gift of extra sensory perception.
Masters of this Discipline have little effect
on the material world but often possess
phenomenal awareness, with some practitioners
even able to peer into the future
itself. Very little escapes the attention
of a Clairsentient, and their shrewd perception
has upset the schemes of many a foe. |
Psions that know many Clairsentience Powers
tend to be extremely alert, knowledgeable,
and aware of a vast amount of information
that can often be quite unsettling to opponents
or those that seek to gain advantage over
them. Forewarned is forearmed, after all. |
A Psion that wants to be able to have such
abilities should purchase the following
Power Skill. |
Power Skill: Clairsentience (INT) |
Real Cost: 3 points |
Many Psions that have achieved mastery of
Clairsentience are so perceptive, alert,
and aware of likely events that they are
extremely difficult to hit squarely. |
I Knew You Were Going To Do That:
+4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Activation
Roll 13-, Jammed (-1 1/4) |
Real Cost: 9 points |
The most difficult to comprehend Discipline,
Metapsionics is a mlange of the other five
Disciplines, with each Power combining elements
of two or more Disciplines.
Metapsionics is an advanced art form, available
only to Psions that have achieved mastery
of two or more Disciplines. Thus as a Campaign
Groundrule to learn a Metapsionic Power
a Psionicists must have at least a 15- Roll
for all of the Disciplines Skills required
by that Psionic Power. A GM may at their
discretion remove this restriction. |
EXAMPLE: Athan is a skilled Psion
who is particularly good at Psychometabolism.
Athan wants to develop a Power that would
allow him to absorb the energy from fires,
lightning, magical forces, and the like,
and then use the force absorbed to harden
his skin to make it even more resistant
to subsequent Energy.
Energy Sponge: Absorption 6d6
(energy, Energy Resilience ED) (30 Active
Points); Requires A Psychokinesis Skill
Roll (-1/2), Costs END (Only Costs END to
Activate; -1/4) (uses END Reserve) (Real
Cost: 17) plus
Energy Resilience: Armor (0
PD/15 ED) (23 Active Points); Linked (Energy
Sponge; -1/2), Only up to Amount Absorbed
(-1/2), Requires A Psychometabolic Skill
Roll (-1/2), Costs END (Only Costs END to
Activate; -1/4) (uses END Reserve) (Real
Cost: 8) |
Real Cost: 25 points |
This Power would have elements of both Psychokinesis
and Psychometabolism as it involves
manipulation of both Energy and of the Psion's
body and thus is a Metapsionic Power;
Athan must have both Power Skill: Psychometabolic
15- and Power Skill: Psychokinesis 15- to
learn and use it. |